My daughter is 6 and a half years old and my son is 5 years old. They are both enjoying English now. Before, I had many failed experiences in English enlightenment. Fortunately, when I found the right method and insisted on executing it, their status and results told me: success!

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My daughter is 6 and a half years old and my son is 5 years old. They are both enjoying English now. Before, I had many failed experiences in English enlightenment. Fortunately, when I found the right method and insisted on executing it, their status and results told me: success!

My daughter is 6 and a half years old and my son is 5 years old. They are both enjoying English now. Before, I had many failed experiences in English enlightenment. Fortunately, when I found the right method and insisted on executing it, their status and results told me: success! - DayDayNews

When my daughter was more than one year old, I paid attention to the methods of English enlightenment everywhere. I also downloaded several English learning APPs. I spent several hundred to buy a membership to an English website and bought several thousand more from a certain online shopping website. G's English cartoon. Several English enlightenment methods such as

all face a problem, that is, the eyes will be stared at the electronic screen for a long time. I would not choose to exchange any knowledge or skills at the expense of vision.

Later, I spent more than 40,000 to sign up for an offline foreign teacher class. During class, the foreign teacher taught English throughout the class, so there was indeed a language environment. However, none of the children understood what the foreign teacher was saying. Even with the gestures and body language of the foreign teacher, it was still difficult for the children to communicate with the foreign teacher. After two classes, I refunded the money without hesitation.

Not long after, I bought a lot of original English picture books. Whenever I had time, I read them with my children. There are only a few short sentences in each book, and children tend to pay more attention to the picture content. After reading it once, they rarely pick it up and read it.

When my daughter was 4 years old, I bought the original British kindergarten textbook. I hope to teach her from the very basics. One book is "Writing Training". My daughter likes to write and draw at this stage, so she finished the entire book in one go. However, she still can't recognize all 26 letters. Next, she was unwilling to learn this trick with me. Maybe it was still a bit difficult for her.

Later, when he learned the importance of the language environment, he frequently played the audio at home, hoping to sharpen their ears and let them learn it slowly. Within a few days, the child said that he didn’t know what it was about, found it boring, and didn’t want to listen to it anymore.

Seeing my children growing up day by day, the sensitive period of language and will soon pass. I am very anxious. I really don’t want them to learn in pain like us when they grow up, but they can’t learn well.

One day, a public account I had followed for several years called me and invited me to participate in their parent-child English training class. That is, adults and children learn together and often apply it in daily life. Over time, children can master English. Pay the fee as soon as you feel like it. In the learning stage, adults need enough time to master important sentence patterns themselves, and then speak them out to children frequently. Sometimes, they also need to play games with children. Oh my gosh, it’s such a challenge for me! After a while, I gave up.

On the road to English enlightenment, I have spent so much money and energy, but I have not yet found the right path. 0-7 years old is the strongest stage for language learning. Seeing that my daughter is already 5 years old, I am even more anxious.

I believe that most parents attach great importance to English enlightenment, but they are like me, who have been enlightened through various methods for two or three years, but found that their children still cannot understand English, let alone speak English actively.

In fact, parents will use Chinese to communicate with their children from the time they are born, and they will not stop talking to them just because they are young and cannot speak yet. After a long period of language preparation, every child can communicate in Chinese freely.

The same is true for Chinese, and the same is true for English. Every language is like this, and it requires a stable language preparation period.

Then why can children be able to communicate normally with others after two or three years of Chinese enlightenment, but no effect can be seen after two or three years of English enlightenment? Everyone can definitely guess the answer - children have too little time to immerse themselves in the English language environment.

In order to create an English-speaking environment for their children, some families will move abroad and enroll in expensive international kindergartens. This is spending money to buy an English environment.

Can we create an English environment for our children at home? It's up to the parents to do that. Every child is a language genius, and language acquisition is every child’s instinct. The younger you are, the stronger your language self-learning instinct is.Only by learning English in a native-like English environment like European and American children can we acquire English naturally. Only English that is acquired naturally can become a more dexterous tool.

My two children, after I learned the correct method and implemented it seriously, they stepped through the door of English enlightenment and truly fell in love with learning English without knowing it. The important thing is that they are relaxed, happy and unrestrained. , no pressure.

This method is to use materials that children are interested in, create an English environment, use the children's own language talents to absorb and internalize, and then parents wait for the flowers to bloom. In this process, parents need to constantly affirm their children's small progress, and then they will receive surprises. In other words, there is no need for parents to use their own English reserves to teach their children. Even if the adults don't understand English at all, it doesn't matter. Isn't it amazing?

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