For a period of time, after school every afternoon, especially during the epidemic, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the community has been a paradise for children. The children's main activity is riding bicycles. Children of different ages ride various kinds of bicycles, an

2024/06/2021:39:32 baby 1327

For a period of time, after school every afternoon, especially during the epidemic, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the community has been a paradise for children. The main activity of children is riding bicycles. Children of different ages ride various bicycles, and the speed is even more extreme. They are all different and have become a landscape in the community.

For a period of time, after school every afternoon, especially during the epidemic, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the community has been a paradise for children. The children's main activity is riding bicycles. Children of different ages ride various kinds of bicycles, an - DayDayNews

From this "cycling army", we can better understand the vitality and vitality of the community, and see the future and hope of the motherland. Most of them are primary school students, all of whom are about ten years old. Every time we see them riding bicycles, comparing speed, They are playing tricks, and some can also perform difficult moves. I really envy them for having such a beautiful childhood and such good conditions.

For the sake of their childrenā€™s happiness, some parents also followed closely to ensure their children were happy. Some helped carry clothes, some helped carry water, and some brought fruits, milk, etc., so that the children could drink when they were thirsty or hungry. One bite and one bite, they were so happy. A rough calculation shows that in the community where everyone lives, there can be more than 20 bicycles riding back and forth in the community at peak times.

When children ride bicycles in the community, it is just for fun, and it is also necessary for safety. After all, riding outside brings great safety risks. The community is relatively quiet and there are no motor vehicles on the ground, so it is relatively safe. This kind of environment is particularly suitable for children, it is especially easy to relax, is conducive to communication between children, and will definitely be beneficial to the healthy growth of children.

It is a good thing for children to let themselves go. Riding a bicycle is also free. No one interferes, and the community will not interfere, but it does not mean that there are no restrictions or rules. It does not mean that you can ride how you want. For example, some children ride very fast and will not slow down when meeting people, while others will not yield to pedestrians and even destroy lawns.

You must know that the community is a public place for everyone. There are relatively many elderly people and children. Some of these people have difficulty walking, and some activities are random. Just like some children just have fun when they come out. Even if there are adults following them, some cannot keep up. At this time, if the bicycle does not obey the rules and does not restrict its movement, it is easy to hit people. Practice has proved that bicycles hit the elderly and children, including adults. Some pedestrians were walking, and out of nowhere a bicycle came out from behind, knocking off the things they were carrying and breaking them, and sometimes knocking people down.

Children are innocent, and they can play as they please. As a parent, you cannot let them go as they please. The most basic thing is to educate them, such as driving slowly when turning, and when meeting people, especially the elderly and children. You must drive slowly. For example, if there are pedestrians blocking the road, you must say hello and do not cross at will. In particular, you cannot ride side by side and must give way to the sidewalk. When a child actually knocks down a pedestrian, parents need to step forward. They cannot pretend not to know and blame everything on the child, thinking that no one will do anything to the child.

For a period of time, after school every afternoon, especially during the epidemic, after three o'clock in the afternoon, the community has been a paradise for children. The children's main activity is riding bicycles. Children of different ages ride various kinds of bicycles, an - DayDayNews

community is our common home and needs to be maintained by everyone. Although cycling is a healthy exercise, you must abide by the rules. It is not appropriate for others to cause bad phenomena and affect the harmony of the community. Don't leave a bad shadow on the young minds of children.

The above are just personal opinions, please correct me if I am wrong. Hope it helps you and more people. Teachers and friends who are interested in this topic can follow it, forward it, leave messages, discuss, discuss and comment below. Thanks!

Note: The picture comes from the Internet and has nothing to do with the article.

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