Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the

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Small class project

Weightlifting and shooting

Materials: Several leather balls; There are several ball frames at a height of about 2 meters

Rules: The father picks up the child, and the child picks up a leather ball from the basket below, and the father holds it high Children and young children throw the ball into the specified ball frame. Whichever group of families throws the most balls in one minute will win.


1. After the father picks up the child, the child’s feet cannot touch the ground during the entire competition.

2. The height of the ball frame is based on the place where the child can land after the father lifts the child high.

3. The competition time is set to one minute. The time is too long and it is difficult for Dad to support his physical strength.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

Riding a big horse

Materials: The starting line and the finish line are marked on the ground

Rules: The mother stands upright and makes a horse head, the child rides on the father's shoulders, the father puts his hands on the mother's waist, and the child grabs the mother's hands with both hands. With both shoulders, listen to the command and walk forward at the same time. Several families can compete at the same time. When reaching the finish line, whichever family takes the shortest time will win.


1. Before the event, the venue must be inspected and there should be no debris.

2. During the journey, parents must pay attention to safety.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

The ball is rolling

Materials: Several balls; venue layout (starting point, end point, track, etc.).

rules: First divide the children and parents into 2 groups. During preparation, the children and parents of the two groups stood face to face at the starting point and end point respectively. At the beginning of the game, the leading children of the two groups of children took the ball and rolled it towards the parents on the opposite side. After reaching the opposite side, the two parents on the opposite side rolled the ball to the children's team again, and the two sides took over in turn. The team that finishes first wins.


1. Both groups have their own tracks to ensure that children do not collide with each other to avoid danger.

2. Parents and young children who have completed the competition can cheer for the competitors on both sides of the track.

Middle class project

Super mobile

Materials: 50 - 60 cm long bamboo pole.

rules: is divided into two teams. The children hold the center of the bamboo pole with both hands, and the parents hold the two ends of the bamboo pole, so that the children hang on the bamboo pole. The children's feet do not fall to the ground. After hearing the signal, the two teams march at the same time, and the relay is carried out. The first to complete the game team wins.


1. The distance of the competition track should not be too long, and the development level of the children's arm strength must be taken into consideration.

2. The bamboo poles should be carefully selected and should be able to hold at least 50 kilograms of weight of a child.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

Tire rolling

Materials: Car tires with an outer diameter of 60 cm; venue layout (starting point, end point, track, etc.).

rules: First, divide the children and parents into 2 groups. During preparation, the children and parents of the two groups stood face to face at the starting point and end point respectively. At the beginning of the competition, the leading children of the two groups of children rolled their tires toward the parents' team on the opposite side. After reaching the opposite side, the two parents on the other side rolled the tires towards the children's team again, and the two sides took over in turn. The team that finishes first wins.


1. Both groups have their own tracks to ensure that children do not collide with each other to avoid danger.

2. Parents and young children who have completed the competition can cheer for the competitors on both sides of the track.

Dribbling Star

Materials: Unicycle; Ball; Obstacles

Rules: Children stand at the starting line, and parents (father or mother) stand at the finish line.The first child's stroller runs to the specified place. The first parent dribbles the ball to the specified place and puts the ball on the cart. The stroller takes the ball back to the starting point and passes the cart and ball to the second child. The parent runs Return to the finish line and pat the second parent’s hand. The second child pushes the cart and the ball to the specified place, the second parent runs to the specified place to get the ball, dribbles the ball back to the end point, the second child pushes the empty cart back to the starting point and hands the cart to the third child, and so on. It can be divided into two teams. In the end, the team with the fastest children and parents to perform the task wins.


1. Since the rules are relatively complicated, teachers can give demonstrations before the official competition.

2. Make sure the track is smooth and the obstacles are reasonably set.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

Large class project

Folk music

Materials: skipping rope; hoop

rules: The game starts. The parent in the row on one side rolls the hoop 40 meters to the opposite row, hands the hoop to the parent in the opposite row, and then stands at the end of the team. The parent who got the hoop rolled the hoop 40 meters to the opposite side, handed the hoop to the parent who was second in line opposite, and then stood at the end of the line. At this time, the leading child on one side skips the rope 40 meters to the opposite side, and hands the rope to the leading child on the opposite side. Relay in turn. The team that finishes first in the parent group or the toddler group wins.


1, the parent team and the child team compete at the same time, and the number of people on both sides is the same.

2. Make sure the track is smooth.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

challenge Liu Xiang

Materials: high column, middle column and low column for hurdle .

staff: is a family of three, father, mother and children.

rules: The father sets off after hearing the starting gun at the starting line. The mother will run next at 30 meters, and the child will finish the last 20 meters. Family members use small toys to relay games. The parents of the second group listened to the instructions and stood at their respective starting points and listened to the signal to start the race. And so on. After the race, the children stood in line at the finish line and waited in line. The family with the shortest time wins.


1. The hurdles used to cross the hurdles can be replaced by other obstacles, but pay attention to the difficulty.

2. Make sure the track is smooth.

About Tongxin Tongyu

Tongxin Tongyu, a practitioner of high-quality childcare services, a cultivator of professional international teachers, and an advocate of scientific family upbringing!

Tong Xin Tong Yu is a child care center built by many domestic and foreign infant and child educators. It is committed to creating a professional environment suitable for the development of infants and young children and supporting the healthy physical and mental growth of children. Provide regular lectures to parents to disseminate scientific parenting concepts and methods. At the same time, it is also a base for teaching demonstrations and teacher internships. Its purpose is to provide more community day cares with high-quality education and teaching demonstrations and teacher training. We have devoted ourselves to creating a multi-level and mature teacher training system, with special emphasis on teachers’ practical work ability. Since its establishment in September 2016, Tong Xin Tong Yu has 4 physical kindergartens in Beijing, covering community day care, corporate day care, commercial sports day care, kindergarten and child care integrated models.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

Childlike Heart and Childlike Language Demonstration Day Care is a Montessori model day care built by infant and toddler teachers. It is a model day care of the AMS American Montessori Association Teacher Certification Training Center and an AMS member school. Childlike Heart and Childlike Demonstration Day Care adopts Montessori teaching, which is child-centered and respects children's nature and primitive power. The environment is clean, safe, friendly and tolerant. No matter which class type, it has a sense of beauty, design and order. In an environment prepared by teachers, children can choose their own work, explore freely, and learn spontaneously and actively.

Materials for weightlifting and shooting in the small class project: several rubber balls; several ball frames are set up at a height of about 2 meters. Rules: the father picks up the child, the child picks up a ball from the basket below, the father holds the child high, and the - DayDayNews

The goal of childlike innocence and childish language in cultivating children is to cultivate their inner self and expand their outer self. Cultivate children to become the best version of themselves. They not only have a good cognitive level, but also have optimism, independence, self-confidence, studiousness, tenacity and problem-solving abilities. and other valuable non-intellectual qualities; outreach: Cultivate children to become useful members of society, acquire courtesy, empathy, cooperation and behavioral norms, so that children can happily integrate into society and become a positive social person.

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