Editor's Notes The book "The Rhinoceros Horn of Sudan" has been receiving various praises since its release. Every time content related to this book is posted on the public account, in addition to good reviews, the comment area will also give comments such as "it's easy to cry".

2024/07/0111:42:33 baby 1558

Editor's words

The book "The Rhinoceros Horns of Sudan" has been receiving various praises since its release. Every time content related to this book is posted on the public account, in addition to good reviews, the comment area will also give comments such as "it's easy to cry".

Editor's Notes The book Editor's Notes The book

Today, the editor was fortunate enough to receive an article from a reader, Ranran’s mother. In the article, she shared with us the story of reading "The Rhinoceros Horns of Sudan" with her children.

After reading "The Rhino Horn of Sudan", I couldn't calm down for a long time. I was shocked, sad, and helpless that I wanted to protect but was unable to. 11 Sister said, This is a picture book that after reading it, you can’t help but hold it tightly to your chest, as if you feel sorry for the young Sudan, as if you are saying sorry to the old Sudan, as if you are saying sorry to the old Sudan. Blaming my own powerlessness...

This is an emotion that is difficult to describe. As the illustrator of this picture book, Mr. Li Xingming, said, when I saw the elderly Sudan in Kenya , I felt an indescribable feeling of shock.

Editor's Notes The book

Teacher Li Xingming is sketching Sudan.

This picture book deserves to be treasured because it tells the legendary life of Sudan, the last male northern white rhinoceros on earth. During the creation of this picture book, Sudan passed away, announcing that The species "Northern White Rhinoceros" is about to become extinct.

I will not use this picture book to tell my children when the Northern White Rhinoceros became extinct, because in my heart, "Rhino Horns of Sudan" not only tells us the truth about species extinction, but also popularizes science to us. An endangered species...

Editor's Notes The book

Before reading to my children, I am accustomed to understanding the picture book myself, the story behind it, its graphic and text details, its interactive skills, etc. But when I did this as always, I had mixed emotions. One is that I haven’t gotten over my emotions about this picture book yet, and the other is that I don’t know if a 4-year-old child can understand it.

But I don’t shy away from discussing such topics with my children, because just because we don’t mention it doesn’t mean it hasn’t happened or that the children aren’t experiencing it. Just like after the heavy rain in Zhengzhou last year, the children would ask me: “Mom, why are you getting so big?” Water? Why do people die? "

Finally, I chose to confess my emotions to my child. I told her that my mother read a picture book that made her want to cry. The 4-year-old Ranran hugged me and said, "Then I Let me watch it with you." Then, I discovered that the 4-year-old girl could not only hug me and accompany my emotions, but also teach me some truths with her three sentences. The creators of this picture book wanted to The truth to tell the readers...

Editor's Notes The book

"The mother of the little rhinoceros is injured.

is unsteady and is about to fall."

The picture book tells the story of Sudan in the third person. When we adults read picture books, we always focus our eyes on The protagonist Sudan, as well as the 4-and-a-half-year-old Ranran, is always "looking for her mother" in the picture.

Mom walks with Sudan and protects him, just like Sudan's patron saint. When she saw the page where Sudan's mother was attacked by a hunter, Ranran's eyes were still looking for Sudan's mother. The text and pictures on this page are very restrained. The text does not mention poachers, only the word "bang" and a loud noise. The pictures do not directly show the bloody poaching scene, but Ranran is keenly aware of Sudan's mother. exception. She pointed to the black shadow in the distance and said to me: "Mom, there is a hunter. The hunter is hiding in the grass. The mother of the little rhinoceros is injured, unable to stand and is about to fall."

Editor's Notes The book

After seeing Sudan alone in the Czech Republic When we were at the zoo, Ranran kept asking: "Where is the baby rhino's mother?" After learning that Sudan's mother never woke up again, she pursed her lips and hugged me tightly. I was surprised by the child's ability to read pictures and observe details, and I was even more moved by the child's perception and empathy for Sudan's mother-child relationship. What she saw was not a Sudan with the title of "the last male northern white rhinoceros in the world". All she saw was a lonely baby rhino that had lost its mother.

