# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina

2024/07/0207:15:33 baby 1227

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

Pregnant women drinking crucian carp soup has certain benefits for the baby's brain development. Pregnant women drinking crucian carp soup has the effect of promoting lactation. The preparation of fish soup is very simple. Pregnant women are also suitable to eat some relatively light and nutritious food, so it is not suitable to add a lot of seasonings. Now I would like to share with you a simple and delicious crucian carp soup. After learning this method, you can also use other fish instead.

Crucian carp in milk soup

(1) Quality requirements

The soup is milky white, thick, fresh and mellow, and the crucian carp is fresh and tender, with contrasting red and green colors.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

(2) Ingredients

Two crucian carps (about 1 jin)

Bamboo shoot slices 25 grams

3 slices of cooked ham

A few bean sprouts

1 ginger slice

1 green onion knot

Rice wine 15 grams

Lard 50 grams

MSG 15 Gram

white soup 500 grams

(3) Preliminary processing

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

1) Use a knife to draw a herringbone pattern on the back of the fish every 3 minutes wide.

2) Put the fish into a pot of boiling water and blanch it, take it out, and scald off the blood and mucus on the skin and head to remove the fishy smell.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

Cook in the cooking wine

(4) Cooking method

Place a wok on a high fire and heat it. Add 25 grams of clear lard after oiling the pan, heat until it is 70% hot, add onion and ginger to bring out the fragrance, push in the crucian carp and fry briefly , turn over, sprinkle in rice wine and simmer for a while, then add 500 grams of white soup, 15 grams of cold water (the purpose of adding cold water is to improve the color and relieve the fishy smell), 5 qian of lard, cover the pot tightly and boil for about 3 minutes to make the soup white and thick,

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

Bring to a boil over high heat

and simmer over medium heat for 3 minutes, simmer until the fish eyes are protruding and white wood color (proves it is cooked), add bamboo shoot slices, salt and MSG, return to high heat and bring to a boil again until the soup is milky white and the bottom is the same, add Boil the bean sprouts slightly, remove the green onions and ginger, take them out of the pot and put them into bowls. Place bamboo shoot slices and ham steaks on top of the fish, and bean sprouts on both sides.

# punchcardchallengebureau# Crucian carp soup is a soup that is very suitable for pregnant women and postpartum women. It has high nutritional value. Crucian carp is rich in protein, as well as calcium, phosphorus, iron and other minerals. Crucian carp has extremely high medicina - DayDayNews

(5) Notes

Milk soup pond fish, large soup mandarin fish , milk soup bream, etc. The cooking method is the same as above.

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