Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation.

2024/05/2621:19:34 baby 1171

Musk is the world's richest man. He ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and is the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation.

How many people dream of having something to do with him, but when his son Xavier Musk just turned eighteen, he submitted an application to the court to change his gender and follow his mother's surname and change his name to Vivian · Jenna Wilson. He said that he did this just to completely break with his father Musk and not to have anything to do with him.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

html On June 23, the California State Court approved Xavier Musk’s request to change the name and gender on his birth certificate. The news of

is shocking, incomprehensible and incredible. What happened to

? Only for the son of the world's richest man to do such a thing to rebel against his father.

His son stated in legal documents: "I do not live with my biological father, and I no longer want to have any contact with my biological father in any way, shape or form."

Really cruel, don't want a father , He doesn’t want his father’s surname, nor does he want to have the same gender as his father. He just wants to be completely himself.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk’s absence of fatherly love and his domineering image in the family are the main reasons why his son stays away from him.

Musk can become the richest man and achieve career success, and his efforts can be imagined. This is clearly reflected in his first wife Justin Wilson's evaluation of him, "He only thinks about rockets and engines."

The success of his career cannot cover up the failure of his family education . Although faced with his son's "bombshell", he acted very calmly, accepted it calmly, and said: "Please don't go against someone's wishes." "This is wrong."

Musk’s second wife, Riley, once said that Musk is very good to his children. He will take time to spend time with them, play and travel with them, and listen to their stories.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

It should be said that Musk loves his children, but his intentions are obviously not enough, especially his strong desire to control, which still leaves a shadow in his son's heart, making him unable to accept it, and eventually drifts away, and finally completely Betrayal.

Musk’s control is amazing and terrifying. His first wife Justine was born with brown hair, but in order to match the upper class, Musk asked her to dye her hair blonde. Justine is a science fiction novelist with her own thoughts and career, but Musk requires that she must put herself first and can only appear as Mrs. Musk outside. At home and outside, she can only be a vase and a flower. housewife.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk also has a strong desire to control his children. When his twin sons were 7 years old, he banned them from placing stuffed toys at home. At the same time, he also strictly required the time for them to read, and, regardless of the actual environment, he tried every means to make the children suffer more.

Musk is authoritative and domineering in the hearts of children. Of course, there was another factor in his son's break with him, which was the difference in their views on transgenderism.

was too controlling and intolerant of too many differences, which made her son eager to break up with him as soon as he became an adult.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk’s childhood was also strongly controlled by his father. He hated his father, but he had his father’s shadow.

The way Musk gets along with his children is actually a repeat of the way Musk gets along with his biological father, Errol and his son. They both experienced "parental divorce" and then "breakup by their sons."

Musk was born into the rich second generation of the upper class. His father is a mechanical and electrical engineer , and his mother is a beautiful nutritionist .

When he was eight years old, his parents divorced. He first lived with his mother, and a few years later he came to live with his father.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

It should be said that his father broadened his horizons, saw a lot of things, and learned a lot of knowledge. But his father was strict and cruel to him. He could educate him for three or four hours in a row without letting him refute. It was close to mental torture and almost all the fun of his childhood was deprived of him.

Musk once said that his childhood was miserable. Musk's younger brother Kimbal even more directly claimed: "My father must have some kind of chemical substance in his body and passed it on to us, which made our growth process very emotionally challenging. But it also made us who we are today."

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk He hated his father, called him a weirdo, and blamed him for making his life a mess. Not only did he not have any contact with his father, he also did not allow his children to see his father. When his father praised him and expressed his pride to the reporter via email, he angrily warned the reporter not to contact his father. This shows how disdainful and resentful he is towards his father!

He tried to be a different father from his father, but in the end he couldn't escape the same ending as his father: a troubled marriage and being disliked and resented by his children.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk’s son’s break with him revealed several problems in family education.

First of all, it reveals the influence of the original family.

I once read a set of books about the original family, called " Reconciliation with the Original Family " and "Nonviolent Communication - Why Family Hurts People". I think this set of books analyzes and interprets the original family. Very well done.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

In the book "Reconciliation with the Original Family", the author once said that the influence of the original family is often not only great, but also may be hidden.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk’s father is smart and capable, but overbearing and unapproachable. Musk was born and inherited the high IQ of his parents. He is also outstanding and his achievements exceed those of his parents. However, he also has a strong desire to control due to some inheritance and influence. He knew that some of what his father did was bad. He hated his father and tried hard to find time to spend with his children, but he still followed in his father's footsteps. The book

tells us that in order to get rid of the influence of the original family, should not refuse with hatred, but learn to let go, reconcile with the past, reconcile with oneself, give oneself more positive psychological hints, and heal with love.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Secondly, it is revealed that control is the enemy of family relationships.

Musk and his father are both successful people. Their success cannot be summarized in a few simple sentences, nor can ordinary people copy it. Their talents are their own, but the lessons of their family education are worth learning from.

The author of the book "Nonviolent Communication - Why Family Hurts People" tells us that desire for control can be said to be the natural enemy of family relationships. Once someone starts to control, all relationships will be affected.

Musk’s father controls and even domestically abuses his wife, and Musk sees it; Musk controls his wife, and his son also sees it, and what he sees will eventually turn into resentment, not to mention that he still There is a deep feeling of being controlled. So Musk severed ties with his father, and his son severed ties with Musk.

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Furthermore, it reveals that father’s love and mother’s love should not be absent.

His parents divorced when Musk was eight years old. Children of divorce, no matter who they live with, will lack the love of one parent. Moreover, Musk's father did not care about Musk's growth before the divorce. After Musk's divorce, although he kept his son by his side, he was not a good father and lacked love in his children's hearts.

In a family, father's love and mother's love must be as adequate as possible. Only in this way can the child's body and mind be healthier. And true success is not only a successful career, but also a happy family!

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Musk obviously still has some shortcomings.

Each of us has been healing ourselves throughout our lives, but we often fall into the quagmire without realizing it.'s set of "Reconciliation with the Family of Origin" and "Nonviolent Communication - Why Family Hurts People" are suitable for everyone to read. I strongly recommend that you take a look and click on the link below to purchase!

Musk is the world's richest man and ranked first on the Hurun Forbes list last year. He is the chairman of Tesla and the first person to usher in the era of private space transportation. - DayDayNews

Author: Waiting for the Wind to Come

A working mother of two children, she writes in her left hand and takes care of her children in her right hand. She likes reading, writing, and painting. She writes in her left hand and takes care of her children in her right hand. She firmly believes that even if her life is a mess, she must have the poetry and poetry she longs for in her heart. Follow me from afar and continue to provide you with more parenting information.

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