"Other people's children have been cut, and our children have to keep up." Two days ago, a pregnant mother saw a video posted by a doctor. Although the children had been cut, the style of the painting was really uncontrollable. The corners of Zhu's mouth rose.

2024/05/2705:32:33 baby 1408

Original | Pregnancy

During the summer vacation, parents with boys at home are busy! What are

busy with? is busy with the child's lifelong event - circumcision.

"Other people's children have had their children cut off, so our children have to keep up."

"My child JJ looks a little small? He still needs a cut to grow well!"

"I have to get it done before elementary school. You canā€™t take time off at will when you are in elementary school! ā€

ā€œGetting an early cut saves trouble!ā€

(Photo source: @äø­ę–‡å­—幕)

Indeed, during the summer vacation, parents organize their children to have their children circumcised, and businesses are also catching on to them. Psychology, advertisements are flying all over the place:

"Take your son to be circumcised, the second one is half price."

"Group a group to go to xx hospital for circumcision during summer vacation!"

Two days ago, a pregnant mother saw a video posted by a doctor. Although The children had been cut with a knife, but the style of the painting made people uncontrollably raise the corners of their mouths.

(Picture source: @ Urology andrology Fu Yunrui)

In the video, several boys visited the ward in a group after undergoing surgery (circumcision).

The children all wore skirts and walked with their legs crossed for fear of touching wounds.

This summer vacation is indeed extraordinary for boys.

When a pregnant mother is walking in the community, she can see some little boys from time to time, walking strangely, swaying left and right like little penguins . From this look, they have just been circumcised.

For parents with male children, circumcision is a top priority.

Does every male baby need to be circumcised?

Is the earlier the better? Will uncircumcision affect the development of the child's penis?

Todayā€™s pregnancy matters will be explained clearly!


Parents who bring their babies to be circumcised

are all for this reason!

Many parents are hesitant about circumcision, and many parents have already taken their children to have the surgery.

Parents who are in trouble have discovered the problem, but have not yet made a decision to take their children for surgery.

Parents who have had their children undergo surgery mostly choose surgery because not having surgery will affect their childrenā€™s lives.

"I consulted 3 hospitals and they all recommended surgery, so I took my child for surgery at the age of 4!"

followed the doctor's advice and performed the surgery on the child. It was under general anesthesia. It left no bad memory for the child. He was cured in two weeks. Completely recovered!

"Because of repeated infections and itching, I had an operation at the age of 5 and a half."

My child had repeated infections and itching all the time, so he had an operation at the age of 5 and a half.

can be half exposed after finishing, which looks a bit strange.

"Because I always pee on my body when I pee, I took my child for circumcision at the age of 8!"

An 8-year-old boy in Hangzhou, because his foreskin is too long, when he urinates, he does not go forward, but drips down. When I get it on my body, my body always smells like urine, and my shoes and pants are often wet.

The child was alienated by his classmates because of his low self-esteem. After the operation, his peeing became normal and he became more confident.

These parents who take their children to be circumcised make the decision after careful consideration based on the baby's situation.

OK, circumcision or not, you canā€™t blindly follow the trend, you have to consider the actual situation of the child!


Circumcision surgery

is not a necessity for every boy!

Parents who have male children must have struggled with the issue of circumcision.

In fact, whether to circumcise or not mainly depends on the state of the child's foreskin and penis.

There are mostly three types of foreskin:

ā‘  Normal situation: the foreskin is neither long nor short, and the foreskin mouth is just flush with the head.

ā‘”The foreskin is too long. The foreskin covers the head, but the mouth is relatively large and can be easily opened, allowing the head to be fully exposed.

ā‘¢Phimosis. The foreskin completely covers the head. Gently turn the foreskin up. It can be seen that the relatively narrow foreskin opening prevents the glans from being exposed. However, there is no obvious scar at the foreskin opening. With a little force, the skin on the inside of the foreskin can be turned outwards.

Most newborn babies have phimosis, so daily cleaning is enough.

Detailed analysis of the specific situation:

ā‘  If the baby's foreskin is normal, parents can put their hearts in their stomachs and do not need to be obsessed with circumcision.

ā‘” If the baby has a foreskin that is too long, there is no need to worry too much. If the baby has a foreskin that is too long, it does not necessarily require circumcision.

In infants and young children, as long as the baby does not have difficulty urinating , urinary tract infection , etc., most cases of excessive foreskin are normal. As the age increases, the penis and foreskin gradually develop, and the foreskin mouth will gradually relax and the foreskin will gradually relax. It also slowly recedes back, and by adolescence or adulthood, the glans of most men can be exposed naturally.

ā‘¢ If it is phimosis, a doctor needs to distinguish between physiological phimosis and pathological phimosis. Pathological phimosis should be taken seriously.

In short, circumcision is not something you can do if you want. The specific situation must be decided by the doctor whether surgery is needed!


If these three conditions occur in the penis and foreskin

, the operation requires surgery!

Not all male babies need to be circumcised, but if the child has obvious symptoms of discomfort, it is still recommended to undergo surgery.

ā‘  Pathological phimosis

If the foreskin is not cleaned in place and in time, the foreskin and the glans will adhere to each other after repeated inflammation, scars will form at the foreskin opening, and the foreskin will lose its elasticity and cannot retract, forming pathological phimosis. In this case, circumcision needs to be considered.

