Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch

2024/05/2020:00:34 baby 1533

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has the functions of disinfection, swelling and antibacterial, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. . As a result, a week later, the child's wound not only did not heal, but became more and more serious, and he had no choice but to come to the hospital for treatment.

After seeing the doctor, he found that the child's wound was obviously infected, the skin around it was red, and there was secretion overflowing from the wound. He could only receive anti-infective treatment, which may leave obvious scars in the future.

In fact, after a wound appears on our skin, there will be a lot of bacteria and dirt hidden in the wound. If we do not disinfect and clean it at this time, but directly apply aloe vera cream, it will form a closed environment suitable for bacterial growth and reproduction, and As bacteria multiply, the wound becomes infected, causing a small wound to become a large wound, and a small scar to become a large scar.

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch - DayDayNews

This mother blindly believed in the recommendations of those big V’s on the Internet, which not only caused her child to miss the best time for treatment, but also left lifelong scars on her child.

uses this case to tell you today. Are those all-natural, pollution-free, magical universal creams that are popular all over the Internet and recommended by beauty Vs? Are they effective? Can it be used by children?

"Magical" Aloe Vera Gel

In recent years, Aloe Vera has become popular in the beauty industry, and is even regarded as a "universal paste". One is because the polysaccharides and vitamins it contains have the functions of repairing skin, moisturizing and beautifying, and the other is because of its "natural and harmless" properties.

So is aloe vera gel really a "universal paste"?

Of course not! In fact, there are not many scenarios in life where aloe vera gel is really suitable for use. Most of the functions that are "deified" by the Internet are not effective, but will lead to a delay in the condition.

  • Treating wounds

Although some ingredients in aloe vera have the effect of inhibiting inflammation, by analyzing the ingredients of aloe vera gel, we found that water accounts for 98.5% of all its ingredients, and the other active ingredients add up to only 1.5%.

And this 1.5% is only available when the purity of aloe vera gel is pure. However, the active ingredients of aloe vera gel that we buy daily are basically unable to achieve such purity.

Therefore, it is difficult for aloe vera gel with such a small amount of active ingredients to truly play the role of antibacterial and disinfection.

In addition, aloe vera gel is not a formal medicine, and its effect on wound healing lacks scientific basis.

Therefore, no matter what kind of wound occurs, whether it is disinfection or sterilization, it is not recommended to use aloe vera gel. You need to use , iodophor, , etc. for disinfection and cleaning. If the wound is deep and wide, you need to seek medical treatment in time.

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch - DayDayNews

  • Treating Burns and Scalds

According to current research, aloe vera gel has a certain effect on minor burns and auxiliary treatment after scalds.

However, when the epidermis has any obvious damage, blisters, etc. burns or scalds, using aloe vera gel will not have a good effect.

After burns or scalds occur, the most important thing is to use running water to cool and rinse the skin as soon as possible, and then seek medical treatment in time.

  • Treatment of mosquito bites Mosquito bites

Mosquito bites are completely a self-healing process. The purpose of daily treatment is only to relieve itching, and aloe vera gel will not play any helpful role in this process.

If the bite is not extremely itchy, no treatment is needed at all.

If it is very itchy, you can use calamine lotion, hydrocortisone butyrate , mometasone furoate , etc.

  • Repair Sunburn

Using aloe vera gel after mild sunburn can relieve pain and discomfort.

Of course, it is not necessary to use aloe vera cream after a mild sunburn. Our skin has a certain self-healing ability, and repair after mild sunburn mainly relies on the skin's self-healing function.

Also, relatively speaking, after a mild sunburn, cold or wet compresses on the skin are more effective than applying aloe vera gel.

  • Treating baby eczema, prickly heat

For dealing with baby eczema, the scientific and effective treatment method is to use hormone drugs combined with moisturizing products, such as Vaseline or other cream moisturizing products. Although aloe vera gel has a moisturizing effect, it is not suitable as a moisturizing product for babies with eczema.

Also, it is unscientific to use aloe vera gel to treat baby prickly heat . The key to treating prickly heat is not to rely on medicine, but to keep cool.

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch - DayDayNews

The "magical" grass ointment

Grass ointment is known as the "Thailand miracle medicine". Almost everyone who returns from a trip to Thailand will have a bottle in hand. In fact, this "universal ointment" that claims to be able to treat colds, headaches, dermatitis , and even body odor is not that magical.

After carefully studying the ingredients of this grass ointment, it is not difficult to see that its main ingredients are menthol , borneol , camphor . Most of these ingredients have certain toxicity and irritation.

If the baby accidentally eats it, he may suffer from dizziness, headache, abnormal excitement, etc. Ingestion of large amounts can also cause epilepsy, which may be life-threatening in severe cases.

Moreover, through the analysis of the ingredients of Qingcao Ointment, we were surprised to find that these ingredients are all cooling agents, which have similar properties to cooling oil.

So, in essence, grass ointment is not a "magic medicine", at best it is a cooling oil with added plant ingredients.

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch - DayDayNews

The "magical" papaya ointment

The papaya ointment, which is very popular among a certain baby, a certain cat and the purchasing agent industry, is as miraculous as "boiling water can cure all diseases". What can be used to repair wounds, reduce inflammation and relieve pain, mosquito bites, repair sunburns and burns, etc. It can even remove acne . It is no exaggeration to say that it is the “top ten tonics” in the internet celebrity world.

However, through the ingredient list of papaya ointment, we found that 96% of the ingredients are petrolatum , which is Vaseline.

We all know that petroleum jelly is a good sealant and moisturizer without irritation. When the skin is dry and flaky or the wound is damaged, it can moisturize and provide a moist environment for wound healing, but it is nonsense to remove acne or treat mosquito bites.

Maybe, you will say, I heard that papain has many functions. In fact, the real function of papain is to remove exfoliation and dead skin, and the papain content in papaya paste is very small, so this effect is relatively weak.

Simply put, papaya paste is Vaseline with papaya extract added.

Some time ago, Beijing Children's Hospital received such a case: a child cut his face. The mother saw from the Internet that aloe vera gel has disinfecting, swelling, and antibacterial effects, so she applied aloe vera gel to the child every day. As a result, a week later, the ch - DayDayNews

In addition, what kind of toothpaste is also a "universal paste"? This is simply nonsense and has no scientific basis.

In fact, there is no real "universal ointment" in the world. The so-called pure natural, pure herbal plants that can cure all diseases are just exaggerated advertising and marketing strategies.

There is no harm in applying it in unimportant scenes. Once you encounter a serious problem, you must take medication under the guidance of a doctor, especially for children.

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