Some people even said that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? After I closed the comments, I completely relaxed. For two days, every time I see The doubts of the Holy Mothers, I really saw

2024/06/3014:41:32 baby 1779

Just like the title, not only did I fail to hold on, I almost got PUA! !

Some people even said that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? After I closed the comments, I completely relaxed. For two days, every time I see The doubts of the Holy Mothers, I really saw - DayDayNews

An article written by Xiaohuo two days ago about my own experiences gave me my first taste of the moral kidnapping in the comment area.

Some people even say that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? who are you? ?

Some people even said that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? After I closed the comments, I completely relaxed. For two days, every time I see The doubts of the Holy Mothers, I really saw - DayDayNews

The reason why I haven’t posted videos related to my children on any media accounts is because I am afraid that someone will say something about my children. The mother filter makes me feel that my children are cute and beautiful.

But I was afraid that if someone said something about my child, I would not be able to overcome that hurdle in my heart, so I insisted on not posting.

never thought that in the headline account , there would be people with different opinions that would affect my child. I really couldn't bear it, so I did what happened to the dog biting me, and I bit the dog again.

I'm so ashamed.

Some people even said that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? After I closed the comments, I completely relaxed. For two days, every time I see The doubts of the Holy Mothers, I really saw - DayDayNews

In the past two days, I have been affected by inappropriate comments in the comment area. Until this evening, someone said that I should turn off comments. These people are not normal.

closed the comments, and I completely relaxed. It has been two days, and every time I see the voices of doubt from the Holy Mothers, I really see the hypocrisy and hypocrisy of people, which is far more complicated than what I wrote in the article.

I even felt for a moment that they were asking me to take that naughty child back to my home and carefully guide his education. This is really the charm of PUA.

As for the most unreasonable comment, three people actually liked it. Maybe this is the legend: Qin Hui also has three friends.

In the era of self-media, everything exposed to the public must withstand the supervision and baptism of the public. I can't help but sigh that the blogger on a certain red book is really strong in heart.

Maybe they have many helpless moments, but in order to get a share of the wave of self-media, they must hold back their anger.

Once upon a time, I felt that there were more girls on a certain red book, and the sisters must be much more kind to each other, and felt very warm. After all, you can’t post on WeChat, but you can post on Xiaohongshu, whether it’s a problem between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law, or a relationship between superiors and subordinates. , the sisters all make suggestions, which is really good, but starting this year, I found that it is not that pure anymore, and the comments are also mixed with different voices.

When someone puts on make-up, she says that they can just turn on the beauty function, so what kind of make-up should I put on?

She came first in the exam. She said what’s the use of being first? Doesn’t it mean she can’t find a job after graduation?

My mother-in-law and daughter-in-law have a harmonious relationship. She said, doesn’t she want you to give birth to her child?

People are in love with siblings, she said, the little fresh meat is not just for your money.


Some people even said that in a public environment, I only think about protecting myself and my children, and my children will be as selfish as me. What? After I closed the comments, I completely relaxed. For two days, every time I see The doubts of the Holy Mothers, I really saw - DayDayNews

Social pressure is indeed great nowadays. Many people may be very depressed in real life, so they vent their emotions unscrupulously on the Internet where they do not know each other. Emotionally, they may have freedom of speech in mind, but they have not thought that their speech may affect other people's emotions.

once saw a very pertinent text: Although self-media has driven people’s lives, the texts and videos in self-media have been carefully considered and edited. Everything you see is the result of bloggers and self-media platforms. Hope you see it. Since this part of the content is for everyone to see, everyone has different ideas and naturally has different voices. Everyone can have freedom of speech. After all, everyone’s attention and browsing will bring benefits to the creators, so there are many things Don't worry too much. If you are really sensitive and fragile, don't do it in the self-media field.

In the face of misunderstanding, explanations and arguments are feeble. The only way is to persist in silence. Keep silent and take root silently. On the day of harvest, the branches and leaves will be luxuriant and the fruits will be abundant.

——-Live well

❤️Live in the present, be happy in the present

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