The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i

2024/06/2313:46:33 article 1520

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an independent individual, instead of relying on everything outside to live your life. No one will definitely pick you up on a rainy night. No one will be able to read your mind.

No matter how hard it rains, there will be a rainbow in the end. No matter how sad you are, believe that happiness is waiting in front. You must be shrewd in dealing with things and confused in dealing with others. In life, one must be able to see clearly and see through, but not see through. Life is a performance that never ends, and each of us is also an actor. However, some people obey themselves, and some people please the audience. The sky is so blue and the sun is so warm. Why should we sigh amid the songs of birds?

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i - DayDayNews

The simplest thing in the world is to give up. If you don’t want to learn anymore, you can close the book on the spot and lie down on the table to sleep. If you don’t want to fall in love, you can say break up immediately and walk away gracefully. Such a simple thing. But persist. If you persist in studying, you will be admitted to a satisfactory university. If you persist in loving, even if you are tired, the two words will not be uttered. How long will the future be? If you persist, you have the right to give up, but after giving up, you will never persist again. reasons.

Being beautiful is not as good as living a beautiful life, having money is not as good as being talented, speaking well is not as good as doing well, waiting to be praised is not as good as making a fortune in silence, living happily is not as good as losing face, and doing things is not as good as thinking about things. Besides, if it’s difficult to choose, it’s better to choose randomly. This is often the case. Things you think are important are actually shackles that bind you. The most important things for people are two things: confidence and freedom.

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i - DayDayNews

There are two major misunderstandings in life: one is to see life for others, and the other is to see other people's lives. It seems that because you can't prove your own happiness, you need to prove it through the eyes of others. In fact, this is a kind of vanity and inferiority complex. Don't live too passively, because this will make you very hard. As long as you feel happy, you don't need to prove anything to others. Don't just look at others and take the wrong path under your own feet.

In fact, no one cares about you: When you are 20 years old, you will worry about what others think of you. At the age of 40, I no longer care about what others think of me. At the age of 60, I discovered that others had never thought of me at all. Most people don't actually care about you. People who really care about you are often the ones who love you the most. In this world, there are not many people who truly love you. Don't care too much about what others think, just care about what the people who really love you think about you.

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i - DayDayNews

When you put down your dignity and make money, it means that you are sensible. When you use money to earn back face, it means you have succeeded. When you can make money with your face, it means you are already a figure. When you are still there drinking and bragging, pretending to understand nothing, and only love the so-called face, it means that this is how you will be in your life.

Everyone is lonely sometimes. You must learn to tolerate loneliness, so that you can mature. When young people arrive in a strange environment and face all kinds of people and things, they are suddenly at a loss. Sometimes they don't even have a place to talk sincerely. At this time, don’t be impetuous, learn to meditate, and learn to endure loneliness. Think in solitude, mature in thinking, and sublime in maturity. Don't get distracted by loneliness, do boring things, and waste time in vain.

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i - DayDayNews

It takes us two years to learn to speak, but it takes us sixty years to learn to shut up. Most of the time, the more we talk, the further we distance ourselves from each other and the more conflicts we have. In communication, most people are always eager to express themselves and speak quickly without understanding the other person at all. It takes two years to learn to speak, but a lifetime to learn to shut up. Whether you understand or not, don’t say much. When your mind is disturbed and your mind is calm, speak slowly. If you really have nothing to say, don't say it.

You must constantly remind yourself: Put down your impetuosity and calm down to read. Let go of your worries and bravely follow your own path. Let go of your greed, there will always be something to gain. Let go of your inferiority complex and believe in yourself. Put down your vanity and don't be self-righteous.Put down your easily tempted eyes and listen to your heart. Let go of your selfishness and learn to be grateful. Put aside your laziness and it’s time to work hard.

The so-called maturity means that you always bring your own umbrella when traveling far away and rarely get wet. It is you who can control your tears and rarely make yourself cry again. It’s you who learn to be kind to yourself and take care of yourself. You gradually become an i - DayDayNews

I am Pangpang, grateful for life and sharing happiness! Answer every question carefully and make every friend with your heart. Thank you for reading. Please retweet and like if you agree. Thank you for following the headline number: Fatty Love!

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