How does a stay-at-home mother spend her day with her children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children

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How do full-time mothers spend their day with their children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children or myself, but the reality always makes people laugh.

How does a stay-at-home mother spend her day with her children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children  - DayDayNews

Before, children could already memorize 12345678....but they still didn't know and couldn't write it. Today, I will teach my children to read and write the numbers 1, 2, and 3. For this purpose, I prepared a digital flipchart, a notebook and pen, a teaching stick, and two small stools, so my children and I sat side by side and started our joint learning.

How does a stay-at-home mother spend her day with her children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children  - DayDayNews

Learn with your children

From the very beginning, the teaching stick is in the hands of the child, as if she has become a teacher. I pointed at the wall chart and read 1...2...3..., and asked the child to read along; she didn't listen to my instructions at all, "Mom, look, a lion; Mom, this is a giraffe; Mom, look , 123, and three crocodiles. I said, Mom, come and read 123. I said, Mom, I’m here to ask you a question. I said it’s okay. Mom teaches you. I read it to her several times. I asked her again. She knew the numbers 2 and 3. I asked her about the number 1. Is it the number 3? I was confused. She knew the complicated ones so many times, but not the simple ones. I asked her to read 1 after me, and I said, louder 11111... After learning this for no less than 10 times, she was very excited to read 123 loudly. , I came to test her again. When I pointed to 1, she said, Mom, is this the number 3? She couldn't handle it. I was so angry that I didn't teach you anymore. I turned around and came to her computer. She ran over and said, "Mom, aren't you a good boy? Don't be angry. Let's play digital games together." She gave me the teaching stick and I wanted to be patient with the child, so she returned to the small stool, picked up the pen, and taught seriously. She can read and write. You can see how many times she has read and written in the picture below. You can imagine that I taught her how to hold the pen, how to use force, how to write, and how to read.

How does a stay-at-home mother spend her day with her children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children  - DayDayNews

Children's results

Then, I returned to the wall chart, and I pointed to 1 and asked. How did she read it? She opened her eyes and asked me, "Mom, is this the number 3?" No, I was so angry that I walked away. I was speechless, and I yelled at her, "I want to play with my dad." , I don’t want to play with you.

How does a stay-at-home mother spend her day with her children? When children get older and have not yet entered kindergarten, they want to plan their lives and arrange their own lives. If every day passes meaninglessly, I will feel a little guilty, whether it is for my children  - DayDayNews

After a while, she came to me again and said, Mom, I want to eat popsicles. I looked at her, her hair was tied up well in the morning, like a princess, but now her hair is messy like a madman, and I have an even bigger headache. I just told her, I can’t learn 1, eat farts, not popsicles! She walked away and picked up her iPad.

I was so angry that I could only sit on the stool, sweating and sighing.

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When the twin sisters were born, they weighed just over 3 pounds in total. They were sent to the ICU as soon as they were born. In less than a month, they had already spent more than 180,000 yuan. The doctor said that babies with this condition usually have to be hospitalized for - DayDayNews

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