Professor Li Meijin once said: "Everyone is born with talents that will be useful. A person's greatest success actually lies in self-confidence." "People's Daily" once published 6 comparison charts, which revealed that children with self-confidence and low self-esteem came from F

2024/07/0211:45:32 baby 1184

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Confidence is the foundation of a person's success.

How to easily help children build self-confidence? Parents only need to do the following 6 things!

Author | Coke Mom

Professor Li Meijin once said:

"Everyone is 'born with talents that will be useful'. A person's greatest success actually lies in self-confidence."

So, what should we do to cultivate a confident and happy person? Where is the child?

"People's Daily" once published 6 comparison pictures, which revealed what kind of families confident and inferior children come from.

Combining these pictures, I found some specific methods that can enhance children's self-confidence.

hopes that every parent can get the answer after reading it.

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Let the children try


Do everything for the children

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

I believe the children can do it


Overprotect children

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Allow children to explore the unknown


Restrict children's words and deeds

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Encourage children to challenge themselves yesterday


Force children to compare with others

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Praise your children frequently


Only look at the children’s shortcomings

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

See every progress of the child


Only care about the final result

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Professor Li Meijin once said:

Mr. Tao Xingzhi, a famous educator, said:

"After a heavy rain, there are two kinds of people: one looks up at the sky , what you see is blue and beauty;

kind of looks down at the ground, what you see is mud and despair. ”

Life is full of waves, with ebbs and flows.

As parents, we are destined not to accompany our children throughout their lives.

But we can teach our children to face the storms of life with confidence and optimism. Only in this way can they master the storms of life. The rudder of destiny , become the winner of life.

At the same time, don’t forget to tell your children:

No matter whether your grades are good or bad, whether you succeed or fail, your parents will always believe in you and love you.

Click here. "Like it", I hope our children can learn to accept themselves, believe in themselves, and enrich themselves


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