Friends of patients or netizens often ask, why should infantile hemangioma be detected and treated early? Many mothers of infants and children think that hemangioma can disappear on its own, so why do we need to treat it? Hemangioma is a benign tumor. , although not as harmful as

2024/07/0222:59:32 baby 1729

Friends of patients or netizens often ask why infantile hemangiomas should be detected and treated early. Many mothers of infants and children think that hemangiomas can disappear on their own, so why should they be treated?

Friends of patients or netizens often ask, why should infantile hemangioma be detected and treated early? Many mothers of infants and children think that hemangioma can disappear on its own, so why do we need to treat it? Hemangioma is a benign tumor. , although not as harmful as - DayDayNews

Hemangiomas are benign Although tumors are not as harmful as malignant tumors, they also seriously affect the appearance, skin health and limb functions of infants and young children. At present, for infantile hemangiomas, the principle of “early detection and early treatment” is still adhered to. Some hemangioma tend to "self-heal" and choose to wait and see. However, some types of hemangioma cause great trouble to children.

A brief analysis of the dangers of hemangioma

If it can be treated early, the following dangers can be avoided. Clinically, many parents have delayed the opportunity for good treatment, resulting in the following common hazards in their children.

1, Appearance damage

The appearance of infants and young children changes irregularly, and it can be said that it changes every day. Hemangiomas grow relatively quickly as the child grows, and hemangiomas growing on the face can cause disfigurement and deformity.

2, Impaired limb function

Clinically, hemangiomas are not only common in the neck and face, but are also common in the mouth, nose, and limbs. If hemangioma grows in these parts or other joint parts, it will affect the normal operation of these limbs, organs and other functions.

3, Bleeding, ulceration and infection

The epidermis of the hemangioma affected area is weak, so parents should pay more attention to care. If the baby scratches or rubs and causes ulcers, it will be difficult to stop the bleeding. Parents need to keep this in mind.

The sooner you receive treatment, the better your recovery will be.

We understand that many parents wonder, "Can babies be treated at such a young age?" For this reason, the principle we adhere to for infants and young children is explained as follows:

Tumors are small and easy to control

Clinically, according to the characteristics of hemangioma formation, it is found that hemangioma has a rapid proliferation period, which is destructive to infants and young children. A more sexual stage. We have conducted long-term observations and research and believe that one month after the child is born, as long as he does not have hemophilia , leukemia , thrombocytopenia diseases, hemangioma can skip the rapid proliferation of infantile hemangioma. Expect.

Younger age, good cooperation

The younger the child, the better the cooperation during the medical treatment process. When children are older, it is difficult to cooperate. Not to mention the difficulty of the diagnosis and treatment process, it affects the physical and mental health of the children more easily, and they are prone to develop psychological behaviors such as low self-esteem and autism.

Early treatment and good recovery

In addition to removing the hemangioma, we also need to consider the aesthetic appearance of the child. Children are young and have a strong metabolism. Their skin's self-repair function is stronger than that of adults. Children are less likely to leave scars after early professional treatment.

The bigger the hemangioma, the more troublesome it is. The treatment time is long and the treatment cost is high. Therefore, "early detection, early diagnosis, and early treatment" are our principles for treating hemangioma. It is a good idea to let hemangioma skip the rapid growth period of infantile hemangioma. A good time to treat infantile hemangiomas.

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