During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say: "Teacher, you always talk about creating motivation for children to communicate, but I don't see that he has any desire to communicate. How can I communicate with him?" "Children with

2024/06/2215:09:33 baby 1107

During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say:

“Teacher, you always talk about creating motivation for children to communicate, but I don’t see that he has any desire to communicate. How can I follow him? What about his communication? "Children with the

spectrum have impaired communication skills, so it is difficult for them to communicate with us actively and frequently like ordinary children. Poor communication skills also cause children to lose a lot of opportunities to learn social interactions. Over time, the development gap between them and children of the same age will continue to expand. Therefore, it is particularly important to create communication opportunities for children.

During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say:

In fact, in life, we need to consciously change our behavior slightly or adjust the surrounding environment slightly to achieve the same purpose and effect. We can do this:

No.1 Wait for a short time

When children have needs, don’t Rather than being anxious to meet his needs immediately, we can wait for him to make some attempts at communication before meeting his needs immediately. For example, when a child wants to eat a snack or play with a toy, after we take out the snack or toy, we should put it in our hands for a while and not give it to him immediately. If the child makes some gestures or makes demanding sounds at this time, or has brief eye contact with us, give it immediately to strengthen the child's behavior.

No.2 A little bit at a time

For example, if a child likes to eat small cookies or plays with toys such as building blocks and puzzles that require a large number of toys, avoid giving a whole piece of cookies or a whole set of toys directly, and only give them one at a time. A little or very little of Him, waiting for Him to come and ask for more from us.

During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say:

No.3 Out of reach

Place some of the things your children usually like on high cabinets so that they cannot reach them easily. Create opportunities for children to communicate with us and ask for help to get what they want. Because he can't get what he likes directly, he has to look at us, point with his hands, or make a request with voice or language, and then immediately bring the thing placed high to him.

No.4 cannot be opened

Put the things the child wants in a transparent container that is not easy to open. For example, the child likes to eat candy. If he can get it from the plate at any time when he wants to eat, he will not have it. Motivation to seek help. So we put the candy in a transparent plastic box that is difficult for him to open, so that the child will come to us and ask us to help him open it to get the candy he wants.

No.5 Don’t know how to play

For toys that children are interested in but difficult to operate by themselves (such as blowing bubbles, balloons or toys that need to be wound up, etc.), pause after the toy naturally stops or ends. And wait for him to come to us for help before getting the toy running.

No.6 Missing one

When we get up in the morning to dress our children, after helping him put on his clothes, we deliberately give him one less sock, or when we are getting ready to go out, we deliberately give him one less shoe or one glove. Let him ask for the missing part of the clothing.

During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say:

No.7 Don’t want

Provide your child with things or activities that we know he doesn’t like and don’t want, so as to encourage the child to express rejection or say “no” in an appropriate way. For example, you can give him snacks he doesn't want to eat when he is eating snacks, or ask him if he wants to eat food he doesn't like.

No.8 Cannot find

Hide the things your children want, create opportunities for your children to seek our help, and let us help them find them together.

No.9 Silent

When a child behaves like looking for food at home, such as ice cream, we can just stand in front of the refrigerator and wait without saying a word, without asking the child what he wants to eat. Wait for him to express what he wants to eat or drink before we respond immediately.

No.10 Different

In the past, we mostly matched the same items and provided them directly to the children, such as the same socks, the same shoes, etc. We can actually create communication opportunities by giving them different things.If your child always likes to wear a certain item of clothing, have him wear a different item of clothing when he gets up. Before going out, lay out two different shoes for your child to create an opportunity to find the other shoe.

During daily interviews with parents, we often hear parents of autistic children in Tianjin say:

No.11 The premise of providing options

is that we clearly know the child's preferences, but we can still expand the opportunities to communicate with the child by providing different choices. For example, we know that your child likes to drink apple juice. You can ask him whether he drinks apple juice or milk, bring the two choices in front of him, and encourage him to point to the option he wants or make the corresponding sound.

No.12 Making a mistake on purpose

We can pretend that we don't know how to do something, or that we have made a mistake unintentionally. We can therefore ask him and ask him to tell us what we did wrong or tell us what we should do. For example, we can pretend to put on the child's shoes to wait for the child's reaction and let him correct his mistakes and tell us what needs to be done.

No.13 Unexpected

We use our imagination to do something that is beyond the norm or unexpected. For example, when putting your child to bed, you deliberately put him to bed without taking off his shoes. Or when reading to him, deliberately holding the book upside down, etc., the child will be very interested in these "novelties", thus increasing the opportunities for communication.

Autistic children often lack communication with others. Grasp the little things in the child's daily life to stimulate his desire to communicate with us, so that the child can gradually discover the fun of communicating with others and produce more exchange opportunities.

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