The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the

2024/06/3011:25:32 baby 1491
The concept of

prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he used was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat,

and then drive the elephant off the boat, use stones to press the waterline of the boat to the same position, and weigh the stone. It's the weight of an elephant, which is a very clever approach.

This article is included in primary school textbooks, but I believe that very few primary school students truly understand this principle. This is the most basic equivalent substitution. Cao Chong, who was able to come up with this method at the age of 5, is undoubtedly a genius.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

Most of the child prodigies promoted in modern times have demonstrated memory. For example, how many words can they recognize at the age of 3, how many poems can they recite, etc., and each one has a stronger memory than the last.

Strictly speaking, children's memory can be trained, and these are not considered prodigies in the true sense. However, a 5-year-old child in Nantong recently made many people doubt their life.

This 5-year-old child loves mathematics and can already do advanced mathematics. Although the pictures posted by the child's mother basically involve high school knowledge, they cannot be considered advanced mathematics.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

However, this does not mean that this child cannot do advanced mathematics. Even if he knows these high school mathematics, it is very impressive. After all, this is a science subject, and mathematics cannot be learned by rote memorization.

According to the child's mother, the 5-year-old boy is very smart and can basically learn mathematics once he learns it. Some even learn it on his own without being taught. He has been learning mathematics since he was 3 years old.

I have to say that if it is as described by the parents, then this child can undoubtedly be regarded as a child prodigy, even much more powerful than those first-generation young college students.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

Many netizens commented that there are many ways to insult people, and this is the most direct one. Obviously, the IQ of this kind of child is completely different from that of ordinary people.

Fields Medal winner Terence Tao is also a child prodigy. His IQ is as high as 230, which is said to be the highest level currently known. He also showed his talent for mathematics at a very early age.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

Terence Tao showed his talent in mathematics when he was less than 3 years old. He taught himself all the elementary school mathematics courses in kindergarten. He began to study calculus by himself at the age of 7 and entered university to attend classes at the age of 14.

This genius received a PhD from Princeton University at the age of 21, was hired as a full professor at the University of California, Los Angeles at the age of 24, and won the Fields Medal, the highest award in mathematics, at the age of 31.

This 5-year-old boy from Nantong is also quite outstanding in terms of his current talent. After all, this is mathematics, not reading words or reciting poems. Without considerable understanding, it is impossible to understand it.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

is written at the end:

Talent is one thing, and cultivation is also very important. Even geniuses like Terence Tao, despite their extraordinary intelligence, clearly encountered problems when they entered private primary schools at the age of 3.

He doesn't know how to get along with children who are 2 years older than him. Fortunately, he had very wise parents who sent him back to kindergarten in time.

When Terence Tao was growing up, he was never out of contact with his peers. Even though he had to go to middle school to study mathematics part of the time, he still studied in elementary school.

It is precisely because of the wisdom of his parents that this genius has been living in a fairly normal environment. He has not been looked at in a different light, nor has he been praised to the sky. This is why he has soared to the sky.

The concept of child prodigy has been around since ancient times. For example, Cao Chong was able to weigh an elephant when he was 5 years old. The method he adopted was to drive the elephant onto the boat, mark a mark on the waterline of the boat, then drive the elephant off the - DayDayNews

Even geniuses still need soil for growth, and they also need to develop and grow in a relatively normal environment. Any form of expropriation is harmful to them.

The talent of this 5-year-old boy has already been revealed. As long as the parents are awake enough and create an environment suitable for their children to grow up, his future will have unlimited possibilities.

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