No matter how good the food is, it cannot be eaten without restraint, especially for babies. Any food should be balanced. Although fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients, eating too much can also cause discomfort.

2024/06/2609:29:32 baby 1956

No matter how good the food is, it cannot be eaten without restraint, especially for babies. Because the baby's body is still developing, many organs are not yet fully functional. Any food should be balanced. Although fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients, eating too much can also cause discomfort.

Babies who eat too much fruit will aggravate their insufficient protein intake for malnourished babies; for obese babies, consuming a large amount of high-sugar fruits can further aggravate obesity and is not conducive to weight loss.

No matter how good the food is, it cannot be eaten without restraint, especially for babies. Any food should be balanced. Although fruits are rich in vitamins and other nutrients, eating too much can also cause discomfort. - DayDayNews

Excessive consumption of common fruits has the following hazards:

Lychee: Eating a large amount of lychee will greatly reduce the baby's normal food intake. Moreover, the baby will often suffer from dizziness, pale face, weakness in the limbs, and profuse sweating in the early morning of the next day. dripping phenomenon.

Watermelon: Watermelon should not be eaten too much, especially for babies with weak spleen and stomach and diarrhea. If you eat too much, it will not only weaken the digestion ability of the spleen and stomach, but also cause abdominal pain and diarrhea. Usually, it is advisable to give your baby 100 to 150 grams each time, twice a day.

Persimmon: When the baby eats it in excess, especially when eaten together with sweet potatoes and crabs, it will cause constipation, stomach distension, vomiting and indigestion.

Banana: Do not let your baby eat too much in a short period of time, especially babies with weak spleen and stomach , otherwise it will cause nausea, vomiting, and diarrhea.

You also need to pay attention to time when eating fruits:

Some mothers like to put some fruits on the dining table starting from breakfast for their babies to eat after the meal. They think that eating fruits at this time can promote the digestion of food. In fact, this is not suitable for growing babies and can easily lead to constipation. Do not give your baby fruit before a meal, because the baby's stomach capacity is still relatively small. If you eat fruit before a meal, it will occupy a certain volume, thus affecting the baby's intake of nutrients during the meal. The best way is to arrange the time to eat fruit between meals, or after waking up from a nap, so that the baby can eat the fruit as a snack.

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