"The Sultan's horns were chopped off,

just like my nose was chopped off."

After returning to the Kenyan Animal Reserve in Africa, in order to protect Sudan from poachers, animal protection activists had to cut off Sudan's rhino horns. Seeing this, Ranran said to me sadly: "Mom, Sudan The corners were chopped off, just like my nose was chopped off. "

What she saw was not a protected rare species, what she saw was a poor rhinoceros with its horn cut off and very painful.

Editor's Notes The book

I suddenly realized that when children read picture books, they are more emotional. She put herself into it, and developed a lot of kindness, compassion and compassion.

Maybe when she grows up and understands what species extinction is and the impact of species extinction, she will still be able to do it. With this emotional kindness, think rationally about what life is, the relationship between the life of all things in nature and yourself, etc., instead of just rationally summarizing some intellectual rules and saying smugly to others, "I know Beibai "When did the rhinoceros become extinct?", as if it has nothing to do with him, watching the fire from the other side indifferently.

Maybe we should learn from our children and don't regard Sudan as just a "rare species" or a symbol. Sudan is a person who has nothing to do with us. Just like a living being who is afraid of pain.

"Mom, I want to help the little rhinoceros,

go downstairs and pull out the grass roots for it to eat. "

After Ranran and I finished reading this picture book for the first time, Ranran lay on the bed for a long time without falling asleep. Suddenly he sat up and said to me: "Mom, I want to help the little rhinoceros, go downstairs and pull out the roots for it. eat. "

I was a little confused at the time. Didn't the keeper Ayan feed Sudan carrots in the zoo?

I asked her: "Why do you have to pull out the grass roots instead of feeding carrots? "

Ranran said: "When the little rhinoceros was a child, her mother fed it grass roots. What it likes to eat are grass roots, not carrots. "

I was particularly moved at the time and thought of a "common saying": Everyone cares about whether you will become extinct. Only children care about whether you can still eat the grass roots dug by your mother.

Editor's Notes The book

4-year-old Ranran may not understand what a species is. Extinct, But she felt that the baby rhinoceros was a child like her and should live with her mother, eating the grass roots dug by her mother on the prairie and living the most ordinary life, instead of eating carrots in the zoo

. As the illustrator of this book, Mr. Li Xingming, said, Don’t wait until the animals are on the verge of extinction before cherishing and protecting them.

Editor's Notes The book

Sudan eating carrots at the zoo

After hearing Ranran’s feedback, the editor of this picture book. ——Teacher Haoyue from Pubulan Picture Book Museum said: originally thought that he had looked at picture books from a child’s perspective, but after listening to Ranran’s feedback, this is a real child’s perspective. Children pay most attention to two things when reading picture books. One is "mom" and the other is "delicious". The details and original intention of our creation were sensitively captured by Randan.

11 Sister said: Never underestimate children, children are natural readers of pictures. Philosopher and poet. I think it is the encounter between picture books and children's empathy that allows us to see the most primitive reverence for life in children.

sentences from a 04-year-old child, made me no longer regard "Sudan" as a child. A symbol, a title, an endangered species, because I saw through the eyes of a child that "Sudan" returned to its original identity and what it should be - a free, mother-accompanied, pain-free , the little rhinoceros who likes to eat grass roots.

Editor's Notes The book

I no longer worry about reading picture books on big topics such as "Life Education" and "Man and Nature" with my children, because I believe that children, sometimes their understanding is even purer and deeper than that of adults. ; I also believe in picture books. I believe that good picture books and high-quality content will give children a warm power that affects her life.

Therefore, I would like to thank the picture book creators who have created such good life stories into picture books, thank Pupulan Picture Book Museum for making these picture books available, and thank you for sending so many such good picture books into the hands of children. It also teaches us parents how to scientifically accompany reading with Huggies.

Thank you for helping me raise a child with love in my heart.

Editor's Notes The book

The inner page of the article picture book comes from "The Rhino Horn of Sudan" © Li Xingming

In addition, I would like to thank Huihuishuo for providing the sharing of Ranran's mother. She is a gold medal creator and senior reader of Huihui Shuo. I would like to express my deep gratitude!

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