My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se

2024/05/1610:26:33 baby 1138

My baby is about to go to primary school. Should I enroll my baby in the primary school transition? This has become a troubling issue for parents of primary school students.

So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from childhood to primary school.

I have gone through many detours in connecting children with young children.

I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the second is a son.

When my daughter entered the first class of kindergarten, I, like many parents, was extremely anxious. I found several kindergarten classes for my daughter early on.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

As soon as the kindergarten was over, I took my daughter on the way to kindergarten.

My idea at that time was that children must make a good transition from kindergarten to primary school and learn some primary school knowledge in advance, so as to prevent the children from being unable to adapt and keep up when they arrive in primary school.

In addition, many parents around me are very concerned. When chatting together, they either say that their children have learned thousands of Chinese characters, or that their children have learned addition and subtraction within 100. Some parents even say that their children have learned English. Completed several books.

When I listen to parents talking about their children, I feel that I have really delayed my children by not planning ahead for them.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

Although my daughter is quite resistant to me enrolling her in several kindergarten connections, I still insist on letting my daughter go to school.

spent so much energy, time and money on the connection between kindergarten and primary school. I thought there would be no problems after my daughter entered primary school.

However, when my daughter actually entered primary school, I discovered that the transition from kindergarten to primary school is more than just enrolling children in classes and allowing them to learn in advance. Does

need to be connected at a young age? What is the connection between young and primary school?

Since I only focused on letting my daughter learn cultural knowledge, I ignored many habits that should be cultivated. Such as study habits, living habits, behavioral habits, etc.

When my daughter entered primary school, I discovered that learning in primary school is very different from kindergarten. If the child does not develop various good habits, the knowledge learned in kindergarten can only support the child for a while.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

Parents can check and see how many of the following can their children do?

Be able to be quiet when it’s time to be quiet and take care of yourself

Know how to wear less clothes when it’s hot and add more clothes when it’s cold

You can make friends quickly, get along with your friends happily, and solve problems by yourself

You can continue to focus on one thing More than 20 minutes

Dare to raise your hand and express your opinions

Be able to sit down quietly to do homework, hold the pen and write in a correct posture

Have good reading habits, be able to read a book quietly

Go to bed on time and get up on time

If you If your child can do all of the above, congratulations, your child will definitely be able to adapt quickly. If the child still cannot do something well, then the parents should focus on training the child.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

For a long time, many parents, like me, thought that transition from kindergarten to primary school meant letting their children learn primary school content in advance. In fact, we just went into a misunderstanding that we thought was correct.

small connection, is it necessary? have. What exactly is the connection between young and young? I think it's more about the cultivation of abilities and the development of habits.

Do this at home. Without the connection between kindergarten and primary school, the child can still keep up.

Because I took many detours when my eldest daughter was promoted from kindergarten to primary school, when my son faced the transition from kindergarten to primary school, I became much calmer and no longer thought about providing for my child. Apply for kindergarten connection outside.

In fact, to put it bluntly, many training institutions for early childhood education take advantage of parents’ anxiety and exaggerate their propaganda. Parents spend money, but it may not have much effect.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

When it comes to children’s education, it is far more useful for parents to accompany them attentively than to throw their children into training classes.

has experienced his daughter being promoted from a young age to a primary school, so he naturally has experience. I know what abilities need to be cultivated for young children, what can be learned in advance, and what should not be learned in advance.

I decided to make the transition for my son from early childhood at home. This will not only enhance the parent-child relationship between us, but also save a lot of unnecessary expenses.

consulted a friend who is a teacher in a primary school. My friend asked me to buy a set of materials for children to connect to primary school during the summer vacation and practice with them at home.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

A friend said that she also used this set of kindergarten connection materials and easily helped her children complete the kindergarten connection learning during the holidays. There is really no need to go out and spend a lot of money to learn.

So, I bought this set of kindergarten connection materials for my son and let him practice at home. I didn’t expect that my son liked it so much and didn’t resist it like my daughter did at that time. He often asked me to take him to do the exercises in the book.

