[Source: Jiangshan Media Group] Recently, Ms. He, a citizen, came to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Municipal Maternity Insurance Hospital and presented a banner to the doctor who treated her. "I had three embryonic terminations before. I was very anxious when I

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[Source: Jiangshan Media Group]

[Source: Jiangshan Media Group] Recently, Ms. He, a citizen, came to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Municipal Maternity Insurance Hospital and presented a banner to the doctor who treated her.

Recently, Ms. He, a citizen, came to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Municipal Maternity and Health Hospital and presented a banner to the doctor who treated her. "I had three embryonic terminations before. I was very anxious when I found out I was pregnant this time, so I went to the Municipal Women's Health Hospital for examination and treatment. The doctor continued to encourage me and customized a miscarriage plan for me. In the end, the miscarriage was successful and the birth was smooth." Ms. He said excitedly. Doctor

said that it is not terrible for a pregnant woman to have one embryonic abort, but if the embryos abort multiple times, a comprehensive examination should be carried out to find the cause and provide symptomatic treatment, so that it is possible to save the fetus.

Embryonic cessation of development is more common in early pregnancy . The reasons for its repeated occurrence include the following aspects: 1. The more common factors are the embryo itself. 50% to 60% are caused by chromosomal abnormalities in the embryo or fetus leading to miscarriage. 2. Maternal factors, such as pregnant women with systemic infectious diseases and high fever or viral infection, heart failure, high blood pressure, severe malnutrition, etc., can cause the embryo to stop developing. 3. Paternal factors. Studies have confirmed that sperm chromosomal abnormalities can lead to spontaneous abortion of and . 4. Environmental factors. Excessive exposure of pregnant women to radioactive substances and toxic chemicals may lead to miscarriage.

For pregnant women who have experienced threatened miscarriage in their first pregnancy or who have only had one miscarriage history, it can be considered that the pregnancy failure was due to the natural elimination of abnormal embryos, and there is no need to forcefully preserve the fetus or conduct special examinations. However, for patients with recurrent miscarriage Before getting pregnant, you must go to the hospital's reproductive clinic to conduct a comprehensive investigation of various possible causes and provide targeted treatment according to the cause.

[Source: Jiangshan Media Group] Recently, Ms. He, a citizen, came to the Obstetrics and Gynecology Department of the Municipal Maternity Insurance Hospital and presented a banner to the doctor who treated her.

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