From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of "Children's Diseases and Scientific Medication Guide" produced by Lilac Mom.

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From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

If the process of becoming a mother is a process of constantly upgrading and passing through hurdles, then childbirth is definitely the first hurdle that will be unforgettable. What was your birth day experience like? Is it natural birth or cesarean section ? Let’s join the "My Delivery Room Story" themed event on Lilac Mother Planet and have a chat.

You can scan the QR code below to share your story directly, or first take a look at the story of @Duoduo Mama from Lilac Mama Planet.

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

I have never experienced water rupture, which is a bit regretful for me as a drama queen.

I have heard many people’s experiences of amniotic fluid breaking early. Some people say it feels like peeing, and some people say it feels like the arrival of an aunt. After all, I've seen "that scene" in the TV series, so being a "drama queen", I'm actually quite looking forward to it. I forwarded a lot of articles to my husband on "What should I do after my water breaks?" and urged my husband to keep doing push-ups during pregnancy, just because I was afraid that if my water broke, he would not be strong enough to hold me. As a result, my husband asked me nervously one day if I wanted to buy a wheelchair at home so that he could take me to the hospital in case my water broke. My mother-in-law and I turned our backs on him.

At around 10pm on September 17, 2021, I found myself seeing red. But my water didn't break. My first feeling was that something was missing, but I was happy to finally "unload" it.

Real contractions are "breathing pain"

There was no movement when I arrived at the hospital. The doctor said that if you live close by, you can wait until the contractions are regular, so I went home with a bang. If this was a final exam, that night proved how useful knowledge is and how useless I am!

is my useless series of real and fake contractions

In the third trimester of pregnancy, I have been learning to distinguish between real and fake contractions, but I am still worried about what I will do if I give birth at home because I don’t know what real contractions are. That night I was so painful that I grinned and realized it. I felt that there was no need to learn this knowledge at all! It hurt so much that it was real contractions...

is the Lamaze Breathing Method in my useless series

I originally thought that I would be like the mother in the Lamaze Breathing Method learning video, inhaling and exhaling calmly, gently and beautifully gas. But the reality is that in the middle of the night, when the pain is so painful that it is difficult to breathe, I have to close my eyes and grit my teeth when the labor pain comes and recite 1234567 silently... and my right hand keeps pinching my thigh to relieve the pain. Of course, the ending of

ended with me turning off the video bitterly. Forget it, breathing is painful when giving birth, so I choose to give up.

I have had so many contractions

that it hurts so much that I want to throw my phone! I don’t have the patience to press the button to start contractions on the pregnancy app, okay? What exactly are regular contractions? Oh, I learned, I forgot.

I thought that even if I woke my husband up, he would not be able to help me, and if I really wanted to survive, I would need him to conserve his energy. So from 3 to 5 o'clock, I silently felt the contractions in my study. At around five o'clock, my mother-in-law was the first to find me sitting in the study. She was startled and immediately woke up my husband and took me to the hospital as soon as possible.

A finger-opening examination is more painful than uterine contractions

It is the beginning of giving birth

The first thing the doctor does when you go to the hospital is an internal examination ! You need to open three fingers to be sent to the delivery room . My contractions were already painful and I was crying. I was holding on to the doctor's arm, and my screams could be heard in the corridor of the hospital. After the examination, she said, dumbfounded, "Look at how you pinched me."

Before I could get out of the shadow of the internal examination, two more doctors came. One was responsible for the examination, and the other was responsible for holding down my other arm...

"I didn't open it. I really didn't." "Open!"

"Twenty minutes have passed. I must check again. Oh, it's four fingers, and you still said it's not open. You opened it very fast, and you can go to labor."

Is it so smooth? Is she about to give birth? I was still a little happy inside. Then she was wheeled to the delivery room by the nurse.

The trial delivery lasted for two hours

My husband was crying during the delivery

There were three people in the delivery room expecting to give birth. The sister in the middle had a baby with an abnormal fetal position and she insisted on giving birth by herself; the sister against the wall had fetal heart rate but she still wanted to give birth by herself. ; And I am ordinary.During pregnancy, I carefully controlled my weight and exercised, and the fetal position was in the correct fetal heart rate. The fetus was predicted to be over six pounds, which was very standard for pregnant women who had a normal delivery. What did I have to worry about?

As a result, the puppy turned out to be me.

