Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book "How to Raise a Child with ADHD", describing 14 guiding principles for raising children with ADHD. This is the basic principle he summarized based on his more than 30 years of teaching a

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Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book "How to Raise Children with ADHD", describing 14 guiding principles for raising children with ADHD.

This is the basic principle he summarized based on his Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book 0 years of teaching and clinical experience , which provides great help for the family and school management of children with ADHD.

Today, many mothers would like to share the following 14 principles with you in detail, hoping that the parents who see them will have more understanding and inspiration on how to raise their babies.

Because there is a lot of content, this sharing will be divided into two parts: the first part and the next part. .

today is sharing the 6 principles of the second part!

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

14 principles for raising children (Part 2)

9 Strive for consistency

We must use the same strategy every time we control our children's behavior. This consistency includes 4 aspects:

With Be consistent over time sex;

Once you start correcting a child's behavior, hang in there and don't give up too soon;

Response in the same way even if circumstances change;

Make sure parents are using the same approach.

If your reactions are unpredictable or erratic when you enforce rules, you will often fail.

We cannot expect that one of our management methods will have immediate results. For a behavior correction plan, we must insist on implementing it for at least 1~2 weeks before we can judge whether it is effective.

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

0 Act instead of yell

Not only Professor Buckley, but Dr. Sam Goldstein, another psychologist who specializes in clinical work with ADHD, also recommends: Parents stop preaching and exert practical influence: Act, don’t yell!

A baby has no problem with intelligence, skills, reasoning, and information acquisition. Simply preaching to the child cannot change the underlying nervous system problem .

Compared with other children without ADHD, children with ADHD are much more sensitive to the actual influence and feedback you give and less sensitive to the corresponding preaching.

So act quickly and frequently so your child will behave better. Chattering only makes the situation worse rather than making them obedient.

1 Plan ahead for potential problematic situations

Many mothers have mentioned many times that it is more important to "prevent problems" than to wait until they occur to remedy them.

For example, I have shared this article before: What should I do if a child with ADHD loses control of his emotions in public?

I believe this problem is also a headache for many parents. The article shares Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book "advance strategies" to help parents better prevent + solve problems. Interested parents can click to view: What to do if a child with ADHD loses his temper and makes a noise in public ? 3 "advance" strategies to help parents respond wisely!

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

2 Maintain insight into defects

This article is mainly about parents' emotional regulation of themselves.

When we face a child with ADHD who is difficult to discipline, we may become very frustrated, angry, irritable, and embarrassed because the child "refuses to change despite repeated teachings." Our behavior will be reduced to the level of the child, arguing like a child. .

At this time, I should always remind myself that I am an adult. If anyone between me and the children should stay sane, it should of course be me.

There is a small method for everyone:

Look away from the child, count to 10, and imagine yourself in another longing place, such as a beach. Then pretend to be a stranger and evaluate where I am now and the situation I am in.

3 Don’t personalize your child’s problems or illnesses

Don’t blame yourself too much, thinking that you are not a good mother or father. No one can raise a child perfectly.

Because we are all mortals, and we all have times when we are tired and lose control of our emotions. If necessary, you can leave temporarily, calm down, and regain your sense of control and sense of humor.

All parents have times when they cannot control their children, and there are times when they lose control, but it does not mean that we are not good mothers or fathers.

If you are interested, you can also check out this article. As a parent, you must relieve your emotions in time to provide better help to your children. : Parents of children with ADHD need to put on an "oxygen mask" for themselves first!

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

4 Learn to forgive

This refers to two aspects, one is to forgive the child, and the other is to forgive yourself.

ADHD children often do not intentionally make mistakes, intentionally fail to learn, or intentionally lose their temper. Parents of ADHD children do not pamper their children and raise their children into what the outside world mistakenly considers to be "naughty children."

It is really difficult to correct the child's behavior and at the same time carefully defend the child.

But don’t let the hurt, anger, humiliation and resentment caused by this matter follow us all the time.

The problem of ADHD is not the fault of the child, nor is it the fault of our parents. What we have to do is to try our best to learn and find scientific and effective treatment training to help children improve their growth as soon as possible.

Professor Buckley, an internationally renowned ADHD expert, has a special chapter in his book

Regarding the 14 principles of raising a baby, there are quite a lot of content to share. Parents need to think more carefully if they want to fully understand it. Therefore, it is recommended that you save the two articles together so that you can read them at any time in the future.

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