Guiguzi once said: "It is easier to deceive smart people than stupid people." Foolish people have to design details, but it is best to ignore the details to deceive smart people, because they pay more attention to details than you do. This is the deep secret The excellence of a p

2024/06/2405:17:32 article 1264

Guiguzi once said: "It is easier to deceive smart people than stupid people." Foolish people have to design details, and it is best to ignore details to deceive smart people, because they pay more attention to details than you do. This is The greatness of a person is hidden deep inside.

Guiguzi once said:


As the saying goes: "The sky does not say how high it is, and the earth does not say how thick it is. Taking all things as a reference, you can see your own shortcomings." It means that although the heaven and the earth do not say how high or thick they are, people can see the heaven and the earth. Gao Kuang is the one who nurtures all living things. A truly knowledgeable and cultivated person will not get carried away and show off himself everywhere.

once saw a fable: All the animals made an appointment to climb the pyramid to see who could succeed.

At the beginning, everyone was eager to climb up. As time went by, more and more animals chose to give up.

But no one thought at this time that except for the eagle that flew to the top of the pyramid early, the snail, which had always been unknown, also became the final winner.

In life, we may not have the talent of an eagle, but we can be a perseverant person like this snail.

People who are really secretive are often not simple. What is deep is the city, and what is hidden is wisdom. Such powerful people are hidden around us, but we often don’t know it.

Guiguzi once said:


There is a saying in " Cai Gen Tan ": "The eagle stands as if sleeping, and the tiger moves as if it is sick, which is where it grabs and bites people. Therefore, a gentleman must not show off his intelligence and not show off his talents, so that he can have the strength to shoulder great responsibilities." "

Zhuge Liang In " Empty City Plan ", it seems that he did nothing, but he did several things quietly. Let the bookboy accompany him to the city tower to play the piano, try to pretend to be confident, open the city gate so that the opponent does not dare to enter directly, and let the people sweep the floor at the door, so that the opponent will have doubts about whether the people are soldiers.

Zhuge Liang's secretiveness is a high-level life strategy. It will be easier for you to achieve your goals by suppressing your desire to do things first, using disguise techniques appropriately to make the other person unclear about your motives, and avoiding other people's competition and blows.

Guiguzi once said:


Fu Zhao said: "An ant's nest can destroy a thousand-mile embankment; a three-inch tongue can harm one's family and life." This means that although ants are small, there are thousands of them. If you build a nest on the embankment, it will be destroyed in a flood. Come, the embankment of thousands of miles may be destroyed overnight. A small tongue looks inconspicuous, but if you say the wrong thing, your life will be affected.

My classmate Wang Ling worked at a thermal power plant in the county town. After a year, he was promoted to monitor the safety inspection class, and his monthly salary increased by 1,000 yuan.

After Wang Ling was promoted, he proudly said to his colleagues: "Don't you know? My cousin is the vice president of a thermal power plant. This promotion relies on my ability on the one hand, and my cousin's support on the other. "

Wang Ling's words were remembered by his colleagues. They were very dissatisfied because they had been working diligently in the thermal power plant for five or six years but were not promoted. As a newcomer, Wang Ling was promoted to the safety inspection team leader in just one year. .

Afterwards, someone came to the boss's office and said: "Wang Ling's cousin violated the company's employment system by being nepotistic. Although the matter was later clarified, Wang Ling's cousin was still criticized."

Hidden in the dark A good person will not speak casually, always have reservations, and maintain a humble attitude, so as not to arouse the jealousy and resentment of others.

Society is very complex. On the one hand, people must have real abilities, but on the other hand, if they have real abilities, they cannot expose them easily. If you reveal your true abilities at inappropriate times and occasions, you will be jealous of others and may even be plotted against you. Not only will this not bring you any benefits, but it will also bring disaster.

Guiguzi once said:

Hiding is a high-level life strategy. It is also one of the basic qualities that a successful person should have, and it is also an important means of survival in life.

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