Divorce is a common phenomenon now. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side. In a divorced family, the most harmful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hid

2024/07/0104:19:32 baby 1988

divorce is now a common phenomenon. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side.

In a divorced family, the most hurtful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hide or resist. However, for a child, he can only endure it because he has no strength to resist.

Divorce is a common phenomenon now. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side. In a divorced family, the most harmful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hid - DayDayNews

There was a couple who met through a friend's introduction. After marriage, quarrels became commonplace and they divorced after the child was 2 years old. The child was awarded to the man and the woman went to another place. 2 years later, the man got married. In order to make a living, the man went to work elsewhere, while the child stayed with the stepmother. When the man was at home, he saw that the stepmother was very patient with the child, so he left with peace of mind.

One day, a man working out of town received a call from his neighbor, asking him to come back quickly to see his child. The neighbor said that the child seemed not to have enough to eat every day, lost a lot of weight, and was often beaten, but the stepmother treated the child very harshly in front of outsiders. Well, they often hear children being beaten and crying. Sometimes when the stepmother returns to her parents' home, she locks the child in the house alone.

Divorce is a common phenomenon now. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side. In a divorced family, the most harmful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hid - DayDayNews

After hearing what the neighbor said about the situation at home. The man decided to go home immediately. He didn't tell the stepmother of his child and took the high-speed train back home. As soon as I entered the door, I saw the child washing the stepmother's feet. The stepmother was sitting on a stool looking at her mobile phone. The man was hiding at the door to see how the stepmother treated the child. At this time, the stepmother asked the child to press her feet hard. When the child exerted force, he couldn't stand up and fell down. The stepmother was furious. , went up and kicked the child, causing the child to cry loudly. The stepmother yelled, "Why don't you just follow your father?" Your father is so smart, why are you so stupid?

Divorce is a common phenomenon now. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side. In a divorced family, the most harmful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hid - DayDayNews

The man couldn't stand it anymore. He rushed to the yard and picked up the child. He shouted to the stepmother, "You cruel woman, get out of here. You are treating my child like this." Then he kicked the stepmother. Kicked aside.

When the stepmother saw the man suddenly coming back, she was a little scared, so she explained to the man that she did not hit the child hard, but that the child was too naughty and wanted to scare him. It is disciplining children. The man yelled at his stepmother, "Don't say anything. Pack your things and leave here. I never want to see you again." Even if I stay single for the rest of my life, I will never let my children suffer again. Then he said to the crying child in his arms, stop crying, dad will never leave you again.

Divorce is a common phenomenon now. Although it is not a last resort, no one would choose divorce. Everyone hopes that their children can live happily by their side. In a divorced family, the most harmful thing is the children. When adults encounter unfair treatment, they can hid - DayDayNews

How could this stepmother treat a child like this? Although you are not related by blood to him, since you choose to live with your child's father, you should treat his child well instead of trying to abuse him. You should respect the child and bring more love to the child. This is the basic principle of life.

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