ā‘” Complications of phimosis adhesion

Phimosis adhesion will lead to some complications, such as sudden awakening at night, noisy nights, repeated urinary tract infections, etc. In such cases, it is also recommended to consult a doctor to see whether surgical treatment is needed.

ā‘¢Private parts infection

If the foreskin affects the health, such as the infection causes redness, soreness, swelling of the private parts, or the baby's foreskin swells during urination, making it difficult to urinate, you should also follow the doctor's advice to see whether surgery is needed.

ā‘£ Foreskin incarceration

Foreskin incarceration refers to the swelling of the foreskin caused by the failure of the foreskin to return in time after inversion. It is a man-made clinical emergency that can cause local pain and swelling. In this case, surgery is necessary.

In summary: Whether to circumcise or not does not depend on how long the foreskin is, because during infancy and early childhood, most babiesā€™ foreskins are too long, but on whether it affects the childā€™s health.

In addition to the above medical needs, some parents consider their children's health and choose to take their children for surgery, because circumcision does have some benefits for children:

ā‘  Convenient cleaning. The foreskin easily traps dirt and evil, so it is easier to clean if it is circumcised.

ā‘” Reduce the risk of urinary system infection. Excessive foreskin will cause urine residue, which will irritate the glans and the skin inside the foreskin. Over time, it will cause odor, infection, and bacterial growth.

ā‘¢Reduce the risk of disease. If the risk of penile cancer is reduced, the incidence of penile cancer is very low, and early diagnosis and early treatment are required.

So regarding this aspect, parents can make decisions based on their childrenā€™s actual situation!

If you decide to be circumcised, what is the most suitable age?

Currently, there is no age limit for circumcision surgery. As long as there are indications for surgery, you can have it.

In the absence of pathological factors, parents can decide the time based on their own wishes, the child's condition, and the doctor's preference.

If there are pathological problems, follow the doctorā€™s advice and arrange surgery in time!


Good preoperative preparation and postoperative care

can help your child recover faster!

The choice of surgery is also what many parents are most concerned about.

There are three main types of circumcision surgery: traditional circumcision, circumcision ligation method and circumcision stapler method.

The specific surgical method used will be selected by the doctor according to the specific conditions of different children, so parents do not have to worry.

What parents need to do is to prepare well before surgery and take care after surgery.

1. Preoperative preparation

ā‘  Ensure that the child is in good physical condition. It is not recommended to schedule surgery when you are sick. If there is an unexpected situation, the surgery should be postponed.

ā‘”Tell your doctor your allergy history. Include history of food and drug allergies.

ā‘¢ Arrange for escort. At least two parents must accompany you, one to go through the formalities and one to accompany the child.

ā‘£ Prepare special nursing shorts. In order to reduce friction after surgery, prepare special nursing shorts for your child (as shown in the picture).

2. Postoperative care

Failure to take good care after the operation will make the child suffer a lot, or even get a knife in vain, so care is very important.

ā‘  Do not rush to exercise after surgery. In the first 2-3 days after surgery, it is recommended to stay in bed. If you want to get out of bed, do so gently.

ā‘” Encourage children to drink more water. There will be local edema, redness and swelling after the operation, which will last for 2-4 weeks. During this period, children are encouraged to drink more water. Lowering the concentration of urine can reduce irritation to the wound.

ā‘¢Donā€™t rush to take a bath. 4-6 days before the operation, you can wipe the child's body with a towel. After that, if the child recovers well, you can give the child a bath.

ā‘£Do a good job of disinfection. Disinfect regularly and apply ointment as directed by your doctor. Disinfectants must be diluted as prescribed and used as directed by your doctor.

ā‘¤ Wear special nursing shorts. In order to reduce friction, do not wear underwear. Wear special post-circumcision underwear and wear it when not using medication.

ā‘„ Pay attention to abnormal situations. Slight bleeding after surgery is normal. Clean it with medication and rest in bed. However, if bleeding continues, seek medical attention immediately.

ā‘¦Do a good job of review. Generally, there will be reexaminations in the first week, second week, and one month after the operation, and you must take your child on time.


Circumcision is heavy in treatment

If you are not sick, donā€™t blindly follow the trend!

Finally, the pregnant mother would like to emphasize one point: Circumcision is a therapeutic operation, do not blindly follow the trend!

Regarding the benefits of circumcision, some are credible and some are unfounded.

For example, circumcision is indeed better for cleanliness and hygiene, and can also reduce the risk of urinary system infections, but some of the benefits have no scientific basis.

For example, circumcision can help the penis develop better?

The foreskin and the little penis are a community. When the little penis grows up, the foreskin will also grow up.

How long a baby can eventually grow is mostly determined by genes, not by the tightness of the foreskin.

So donā€™t circumcise just to make your penis develop well.

For example, can circumcision improve sexual function?

A study of 40,000 people showed that there was no difference in sexual function and satisfaction with sex life between circumcised and uncircumcised men.

So donā€™t take your children to be circumcised based on this premise.

Summary: The focus of circumcision is to cure the disease, and it is not just a necessity for every boy!

Reference article

"Want to take your child to be circumcised when summer vacation comes?" West China experts say, why donā€™t you decide after reading this popular science? ! ā€” West China Hospital of Sichuan University怋

怊Circumcision can make the penis develop better and improve sexual function? Should children have their foreskin removed? ā€”drpei怋

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