One thing I often hear people say is "just get used to it", and what is conveyed inside and outside the words is helplessness and compromise. In fact, habits should not be about compromise, but about adaptation, actively adapting to the people, things, and things in the outside w

2024/06/2402:00:32 article 1325

One thing I often hear people say is

I often hear people say "just get used to it", which conveys helplessness and compromise. In fact, habits should not be about compromise, but about adaptation, actively adapting to the people, things, and things in the outside world.

I remember that when I was first required to wear a mask, I couldn’t breathe. It was a kind of torture. I felt like it was hard to live like this. But as time went by, it became a habit. If I forget to wear one when I go out, I always feel that something is missing. What.

With the arrival of the first two epidemics, people were panicked, and everyone started buying as much as they could. But now, people are much calmer and accustomed to the coming and going of epidemics. There are people who can help solve the difficulties. We are already familiar with the precautions we should take, so why should we panic?

People will feel uncomfortable with the appearance of any strange thing and then resist it. However, you cannot change the existence of many things, so you must understand it, grasp its laws, accept it, and make it a part of your life. This is how habits are born.

One thing I often hear people say is

Habit is a mediator that can maximize the harmony between body and mind and the outside world. When you get used to it, you will find that some new things will bring you many unexpected gains.

Take wearing a mask as an example. It blocks dust and germs. In the past winter, there were a lot of people getting influenza , but the number has dropped significantly in recent years.

When the new principal arrived at the school, there were many things we were not used to, such as the placement of cars, adjustments to class and meal times, and the position of the teacher who raised the flag on Monday... After a month, everyone got used to all this, and found that after doing so, the campus became more Everything was in order, and everyone's mental outlook was completely new.

I remember that when the household responsibility system was implemented in rural areas, some farmers were in panic all day long, feeling like the sky was falling. My uncle cried loudly while holding the cows of the production team. Decades have passed, and everyone has gone from initial resistance to acceptance to habituation, and now they are enjoying the dividends brought by this policy.

One thing I often hear people say is

Habits all have a process, which requires patience and the initiative to seek change. There is a saying that goes well: "If you think about it, everything will be fine. If you can't think about it, just get used to it slowly."

Life will not go as you want, and everything will not go as you want. Don't get into trouble when something happens. Use unaccustomed or uncomfortable excuses to put yourself in a difficult situation.

To get used to the people, things, and things in the outside world, you need a broad vision and a broad mind. There can't be only one kind of flower in a garden, and there can't be only one color in a spring. The world is diverse and ever-changing. We must respect differences and be open to all rivers. Only in this way can we integrate into the crowd, integrate into society, and keep up with the pace of others and the times.

Of course, not everything is "just get used to it". Regarding the evil deeds of others, the bad phenomena and decadent ideas in society, and major issues of right and wrong, you cannot compromise or get used to it. You must dare to say "no" ". In other words, we cannot let "habits" become synonymous with backwardness, indifference, and servility.

One thing I often hear people say is

Society is developing and the times are progressing. We must not only maintain an enterprising spirit, but also have a graceful and peaceful mentality. Knowing how to get used to some external factors will make your life path broader and broader.

Please interpret "just get used to it" appropriately and give life a more harmonious experience.

[Postscript] gave students an assignment to reinterpret some sayings and proverbs. Don't just follow others' opinions, write down your own opinions and understandings, and pay special attention to a bit of speculation. I also wrote an article casually. I don’t know much about it, so I hope it won’t stain everyone’s eyes.

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