It’s not weird for editors to search for left-handed people. This is a very surprising physiological phenomenon. If both parents are left-handed, there is a 50% chance that the child will be left-handed. Many parents force their children to be left-handed when they are very young

2024/05/1903:44:33 baby 1173

It’s not weird for editors to search for left-handed people. This is a very surprising physiological phenomenon. If both parents are left-handed, there is a 50% chance that the child will be left-handed. Many parents force their children to be left-handed when they are very young - DayDayNews Edit Search Pictures

Being left-handed is not that strange. This is a very surprising physiological phenomenon. If both parents are left-handed, there is a 50% chance that the child will be left-handed. Many parents force their children to be left-handed when they are very young. In fact, if the baby is left-handed, parents do not need to force him to correct it. Do left-handed people have to correct themselves?

Do left-handers have to correct themselves?

Is it necessary to correct the child's left-handedness? It is generally recommended that soothe the liver and regulate qi, is of course the best, and children cannot be forced to correct.

Rude left-handedness may be considered a form of damage to the human brain, especially when forced to work with the non-dominant hand. The left-handed variation goes against course from the source. And such changes cannot change the advantages of the human brain. As we mentioned: Not only is this change difficult to complete the migration of the dominant hemisphere, but it will also cause the non-dominant hemisphere to be overloaded, causing brain problems.

This is by no means sensational. Please imagine what a complicated process writing is! Perhaps this is also the most difficult method that everyone must complete. Creation must stimulate many unrelated functions in the brain and operate harmoniously and effectively. This includes: precise movement ability, language expression ability, verbal thinking ability, and the cooperative operation of many thinking chains. During the writing process, the human brain is encouraged as a whole, and memory, composition and memory activation must be relatively highly coordinated to complete.

Therefore, modifying left-handed children is forcing their behavior and talents to shift, which is also a distortion of their nature. Especially when this kind of distortion involves complex activities such as creation, it may cause serious harm, and the ultimate structure of the human brain may be completely disrupted.

Characteristics of left-handers

What are the characteristics of left-handers? Not only do you often use your right hand, but do you also know the characteristics of left-handers? Below is a summary of 7 characteristics of left-handers to help you better master left-handers.

1. It is much more difficult for the left hand to do things with the right hand than for the right hand to do things with the left hand.

And right-hand people are more willing to listen, accept or consider other people's suggestions and ideas. This is related to the fact that left-handers have to adapt to new environments throughout their lives, learning when to cross the body with their right hand and when to use their left hand, and getting rid of difficulties is related to continuous training.

2. Right-handers seem to excel in sports that require quick response and proper spatial resolution.

focuses on people with strong left-hand, left-foot and right-eye skills, especially in some sports such as badminton, soccer, and golf. It is easy to perform better than others. Badminton celebrities such as Naratinova, Kondios, and Mai Kenro et al.

3. In some aspects, I have always had unique views that are different from others.

Left-handers often think of images before creating or painting. Many left-handers will find ways to reconstruct the fragmentary data they cannot remember into a page of photos, and then remember them. Like Bruliski, the originator of modernist architecture, digital graphics could describe how to build the Florence Dome Cathedral in the 14th century. "I have already imagined what it will look like when it is completed." He said that he defeated all European tricks. Bidder.

4. Advantages of exercise for right-handers.

Some left-handers can even hit the ball or swing with their left hand instead, which is something that most left-handers cannot do. In two-person resistance sports like Taekwondo, the right hand also has special advantages, and the rate of winning first place is very high.

5. Mathematics classes. Visual perspective. Strong spatial ability is beneficial to the development of mathematics classes and the field of architecture.

6. Information shows that if a left-handed person has a blood relative (such as a brother or sister) who is left-handed, the memory of such a left-handed person will be better than that of a person whose whole family is purely left-handed.

7. Left-handers have poor immune systems, including asthma. migraines. diabetes patients. children with autism (65% of autism patients are left-handed). And learning difficulties, Stubborn. Very easy to go astray. But in 1991, another scientific study overturned this basic theory.

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