How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant.

2021/05/1418:15:42 baby 628

All female friends who have been preparing for pregnancy will have this experience: after the ovulation period, the next step is to fidget and anxiously wait for the final "result" of to be announced . It takes more than half a month from the ovulation period to the next period. If the period is not on time, it may take longer. This long process can be described as suffering !

Is there any way to predict in advance and know if I am pregnant? The answer is yes, in addition to going to the hospital to detect , we can also judge from some changes in the body of . But this also varies from person to person. Some sensitive expectant mothers can feel the slightest changes in the body, while some expectant mothers who are relatively "thick" may not be pregnant for several months. Know.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

The actor Ning Ning once publicly confessed that he didn't feel pregnant for 5 months and climbed 6 kilometers every day. This is really unbelievable. At the 5th month of pregnancy, the fetal movement is already obvious, and the belly has already protruded, but I can't even notice it. This star mother is really careless!

★How long does it take to feel pregnant after pregnancy

Under normal circumstances, women 6 weeks of pregnancy, early pregnancy symptoms , such as: dizziness, weakness, lethargy, no appetite, aversion to greasy, nausea , vomits , etc. . However, some eager mothers who are trying to conceive and want to know whether they have "won the bid" after being in the same bed for a few days.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

We know that when fertilized egg implants , it will send a series of "signals" to the body to mobilize the whole body to prepare for pregnancy. If we can carefully screen and experience, and capture these early pregnancy signals , we can judge by ourselves whether we are pregnant or not.

After the sperm and the egg meet and combine, about 7-10 days, the fertilized egg will come to the right place in the uterus to implant. The placenta forms and begins to secrete HCG ( human chorionic gonadotropin ) and begins to enter the mother's blood , so the HCG content in the blood of expectant mothers increases significantly, which can be detected by blood tests.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

A few days after the implantation of the fertilized egg, about about 3 weeks of pregnancy (from the last time), there will be some different responses to on the body of the expectant mother, but it is not obvious, if you don't pay attention, it will It's easy to ignore. The more obvious early pregnancy reaction , will not appear until 6-8 weeks later.

★What early pregnancy reactions will occur in the body at 3 weeks+

☆Slight pain in the lower abdomen

Most women have no reaction at about 3 weeks of pregnancy, but some will experience slight pain in the lower abdomen, which is produced when the fertilized egg implants A reaction, a small number of implantation bleeding will occur. abdominal pain accompanied by blood, which is somewhat similar to symptoms before menstruation , so it may make mothers mistakenly think that they are having their period.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

☆The chest becomes full, accompanied by a tingling sensation

Many pregnant mothers noticed that they felt tighter than before when putting on and taking off their underwear in the first trimester of . When pressing the ru room, there will be a feeling of swelling and pain, accompanied by a rut head tingling. This is due to the change of the hormone in the body, which promotes the secondary development of the ru breast and prepares for breastfeeding the baby in the future. Because it is still in the early stage, this feeling is not too obvious, and many pregnant mothers may not pay too much attention.

Basic body temperatureIncrease

The normal body temperature of a person is 36-37 ℃, if it is a woman in the early stage of pregnancy, the body temperature will rise to between 36.9 ℃-37.2 ℃, an increase of more than 0.5 ℃. If after a week of intercourse, you feel that your body has a fever, and is accompanied by symptoms of headache, , and general weakness, don't think it is cold and fever, or it may be a sign of pregnancy. After the 13th week of pregnancy, the body temperature will gradually return to its original normal state.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

☆Becomes sensitive to smell

Many mothers-to-be know that they are "pregnant" because they are very sensitive to smells. Due to changes in the levels of the progesterone in the body, the way we perceive smells also changes. Some ordinary smells make us feel sick and vomit. This is actually a body protection mechanism that forces us to stay away from some substance or environment that may be harmful to us or our fetus.


During the first few weeks of pregnancy, our internal bodies work at high speed and continuously to enter and support the state of pregnancy. Therefore, our body is prone to fatigue.After the implantation of the pregnant egg, the hormones in our body change rapidly, and the increase in body temperature and oxygen consumption will cause our physical strength to be deficient, mental fatigue, and a feeling of not being able to sleep.

How long do you feel during pregnancy? You don’t have to wait until your period. If you have 5 symptoms, you might be pregnant. - DayDayNews

★Concluding remarks

Generally speaking, the body changes and reactions in early pregnancy and early pregnancy are all guided by hormone changes in the body. If there is no problem, it will be more accurate. If expectant mothers are worried, they can also go to the hospital for urine or blood testing.

Do you think the reactions that occur in early pregnancy and early pregnancy feel accurate? How long did it take you to know that you were pregnant? Welcome to discuss and share your experience!

This article is the original content of Wanjia's mother. If you like the article, welcome to reprint and share, thank you for reading the full text. (The pictures in the text are from the Internet, please contact to delete the infringement)

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