When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool "Painting Therapy" can relieve psychological pressure

2021/10/1307:23:02 baby 1598

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When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

coloring, stress relief, super simple spiritual healing technique

coloring is not a new thing. Buy coloring books for your children. Children also like to paint on the coloring books. The painted faces are everywhere on the hands, and the children love it.

We also played when we were young. At that time, the conditions were not good. There was no color pen or drawing book. The children would pick up the branches and paint on the ground. Draw happy childhood memories under the brush.

But nowadays, after children go to school, parents are afraid of affecting their learning, so they will not let the children paint, consciously or unconsciously.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

This is the truth. Every parent hopes that their children will have good grades in their studies. There is no learning task in kindergarten. After school, children will have learning tasks. Chinese, mathematics, and English. Every day there will be texts that require students to recite, homework to be completed, and large and small exams... so the children also There is pressure to learn. This is also a problem that parents inevitably encounter in educating their children, so what parents pay most attention to is their children's learning.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

In fact, what parents don’t know is that painting can relieve children’s nervousness in learning and reduce their psychological pressure. There is a kind of psychological decompression method "coloring therapy" that is especially suitable for elementary school students, that is, painting.

Painting not only does not affect the children's learning, but also relieves the psychological pressure and improves concentration. Improve academic performance. It is important to know that it is not intelligence, but concentration that affects children's academic performance.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

1. Painting can heal the soul

There are some psychological pressures that cannot be expressed in words,Children can express it through pictures. Color can bring children a sense of security and joy in their hearts. Through the pictures, children can find outlets and expression spaces for their emotions.

When a child feels fear in his heart, he will draw a lion king to express his strength.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

When you are happy, you will draw one. Under the red sun, smiling little animals express their happy mood.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

If you are sad, you will draw a child hiding under a small umbrella in the rain, expressing sadness and tears.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

2. Painting can improve concentration

Painting and coloring require calming down. It is a process of making yourself focused. The children have to draw each stroke well, and the coloring needs to choose the color. What color should be painted on that place? All need to be dedicated. The process of completing a painting is the process of improving concentration.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

Education experts say that painting is an effective way for children to relax and exercise concentration.

"Primary School Students Decompression Coloring Book" series consists of 4 volumes, edited by Tsinghua University master and Chinese Academy of Sciences Dr. Lin Lin, selected, 24 ancient poems with beautiful artistic conception, 18 images The far-reaching Song Ci, Yuan tune, Han Yuefu poems, 18 poem fragments with beautiful meaning, 18 mythical stories of heavenly horses.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

It is drawn into a beautiful picture by a skilled illustrator. When children pick up the paintbrush in their hands to paint, the children will experience the feeling of concentration and relaxation from the beautiful mood.

Each ancient poem in "Primary School Pupils' Decompression Coloring Book" corresponds to a beautiful picture. These pictures have a beautiful artistic conception, which makes children want to paint as soon as they see it. Relax and enjoy the focus and relaxed mood brought by beautiful pictures.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

[Heart] Tang Poetry "Queju" Du Fu

Chiri rivers and mountains are beautiful, spring breeze and flowers are fragrant.

Mud flying swallows, sand warm sleeping mandarin ducks.

Illustration. On the left is the exquisite painting by the illustrator, and on the right is the black and white painting that children can color according to.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

left illustrator exquisite picture painting

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

right of the child can be painted black and white picture

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

left is the illustration The teacher’s exquisite painting, the black-and-white picture on the right, children can follow the illustrator’s drawing and color on the black-and-white picture

"Primary School Decompression Coloring Book" is a good book for children to grow up with three birds with one stone. Not only can it help children reduce stress in painting, but it can also help children improve their concentration. You can also learn to read beautiful ancient poems aloud in the painting.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

"Kuafu Chasing the Sun" " Eight Immortals Crossing the Sea "... etc. With the beautiful patterns in the ancient poems that children like,Children can color freely without drawing, and they can also take a trip with the ancients on paper. Free the soul, soar freely in the space of ancient poetry painting. Fun!

When a painting work is completed, the moment you look up, and seeing your own unique work, children will feel joyful and fulfilled, self-confidence and sense of accomplishment will emerge spontaneously. Painted out a beautiful picture completely different from others. wonderful Life!

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

"Primary School Decompression Coloring Book" has the following advantages:

1. Encourage children to try different painting materials to create and feel

paint with colored pencils, watercolors, and oil pastels. Can paint.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

2. Children can learn the drawing knowledge and brushstroke skills carefully written by the illustrator for the children.

3, decompress in painting, learn ancient poems, and cultivate concentration.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

"Primary School Students Decompression Coloring Book" in four volumes, each ancient poem, there is a beautiful picture, matching black and white pictures can be colored. The children coloured Quyuefu poems, coloured ancient poems, coloured mythological stories and coloured poems.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

It is recommended to parents who have elementary school students. They can start a set for their children. The children will love it.

[Heart] A set of four volumes of "Primary School Students' Decompression Coloring Book", original price: 147 yuan, only for headline activity: 79 yuan. You can place an order at the end of the article if you need it.

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

Do you know that there is a psychological decompression treatment method especially suitable for elementary school students called "coloring therapy"? I will tell you today. After you know it, for the children, please pick up the paintbrush and paint with the children. Painting is an adjustment outside of children's learning. After the stress is released, the children will devote themselves to learning with full energy.It's perfect!

When the child is tired of studying, he should draw a few strokes. The stress relief tool

I am, Mengyu Early Childhood Education. I have rich experience in early childhood education and focus on early childhood education and preschool education. Share parenting knowledge every day, welcome attention, welcome to leave comments.


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