"Mom, what makes you most proud of?" The mother's answer was convincing

2021/09/2723:56:10 baby 588

01. Mom, what makes you most proud of?

Last Friday, I went to pick up Dabao from school. In the car, she suddenly asked me a very serious question:

"Mom, what makes you most proud and proud?" _strong27span _strong27p

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, Replied:

"Mom is most proud and proud of, of course I have you and my sister."

2p The meaning of is also puzzled.

I answered like this, by no means a perfunctory Dabao, it is indeed the most proud thing I can think of at that moment.

The feelings of giving birth to a baby are very complicated for mothers. Pregnancy is very tiring, and giving birth is very painful, but when I see my baby at first sight, it is full of pride and happiness.

Remember in the Baoma group,A mother who had just had a baby posted to Moments and said: "It's amazing, I actually gave birth to someone!" "I can't find anything more fulfilling than having a child at present."

is indeed a fulfilling thing.

creates a new life from scratch, and then raises that little meatball to an adult; from the unfeeling milking machine, to the beginning of having his own emotions and careful thoughts.

from only sleeping and shit; to turning over, crawling, walking, talking and singing. Every bit of a child’s growth can only be felt by the mother who takes care of the baby.

Not to mention, if you are lucky, your child is smarter and eager to learn, has achieved success, is often praised by teachers, liked by classmates, and being a parent is really happier than making progress yourself.

02. The arrival of two children changed the trajectory of my life

Now think about it, the arrival of the two babies really changed the trajectory of my life and made me read Understand more of humanity and worldliness, and people's hearts are warm and cold.

No matter you work hard after joining the WTO,Or to be born full-time with a baby, every choice in life is related to the child.

In the year when there was Dabao, I was a novice mother and always had endless energy.

Looking back now, I brought the baby by myself when I was out of confinement. The baby stays for 24 hours and has to do the task of cooking and washing. I really admire myself.

After 5 months of maternity leave, I returned to work. I went to work during the day and took my baby at night, and I often took time to work overtime. Leaders and colleagues praised my mental energy better than when I had no baby.

Actually, only I know that I am struggling with fighting spirit, because I have a child, I want to work hard to give her a better life.

When I had a second treasure, my family's financial situation improved, but there was a shortage of people to bring a baby. After weighing the pros and cons, I chose to abandon my legitimate career and go home to take my baby full-time. I also wanted to give my two children better care.

Although open the Weibo Weibo WeChat headlines, many people may say that the risk of losing everything is too big for a housewife.

The people around you will also whisper behind the scenes that if you don’t work and go home to be a full-time housewife, it’s a waste of your academic qualifications and being lazy to get at ease.

I heard all kinds of opinions from the outside world only after I was full-time.Just noticed. Whenever I feel anxious due to the pressure of parenting, I secretly regret my hasty resignation.

If I don’t resign, I will also get a promotion and raise my salary. Maybe there are better prospects.

But if you really let me choose again, I will still make the same choice again.

There are many landscapes in life. Some people like magnificent waves, while others like calm waves. Anxiety is given by the outside world, but inner peace is the result of my own thinking.

I can only say that people have to take one step at a time. Now, the dolls need me more, and the family needs me more.

After having a child, there is a bond. You are no longer just yourself, you are the children's mother, whether you are born or enter the world, you want to give the best to the children.

03. After we become parents, we really grow up

Now Dabao is in the third grade, and Xiaobao is only 9 months old. It is a time when we need to worry about it.

The road to parenting is long and rugged, especially on weekends and holidays. When one person brings two babies, it is really a test of the mother's physical strength and endurance.

Just like the Mid-Autumn Festival not long ago, Dabao oral ulcers with pharyngitis ,It was so painful that I didn't want to eat, the school also assigned a lot of homework.

I was tired enough to bring Xiaobao, so I got up twice a night to flush the milk and brush the bottle. Xiaobao wakes up early in the morning, and wakes me up after 5 o'clock, lack of sleep, and groggy all day.

Dabao did not eat well at night, and Xiaobao was crying and drowsy again. I was really annoyed. My mood collapsed suddenly, and the acute anxiety was on the verge of an attack.

Fortunately, Dad Bao took the crying little Bao out to sleep, and I took a rest before I came back to life.

Only after having a child did I discover how important it is to have a good teammate. Two people share weal and woe and overcome the hardships of bringing a baby together. It is also a test and sublimation of couples' emotions.

Now, although from time to time I am anxious and upset because of the parenting and education of the two children, but I can see the smiling faces of the two children and enjoy the happiness of being a family together. I really feel proud from the bottom of my heart. And happy.

Being a parent is a heavy responsibility, and it is also the only way for parents to grow up.

Just like a colleague of mine said:

Just like my former colleague said: ."

one year after giving birth,Will let you see many things clearly. See clearly what the family you are married to is like, see what the original family is like, and you will also see what is most important to you.

There are many truths, and I only realized it after giving birth to a baby. And every child's arrival will give me new insights.

After giving birth to two treasures, in addition to the love between husband and wife, parent-child relationship, the relationship between sisters has been added to the family relationship. The relationship between the two children and the attitude towards the two children require my consideration and consideration.

Before going to bed yesterday, Dabao asked me a question:

"Mom, who do you love the most? Is it me or my sister?" I just answered:

"I won’t answer this question. You two are my children, and I love the same.

if I say to you I love you the most. If your sister knows about it in the future, it will definitely be very sad. If your sister asks me the same question, I won’t answer it. I will definitely be very sad. So, don’t ask me this question in the future, I won’t answer it.

I am not a master of water supply,But I will try to balance the relationship between the two children and give them different love at different ages. They will also be told that apart from their parents, they are the closest people to each other.

The process of raising children is not only a waste of money, physical energy and energy, but also mental growth and maturity. Pain and happiness, this is the true portrayal of parents.

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