Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world.

2024/07/0122:39:33 baby 1824

Baby, my dearest child, in the blink of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world.

You are the baby God gave to my mother. When my mother was pregnant with you, she had just met my father not long ago. My father said at that time that he really wanted a child. At that time, my mother was still a child mentally. She had no idea about having a child. What preparations and efforts do I need to make?

I naively said to your father that we can work together to have a child. Who knew you would report it so quickly.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

A baby is the best hope for healing in the world.

My mother had been divorced for almost a year at that time. Originally, my mother planned to hide this secret and lie to you until you understand. However, everyone has to go through different things. My mother does not think you are the best. What is different from other children? There is nothing to beautify or disguise. After all, mom has only one child in her life so far.

You are very sensible, you always smile at me, you like me to hold you, and you also like to play with me. You are very happy, and you also bring this happiness to me. Mom is very grateful, and she will work hard. Be a good mother.

Moms are always timid and afraid of things, but when I was pregnant with you, I became extremely brave. At that time, my mother was just pregnant with you, and her body may not be very good due to some emotional torture. Her reaction was particularly violent. This kind of reaction made the company's concerned people discover the changes.

After all, if you are pregnant out of wedlock, others will have something to talk about. My mother was fired from the company. That night, my mother was kicked out of all the company’s group chats, like a piece of garbage discarded on the roadside.

My mother didn’t dare to resist, so my father accompanied my mother to get the compensation. Although it was only 10,000 yuan, my mother still valued you. With the persuasion of the police uncle, the big problem was reduced to a trivial matter.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

I feel at ease when I have you.

The year I didn’t have a job, I was very happy and very simple.

Mom's belly is getting bigger day by day, her body is getting heavier and heavier, and she is always vomiting, acid reflux .

My mother rented a private house at that time. It was a village in the city. Because the rent was cheap, my mother lived here. If you are interested in the future, your mother can take you to see it. It is the first stop for you to truly exist in this world. It is called Gangbei No. 2 Village is a retirement home for employees of the old steel factory in Hefei. All the residents there are elderly people.

The old lady downstairs is very nice and always greets my mother.

Mom, pregnant with a big belly, went upstairs and downstairs, because she lived on the highest floor, the 6th floor, and had to climb up by herself. When my father was on a business trip, my mother would pass the boring time by embroidering alone, and with you by my side, my mother never knew what it meant to be afraid.

That's it. Three months later, your father and mother got their marriage certificate and held a wedding. It was a very simple wedding, not as simple as a wedding dress, but my mother is very happy to have you.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

So cute, so happy.

Because this is my mother’s second marriage, she no longer has any expectations for love. She just wants you to live happily, and she can accept any grievances.

It’s not easy for dads. When I first met your dad, I felt that he was very thin. In order to survive the darkest days of his life, he exercised and worked hard to turn everything bad into good. Although he was very poor. , but he was very kind to his mother. He gave her a home and also gave you a home.

We live our lives like this. Your grandma was afraid that mom would have a hard time, so she gave her tens of thousands of dollars. Your grandma was also very poor and an honest farmer, but because mom was her daughter, she could make all sacrifices. , just like mom can accept so many boring days for you.

When my mother saw her father’s home, she could describe it as a bare house with no decent furniture, so she just bought things, because she likes shopping the most. Little by little, this home regained its original look, and gradually gained warmth.

On May 1, 2021, Labor Day, my father took my mother to climb Da Shu Mountain during the holiday. My mother was pregnant with a big belly. People around her looked at me with surprise and sighs. After returning home, my mother felt something abnormal. My father and grandma packed their things. Send mom to the hospital quickly.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

You are growing up day by day

It hurt all day and all night, it hurt very much, but in order not to worry my father, my mother gritted her teeth and persisted, and smiled and said it didn't hurt. The moment she was pushed to the delivery room, my mother was still smiling.

Dad has always been with mom, encouraging her, eating milk tea and cakes before giving birth to you.

It wasn’t until her water broke that my mother felt the pain that was so painful that her soul was about to be torn apart. That was the first time I saw your father cry. He must have been scared.

You were born at 6:40 pm on May 2, 2021. The nurse said softly, you gave birth to a daughter. Your mother saw you as a little girl, red and wrinkled, like a kitten.

At that moment, my mother cried. She felt that she was the happiest person in the world.

Later, my mother started confinement. She was still very strong. She was not afraid of milk blockage or anything. She continued to breastfeed you for more than a year.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

So cute

Now my mother has returned to the workplace, and there have been many twists and turns, but she feels that everything is worth it. I am grateful to your grandma for helping me take care of you, and thank you to your father for taking on more responsibilities in taking care of you.

Mom loves you too. Mom must set an example for you. Mom must work hard to run this family well. Our family is not easy, so we must cherish it.

just wants to record this beauty, so my mother can write for self-media. Mom hopes that you can see these things when you grow up. Mom never thinks that leaving enough money for you is enough. Only love can melt the most beautiful thing in the world. Only hard things can make people move forward on uneven roads, and can make people still energetic in ordinary years.

Baby, my dearest child, in the twinkling of an eye, you are more than one year old. When mom looks at your smile, she really feels that she is the happiest person in the world. With you, mom owns the whole world. - DayDayNews

I look forward to you growing up, but my mother will get older day by day

My mother is a teacher and an accountant. There will be more possibilities in the future, and you will also have more possibilities. Your mother will grow up with you, and you will accompany your mother. As we grow older, we accompany each other and achieve each other's achievements. It's wonderful to think about it.

What a blessing to be a mother.

The story is true

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