After you pass the age of 25, you will feel that the world is slowly becoming noisy and lonely. People around you are busy, and everyone's life begins to take a different trajectory and direction. Those friends or classmates who grew up together when they were young, some have al

2024/06/2913:23:33 article 1087

After the age of 25, you will feel that the world is slowly becoming noisy and lonely.

People around you are busy, and everyone's life begins to take a different trajectory and direction.

Those friends or classmates who grew up together in childhood, some have already gotten married, some have become parents, have a new identity, and some continue to move forward in confusion in the long river of life. This is probably what life means.

It has been a long time since I stopped looking at Moments. Saying goodbye to Moments is indeed a good way to deal with some anxiety. You can’t see other people’s lives. There is no comparison, so you don’t have to worry about it. The world is so big, why don’t you? In this part of the land, there are so many people, but why am I alone?

After you pass the age of 25, you will feel that the world is slowly becoming noisy and lonely. People around you are busy, and everyone's life begins to take a different trajectory and direction. Those friends or classmates who grew up together when they were young, some have al - DayDayNews

Don’t want to be alone

After going to work, you will gradually find that you have less and less time for yourself. Because you have to go to work during the day, unless you leave your job during this period, you will not be able to achieve the freedom of working days. Seven days a week, without working overtime, only two days are your own time.

I am a person who is very afraid of "stillness". I am very afraid that "doing nothing" is a waste of time. I am a waste of the beautiful spring time outside and my own time, so weekends without plans will be a waste of time. It makes me anxious on Wednesdays, and I start to think about who to date and what to do on the weekend.

But it’s also very embarrassing when I’m older. As a person who is wandering and single, I can only say that I really need to learn how to do it. The way to get along with people in life is to learn how to date alone. Because you will see that the people around you, whether they are married or in love, have very little time for themselves. They need to get along with their families, date with their boyfriends, and have their own things to do at the same time. 2 days The rest time seems to be too little.

Because I know my weakness, I will start to overthink for no reason when I am alone, so I almost fill up my free time. I started a weekend alone last week. You can also ask your friends to go out to eat or go to a cafe, but suddenly you feel a little tired, and you feel like you are going out just for the sake of going out. So, I returned to my own weekend without contacting any friends.

After you pass the age of 25, you will feel that the world is slowly becoming noisy and lonely. People around you are busy, and everyone's life begins to take a different trajectory and direction. Those friends or classmates who grew up together when they were young, some have al - DayDayNews

It’s quite a good life for an old man

. Even on weekends, I don’t sleep in anymore. It’s really a terrible biological clock. Get up early, ventilate, wash, have a cup of warm water, a cup of coffee, and start cleaning after a while. Hygiene, I have to say that cleaning in the summer will make the weather that is not so hot become hot. Start preparing lunch early. The advantage of getting up early is that the day will become very long and you can do a lot of things.

has been busy all the time, and suddenly has a lot of time without any plans, just like, a rest suddenly appears in the music, making the space seem a little empty, and the whole person becomes quiet together. If you want to go somewhere, you can go out at any time. If you want to buy something, you can leave as soon as you say it. Even if you suddenly don’t want to go, you don’t have to worry about missing an appointment, and your life alone will be equally happy.

After you pass the age of 25, you will feel that the world is slowly becoming noisy and lonely. People around you are busy, and everyone's life begins to take a different trajectory and direction. Those friends or classmates who grew up together when they were young, some have al - DayDayNews


The older you get, the fewer people you can talk to, and the number of people you can share your life with gradually decreases. Everyone has their own life, and best friends and good brothers also begin to have to bear the burden of family or other things that only belong to them. own responsibility. Learn to get along with yourself and live with yourself. When you get older, it is the fun of playing alone ~

Author: Ben Fei, once I went abroad, I am still wandering around. Although I don’t know where the end is, I am always on the road. I like to write Some small words, hope to meet the unknown you in different stories.

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