Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha

2024/07/0208:00:32 article 1985

1. One day your edges will be smoothed by the world, you will pull out the thorns on your body, you will learn to smile at people you hate, and you will become a calm person.

2. Donā€™t be too entangled in the present, and donā€™t worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before.

3. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people what kind of person I am. Because this is ineffective, people will still only want to see what they want to see.

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

4. Life must be wasted on beautiful things, weight must be wasted on delicious food, and love must be wasted on the person you love. Good morning!

5. People come and go, donā€™t lose or forget. In every corner of the world, there are people working hard to live.

6. The world is not that good, nor is it that bad. All we have to do is to be kind to everyone as the environment allows. When the environment does not allow it, protect the people you really care about.

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

7. If you still canā€™t get out of singlehood, quickly get yourself out of poverty. You can't have no one around you and no money in your card.

8. You must live a good life and work hard to make money. When the time comes, you will find that when life is shining, there is no time to complain, to be pretentious, to worry about gains and losses, and to miss old relationships.

9. In adversity, wise men advance despite difficulties, while fools stay depressed. Instead of believing in relying on others, you might as well believe in relying on yourself. Those seemingly unreachable futures will become the clouds and breezes you have experienced!

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

10. May we always maintain a pure and kind heart in this noisy world. Don't let the bed down when you sleep, don't let down the person when you love. Good morning!

11. May you live a cool and unrestrained life, fearless, able to take it up and put it down, give it your all when you love, and walk away with your head high when you donā€™t love.

12. No matter how well you do, there will still be people pointing fingers; even if you are a mess, there will still be people singing praises. So don't fall into other people's eyes. What you need to please is just yourself.

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

13. I hope you wonā€™t be sad for too long, I hope you can see more beautiful scenery, and I hope you donā€™t need to look back. Growth means no longer placing your hopes on others.

14. It doesnā€™t matter if you have a simple meal, it doesnā€™t matter if your friends are gone, it doesnā€™t matter if the war is in chaos, as long as you have a steaming soul, life will not be bad.

15. When you are alive, you donā€™t need to understand everything. If the water is extremely clear, there will be no fish; if the water is extremely clear, there will be no friends. Compete with your family, and if you lose, the family ties are gone; compete with your lover, and if you lose, the relationship fades; compete with friends, and if you lose, the friendship is gone. What we fight is reason, what we lose is love, and what we hurt is ourselves.

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

16. Be a person with self-control, a person of few words, but a big heart. The stronger a person's self-healing ability, the more likely he is to be close to happiness.

17. I think that in this world, even if there is not the best encounter, there should still be the best efforts to meet or reunite.

18. People have four opportunities to change their destiny in their lifetime. One is to be born with a golden key in your mouth; one is to go to a good school and find a good job; one is to change through marriage; if you have missed the above three opportunities, then you have the only chance, and that is to rely on yourself. Good morning!

Don't be too entangled in the present, and don't worry too much about the future. When you experience something, the scenery in front of you is no longer the same as before. There is no need to let everyone know the real you, or there is no need for you to keep telling people wha - DayDayNews

19. If you donā€™t like something, donā€™t pretend, and if you donā€™t like it, donā€™t force it. Life is already so difficult, why bother yourself anymore.

20. The person you like should be your motivation, not your wound. The things you enjoy should enrich you, not make you anxious.

21. Others are working hard secretly where you can't see it. Where you can see it, they are just as careless as you and complain just like you. But only you believe that these are true. In the end, there is only You continue to be unwilling to make progress alone. Good morning!

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