The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of "pseudo-self-discipline" and are unwilling to step out. In fact, a person's blessing is real and cannot be false.

2024/06/2305:39:32 article 1059


Zhu Xi once said: "If you don't work hard, your mind will become depressed; if you don't exercise restraint, your mind will become unbridled."

If you want to live a good life, you need self-discipline and cannot be free and undisciplined.

The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of "pseudo-self-discipline" and are not willing to step out.

In fact, a person's blessing is real and cannot be false.

Once you deceived the world, you will have to pay for all the "deception" later.

It is not difficult to find that truly self-disciplined people are those who live authentically.

The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of


Keep your mouth shut and dare to tell the truth.

In the Spring and Autumn Period , Zaiwo asked Confucius : "If I tell a kind person that someone has fallen into a well, will he follow him?"

Confucius said: "A gentleman can pass away, but cannot fall; but When you deceive a gentleman, it doesn't mean you are stupid, but you yourself are stupid.

In other words, the most hateful people in this society are not those who are down and out, but those who overdraw the kindness of society and use hypocrisy to test the truth.

During the Second Qin Dynasty , Prime Minister Zhao Gao wanted to rebel, but he was worried that the people around him would oppose him, so he wanted to find a deer, put it in the court, and said: "Look, this is a horse."

Qin II said: "This is a horse, don't talk nonsense."

People around him talked a lot, some said "horse" and some said "deer". Obviously, the person who says "deer" is an accomplice, and the person who says "horse" is an opponent.

In society, it is not uncommon for people to flatter you, but their words can only make you feel arrogant and lose yourself. Over time, you will no longer be able to hear real sounds. You may have two ears, but they are not the same.

The philosopher Spinoza said: "Flattery can also cause coordination, but this kind of coordination is caused by servile shameless sins or deception."

It is unacceptable to be one-sided, talk the same, and flatter each other. Believe it.

A truly self-disciplined person controls his or her mouth carefully, knowing when to speak and when not to speak. Shutting up is to protect yourself and express with silence; opening your mouth is to remind others and use words to warm others.

likes this sentence very much: "If sincerity is a kind of hurt, I choose to be silent; if silence is a kind of hurt, I choose to leave."

Keep your mouth shut, this is a lifelong thing, and you can't be careless for a day.

The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of


Keep your eyes open and see the truth.

Mencius said such a story: In the Spring and Autumn Period, Zheng Guo's minister Zichan took a live fish and put it in a pond, asking the person in charge of the pond to take good care of the fish.

After a few days, the person in charge of the pond fished out the fish and ate it. Then he told Zichan: "This fish is very naughty. It swam away in the direction of the water."

Zichan nodded and said that the fish went to the place he longed for and gained freedom.

Xunzi also said one thing about sub-production of : Zheng Guo's and Deng analyzed , always singing the opposite tune, and also said the theory of "taking the wrong as right and right as wrong". According to his logic, it is also true that the white horse is not a horse. Therefore, "the state of Zheng was in chaos and the people were rejoicing."

Zichan collected evidence that Deng Xi spread rumors, and then punished Deng Xi.

There is a saying that if a leaf obscures your eyesight, you cannot see Mount Tai.

No matter how big the object is, as long as your eyes are blindfolded, you can't see it. A pair of sunglasses can turn your world black, that's the truth.

"Hearing is false, seeing is believing". A self-disciplined person will make good use of his eyes, analyze the situation based on what he usually knows, and then be able to "know what he knows". Sometimes, wearing sunglasses is to make yourself feel at ease and to set an example for others.

It is not difficult to find that Zichan let the fish farmer go because he was not living hard and pretended to be confused. It's not that he can't see what's really going on.

Therefore, Prime Minister of the Song Dynasty Wang Anshi praised him: "The government of Zichan makes it impossible for people to bully, and a gentleman can bully his side, so he makes livestock and fish and the schoolmen cook them; but he observes them so that people cannot be bullied." , How can you be alone? "

How to use your eyes and where to focus. This is your own choice and wisdom.

People who go to scenic spots, some see garbage and human heads, others see scenery, as well as the sun and sea in the distance.

Use your eyes well. In fact, it is a combination of reality and reality, and finally returns to reality.

A writer once said: "All living things in the world have their eyes. It depends on whether you search carefully and whether you have the courage to see into the world with them."

A person's self-discipline often looks like this ——See things with your eyes and see the world with your heart; what you see is the pattern of life.

The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of


Take care of your body and do more practical things.

Yu Juan, a teacher at Fudan University, wrote in "This Life Is Not Completed": "People should base their happiness on sustainable long-term life goals, rather than just looking at short-term fame, wealth, and power."

All the insights, All come from personal experience. Teacher Yu Juan is a career-loving person, but she has been tortured by cancer for a long time.

As a person, the most long-term plan is to keep a good body and not worry about running out of firewood.

Take good care of your body, keep exercising, and don't do "check-in" actions. Only if you persist, your life will be long. Those who often go to the gym to show off and take selfies in the library are "pseudo-growth."

In addition, we must use our hands well and be a hard-working person. In the workplace, be an accomplished person; when starting a business, dare to challenge yourself and get out of the trough; at home, take the initiative to do housework and take good care of your children and parents; in society, respect the rules, take good care of the weak, and dare to expose The viciousness of bad people.

If you fool your body, the more fake movements you do, the worse the consequences will be.

Whether your health is good or your grades are good, don't be careless. If you deceive other people's eyes, you are actually deceiving your own "destiny".

The truth is easy to understand, but many people live in a world of


Along the way in life, you will meet many people and many things. There are temptations, traps, and problems. You need to use the strictest ruler to measure.

No one can guarantee that they will hear the truth, see the truth, and never make false moves, but they can improve their insight, trend judgment, etc.

Zhuangzi said: "The real person is the most sincere. If he is not sincere, he cannot move people."

You must understand that real gold is not afraid of fire, while false feelings are most afraid of truth.

It’s a long road, and you and I will walk together and treat each other sincerely. Wouldn’t it be happy?

Author: Commoner.

Pay attention to my words and enter your heart.

The pictures in the article come from the Internet.

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