Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b

2024/05/2313:57:32 baby 1038

Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b - DayDayNews

Hello everyone, my name is Maco.

This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account

Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a dinosaur with a combination of blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why does

Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b - DayDayNews

use so many colors?

Because Maco believes that a more complete world view setting can make my image more vivid and more attractive.

Blue-green represents my country’s blue sky and clear lake water, golden yellow represents the warm sunshine, and white symbolizes the pure heart of children.

My Chinese name is "Meike". The word "Mei" represents the beauty that children yearn for in their hearts, and the word "Ke" represents the child's cute image and precious childhood time.

Now that you know the origin of my image and name, can you feel more clearly the beautiful life picture I have built for you:

The lovely children are running and soaring under the blue sky in their precious childhood. In the clear lake water, enjoying the warmth of the sun, you show your pure heart to the world.

Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b - DayDayNews

Many friends may not know that in my personification, has repeatedly switched between two roles: is not only a companion who "shares hardships, joys and thinking" with the children, but also the thought between parents and children. Deliverer. How does

understand the conversion of my two roles?

Today, I will first talk about how as a companion, I "share the joys and sorrows" with my friends. As for the "transmitter of ideas", I will introduce it in detail in the next article.

Next, let’s talk about how Maco helps his friends as a “companion”.

In real life, many parents will guide their children to educate themselves, but they often ignore that their childrenare not deeply involved in the world, have not encountered many problems, and have insufficient experience...

In this case, they let their children educate themselves. The thinking angle will be relatively narrow, the ideas are naive, the decisions made may not be reasonable, and the probability of making mistakes is relatively high.

However, it is not advisable to give up on children’s self-education. After all, self-education can develop children’s habit of independent thinking and independent experimentation. This is an awareness that children should have from an early age.

As children grow up, we will find that children who know how to educate themselves will be better able to adapt to changes in the times and sudden difficulties than children who do not know how to educate themselves.

As a "companion", Maco is to provide children with the correct direction of thinking when training their self-education awareness. For example, through story cases, let children think on their behalf and avoid the same mistakes.

At the same time, it will also allow children to experience "unreliable" factors, so that children's self-education ability can be effectively optimized.

Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b - DayDayNews

For example, a 10-year-old child got a high score in an exam because of random luck. If he feels that he is very powerful because of this, he feels that he can get high scores without working hard.

This situation occurs because children regard accidental events as inevitable results, which is undoubtedly self-deception.

At this time, what should we do? Tell him directly that you got 100 points because of good luck (this is undoubtedly denying the child), or will it cause him to suffer setbacks in the next exam? (Think about it first, analyze later)

For another example, a 5-year-old child went to bed very late at night and was unwilling to get up the next morning and was late.

That night, his family began to remind him to go to bed early at night based on his morning experience, but he was indifferent and continued to go to bed late. Because in the child's judgment, going to bed late is not considered to be the cause of being late.

At this point, should the parents yell at him to go to bed, or let him be punished for being late again tomorrow morning?

No matter how we deal with it, we can never get around the child's true thoughts at that time.

Most of the 10-year-old child is enjoying his high score and cannot hear the "truth" at all. The 5-year-old child is playing with toys energetically and cannot hear the "truth" at all.

Because if a child accepts these "truths", it is equivalent to telling himself, "You are hurting my good grades" and "You are not letting me continue to play with toys."

Therefore, many parents will be in a dilemma.

Maco’s approach is full of patience. He does not use adult experience to tell children that “getting high scores is because of luck” or “if you don’t sleep, you will be late tomorrow”;

instead first stands from the child’s perspective and confirms his ideas first. : "Achieving high scores is your hard work", "You won't be late tomorrow".

Then, guide the children to take action based on their ideas: "How to keep high scores", "How to have fun and not be late tomorrow". After

Hello everyone, my name is Maco. This article comes from the WeChat public account: Meikewan Story Service Account Friends who are familiar with me know that I am a little dinosaur that combines blue-green, golden yellow and pure white. Why are so many colors used? Because Maco b - DayDayNews

established a comfortable relationship of "identification and guidance" with the children, a foreshadowing of what happened next was laid.

If "I failed the test next time" or "I will be late tomorrow", I will continue to "sympathize" with the child from the child's perspective and guide the child to think about why they "failed the test" and "be late"?

In this process, Maco very rationally played the role of digging into the "sweet spots" and "bitter spots".

Only by enjoying "desserts" with our children, will the children be willing to let us face the "pain points" together and become partners who "share the pain, joy and thinking" with them. This is effective guidance with trust and companionship.

To put it simply, when our children are happy, we should first be happy with them instead of beating them up. We should first build trust with the children, so that they will be willing to listen to our suggestions and tell us about the confusion they encounter. , so that we can better guide children to educate themselves.

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