After painless , I kept shaking all over and shivering uncontrollably, but basically the contractions were not that painful, and I even took selfies. However, while waiting for the cervix to be fully dilated, the nurse discovered that the amniotic fluid had been contaminated three times. Because amniotic fluid contamination may be dangerous, the doctor asked my family for their opinion, and my husband said to listen to me. The injection was painless and my cervix was almost fully dilated, so of course I was going to give birth naturally. Fortunately, the cervix dilated quickly, so I was the first to go to the delivery bed among those expecting to give birth.

I have learned so much knowledge about how to use force correctly, but when I got on the delivery bed, I used the wrong force. In order to make me feel pain, the nurse even turned off the painless function. Ah, I have no words to answer, and I don’t know why my contractions became extremely short, and they passed without exerting force.

"Imagine what it feels like to be constipated."

But I rarely get constipated!

"Take great effort and persevere."

has reached the end of his strength.

"Keep working hard, who told you to stop."

I'm tired.

Every word the midwife said to me, I responded to in my heart.

later saw that I was running out of energy and asked my husband to come in and cheer me up. My husband was willing to accompany me during the delivery mainly to experience cutting the umbilical cord. How could he have imagined such a scene! I cried as soon as I walked in the door. Even though I am highly myopic and don't wear glasses, I still noticed that he was crying. He took off his glasses and touched his tears with one hand. A tall man who was 1.9 meters tall cried with the midwife and shouted, "Come on, try harder."

"Come on, come on" echoed over the delivery room. Those who didn't know thought it was a tug-of-war .

Before I knew it, 2 hours had passed. The fetal heart rate was not good and the amniotic fluid was contaminated. I was worried that the fetus would be hypoxic. Soon I was told that I had to have a cesarean section. I completely relaxed and vomited all over myself. The nurse sister hurriedly went outside to find a family member to get some replacement clothes. Just like that, I was pulled away, trembling all over.

No mother's birth is "painless"

There is no such thing as someone saying that you can look at the ceiling to watch the process of your own surgery, and there are no doctors and nurses chatting with you. Even if it is a calm and cold surgery, I don't feel it. His stomach was cut open. The clear cry in my daze pulled me into reality. This was the cry of my child. And sure enough, there was still a "butt-on-face" gender confirmation, and I didn't remember anything after that...

Later I called my mother and she was very happy to hear that the child was born, but she was very upset when she learned that it was a cesarean section. Almost crying again.

The most searched question during my pregnancy is, which one is less painful, natural birth or cesarean section? Only after experiencing it did I realize that no mother’s birth process is “painless”. Regardless of natural birth or cesarean section, antegrade cesarean section is even more painful!

But Zaizi was born on September 18th. I will remember this day well.

Regarding the birth experience, every mother’s experience may be different. Some mothers had a very smooth delivery process and were successfully treated without pain; other mothers made all preparations, but they couldn't give birth despite all their efforts, and ended up with tears and side incisions, which were miserable... What was your delivery room experience like? Lilac Mother Planet sincerely invites you to share.

Scan the QR code below to enter the topic details, jump to Dingxiang Mama App to complete the release, and you can participate in the event to win a copy of "Children's Diseases and Scientific Medication Guide" produced by Dingxiang Mama.

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

There are a total of 8 topics to choose from in this "My Delivery Room Story" prize event:

# What is it like to have a natural birth?

# What is it like to have a cesarean section?

# What is it like to have a cisternal autopsy?

# What is the experience of emergency delivery

# Why didn’t you use painless delivery ?

#What were you doing on the day your baby was born? Are there any signs of activation?

# Is it necessary to hire a tutor when giving birth?

#When giving birth, should my husband accompany me during the birth ? How about

, did any of them hit you? Welcome to use pictures, text, etc. to record this special day.

How to participate

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 activity topics, and receive high-quality posts from energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of "Children's Diseases and Scientific Medication Guide" produced by Lilac Mom Book.

Method 1:

Step 1: Open Lilac Mom App and enter the planet

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

Step 2: When posting, search and match the activity topics you are interested in. After the release is successful, just wait for the lottery draw.

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

Method 2:

Scan the QR code below and contact Planet Tutor to provide exclusive help.

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

Planning and production

Planning: Wen Jing | Producer: Wen Jing

Typesetting: Xiaoling

Lilac Mother Planet is an experience exchange community for learning mothers. We look forward to you coming to the planet to share your pregnancy stories!

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

directly participate in the topic and post

From July 16th to July 20th, post with any one of the 8 active topics, and receive high-quality posts with energy balls in the App, and you can get a copy of

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