At the beginning, my son had some words he didn’t know and asked me for help when he couldn’t understand the questions. Later, he was able to practice on his own, and he did it very seriously. He felt a sense of accomplishment every time he finished a piece.

During the holidays, my son quickly finished this set of kindergarten-to-primary school connection practice materials. In the summer before the start of elementary school, in order to help my son further consolidate the knowledge points on kindergarten-to-primary school connection, I bought him a new set so that he could practice again. Do it again.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

Just like this, my son easily completed all the knowledge points of the kindergarten connection without going to any kindergarten connection. He also had strong initiative and mastered it well.

After reaching the first grade, because the child has a certain foundation, he learns things quickly and has a strong understanding. The teacher said that the child has good understanding and gets full marks in every test. He also made his son the squad leader.

I am very fortunate that during the summer vacation when my child was about to enter elementary school, I spent some time with him to make the transition from kindergarten to elementary school, so that he could adapt quickly after entering elementary school.

Those parents who do not pay attention to the connection between their children's early childhood are tortured by their children and are often called in for talks by their teachers. They all regret not paying attention to their children's early connection.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

Some parents asked me. They also spent a lot of money to enroll their children in kindergarten. How come they still can't keep up with the teaching progress in elementary school and are always called out by teachers?

Actually, this parent and I took the same detour. Simply relying on paying money to enroll in a class for your child's transition from kindergarten to primary school cannot really help your child achieve the transition. There are also more critical psychological preparations, behavioral habits, study habits, etc., which are not given to children by external training classes and require parents. Take your children to develop slowly.

After my daughter and son were promoted from kindergarten to primary school twice, I really advise all new parents not to spend a lot of money to apply for kindergarten transition for their children. Buy yourself a set of "Preparation for Primary School Transition to School" so that you can easily take your children at home. Easily connect young children.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

This set of books is recommended by teachers, liked by parents, and liked by children because:

This set of 12 volumes of "Preparation for Primary School Transition" contains Chinese characters, mathematical operations, language expression, artistic creation, social interaction, and healthy exercise. Six major themes, rich in content and diverse in form.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

Chinese character writing, music knowledge, sports and leisure knowledge, timely treatment of injuries, preview of preschool mathematics knowledge, and some polite and social knowledge that should be understood when dealing with collective study and life are all explained in detail in separate volumes.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

It is different from those young connecting books that only let children answer questions. It pays more attention to children's habit development and ability cultivation. It can improve children's language, mathematics, health, social interaction, art, etc. in many aspects, so as to learn how to quickly Adapt to primary school life. The layout of this set of books by

is very user-friendly, from simple to difficult, step by step.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

The two volumes of "Chinese Characters" arrange learning in the order of "Common Structures of Chinese Characters" to "Commonly Used Radicals of Chinese Characters", from simple structural analysis to specific introduction of radicals, helping children learn from the whole to the details. of learning Chinese characters.

My baby is about to go to elementary school. Should I apply for transition from kindergarten to primary school? So, let me share my experience here and talk about the topic of transition from kindergarten to primary school. I have two children, the eldest is a daughter and the se - DayDayNews

The two volumes like "Mathematical Operations" arrange the learning in the order of "Use of Smaller Numbers" to "Numbers Existing in Life", starting from the learning and familiarity of numbers, and then looking for numbers that appear in life, and Learn the hour hand, calendar, etc., and help children learn in a book-to-practical way.

This set of "Preparation for the Transition from Kindergarten to Elementary School" is very suitable for children who are transitioning from kindergarten to elementary school. If your child is also facing the transition from kindergarten to elementary school, I strongly recommend you to buy a set for your child and let your child practice at home this summer vacation. The link is below, if you need it, you can click it directly. A set of

books, with 12 volumes, only costs around 40 yuan. Compared with the expensive and useless young connections out there, this set of books is really cost-effective and the key is very useful.

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