Family love is the most complex and selfless emotion in the world. After all, romantic relationships can be dissolved and friendships can be severed. But the connection between blood can never be severed. Generally speaking, the elderly will have relatives across generations. Alt

2024/06/3014:42:32 baby 1058

Family love is the most complex and selfless emotion in the world. After all, romantic relationships can be dissolved and friendships can be severed. But the connection between blood can never be severed. Generally speaking, the elderly will kiss from generation to generation. Although they will be very worried and concerned about their children, they will love them even more when they meet their grandchildren.

Moreover, some parents who work in other places all year round will leave their children to their grandparents to raise them, so that their children can enjoy a more complete childhood as much as possible. Because of this, children will be even more sad when their grandparents who raised them pass away. Some children, even if they have not yet reached the age of governor, will feel that they are disconnected from their relatives, and they will be extremely sad. .

Family love is the most complex and selfless emotion in the world. After all, romantic relationships can be dissolved and friendships can be severed. But the connection between blood can never be severed. Generally speaking, the elderly will have relatives across generations. Alt - DayDayNews

"The little girl's grandma has passed away for more than half a year. Although the little girl knew the truth when she got home, she still asked "where is grandma" with a cry, and said "I miss grandma" which made everyone feel sad."

Entering July and August Later, many parents working in the city would send their children back to their hometown to spend the summer vacation in the countryside. On the one hand, this allows the children to feel the breath of nature, and on the other hand, it also allows the children to spend more time with their grandparents. However, when the little girl returned home, she found that her grandma, who used to love her very much, was nowhere to be found. It turned out that the little girl’s grandmother had passed away more than half a year ago.

Perhaps the little girl has been told by her parents about her grandma’s death, but she still keeps asking “Where is my grandma?” in an attempt to find the old man who cared about her very much in the past. Even after asking for a long time, there was no sign of grandma, and her tone was already crying. After suddenly realizing that she would never see her grandma again, the little girl lowered her head, wrinkled her face, and choked with tears in her eyes, "I miss my grandma."

Family love is the most complex and selfless emotion in the world. After all, romantic relationships can be dissolved and friendships can be severed. But the connection between blood can never be severed. Generally speaking, the elderly will have relatives across generations. Alt - DayDayNews

Seeing his granddaughter like this, the grandfather who had been silently beside him finally reached out and took his granddaughter into his arms. The grandfather's hands are full of veins, and he and his wife have experienced hardships for most of their lives. Now that his wife has left him, he seems to have no more sadness, but in fact he is no less sad than his granddaughter.

After seeing his granddaughter crying, the grandfather finally couldn't bear it anymore. He stretched out a hand to pull his granddaughter over and hugged him into his arms. The grandfather's wrinkled face showed a look of grief. By comforting his little granddaughter, he also missed his deceased wife.

Grandma will never come back after her death, but looking at the granddaughter she loved so much in the past, grandpa seems to be able to see people's feelings and draw the strength to continue to be strong from his granddaughter.

Family love is the most complex and selfless emotion in the world. After all, romantic relationships can be dissolved and friendships can be severed. But the connection between blood can never be severed. Generally speaking, the elderly will have relatives across generations. Alt - DayDayNews

Author’s point of view:

Birth, old age, illness and death are areas that cannot be shaken or changed no matter how advanced human technology is. Many times, we seem to be very indifferent to the death of our loved ones, but in fact, the grief is deep in our hearts and not on the surface. This sadness overwhelms us only when we realize again, through the details of our daily lives, that the people we care about are never coming back.

The best way to resolve this kind of emotion is to live a good life, because living a better life can not only change one's mental outlook, but also make the deceased relatives feel happy. This person has passed away, what we have to do is to continue to look forward, instead of being trapped in memories and unable to escape.

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