Nan Huaijin said, "Real cultivation is not just in the mountains or temples, but in society." In life, you have to experience hundreds of tastes to understand the true meaning of life. There is the warmth of the sun and the coldness of the wind and rain; there is a moment of exci

2024/06/2501:25:32 article 1885

Nan Huaijin said, "The real practice is not just in the mountains or temples, but in society."

In life, you have to experience hundreds of tastes before you can understand the true meaning of life.

has the warmth of the sun, but also the coldness of wind and rain;

has a moment of excitement, but also the disappointment of hitting rock bottom.

When things go wrong, we inevitably get angry and annoyed.

At this time, you may wish to recite the following nine sentences silently, which may help you solve your depression and suddenly become enlightened.

01 It doesn't matter

An old man always has a smile on his face, he doesn't have to worry about anything.

He said the secret is to say three words: "It doesn't matter."

If the wife likes to nag, but it doesn't matter, it means that she is very devoted to the family;

If the child is too naughty, it doesn't matter, because it means that his body is very good and healthy.

With this kind of relief and detachment, the old man can always find flowers in the mud and opportunities in the trough.

In life, we will inevitably encounter some unpleasant things. Whether we are indifferent or angry, it can often affect our subsequent mood.

Nan Huaijin said,

Saying "It doesn't matter" can not only relax your brows, but also relieve your inner stress.

Just like Franklin said, "Don't be upset and pessimistic about unpleasant trivial matters."

If you relax your mentality and lower your expectations, you can reduce a lot of worries and live a refreshing and comfortable life. .

02 Not worth it

At the end of the Eastern Han Dynasty, a man named Meng Min bought a clay pot. Who would have thought that it would break on the way home?

Meng Min was not angry or upset, but kept walking forward without looking back.

Others were curious and asked him why. He said: "The jar is already broken. What's the use of looking at it?"

Instead of standing there with your head down and stamping your feet, wasting time on things that are not worth it, it is better to move on and work for beautiful things. Go forward bravely and rush towards the beauty ahead.

If a person is always angry about trivial things, he will get angry at every turn, and the consequences will often be disastrous.

was stepped on by someone in the subway, and then started arguing and fighting with the other person, which ended up hurting both parties;

saw a micro expression from his partner, and then brought up the old score, and the two had a big fight, which ended in divorce...

calm down Think about it. Many things are not worth fighting for.

When you are sad, it is better to turn around gracefully and make room for more precious people and things.

03 Care less

In the movie "A Thousand Arrows Pierce the Heart", the heroine Li Baoli grew up in a single-parent family and developed a carefree character. When

moved, she argued with the workers because of the price and asked the other party to charge according to her quotation;

bought soda and cigarettes for her husband. Li Baoli thought it was a waste of money, criticized her husband crazily, and embarrassed the workers around her.

Nan Huaijin said,

Mark Twain said:

Life is so short, we don’t have time to argue, apologize, be sad, or care about everything. We only have time to love, everything is fleeting.

Life spans only more than 30,000 days. If you always pay every penny and refuse to give in, it will easily increase your sadness, resentment, and depression.

Worrying less about everything is not a sign of cowardice and compromise, but a broad-mindedness, and the road to life will become wider and wider.

04 Don’t worry about it.

I have seen an experiment.

Psychologists invited a group of people to write down all the worries they could think of over the next seven days and drop them into a box.

Three weeks later, the psychiatrist opened the box and everyone found that 90% of the troubles written on the paper had not happened.

then put the remaining 10% of my worries into the box and opened them three weeks later to find that those worries were gone.

According to statistics, 40% of a person's troubles belong to the past, 50% belong to the future, and only 10% belong to the present.

Many things that trouble us may not necessarily happen.

Even if it happens, you can easily deal with it.

So, don’t worry about yesterday’s losses, and don’t worry about tomorrow’s troubles. Instead, greet today with enthusiasm and live every precious moment.

05 Don’t worry

I have a colleague who likes to complain.

When his boss assigned him a job, he complained about the great pressure;

When he complained to his wife, he accused her of being hypocritical;

When his colleagues did not help him with his work, he laughed at their indifference.

Because he is full of negative energy, few people are willing to talk to him. The more he lives, the more chaotic he becomes.

There is a saying: "Complaining is pushing away what you want. If the world hears it, it will bring more bad things to you."

Nan Huaijin said,

People cannot do everything according to their own wishes throughout their lives. thing. There are always dangerous highs and lows, frustrations and pain.

True wisdom is the ability to accept the injustice of fate, view the difficulties of life correctly, and use actions to relieve anxiety and uneasiness.

In this way, you can clear away the fog in your mind and reap the beautiful scenery.

06 Don’t worry

Writer Lin Qingxuan wrote a story.

A friend bought a new house and asked him to write a few words and hang them on the living room wall. He wrote four words: Think about it often.

Lin Qingxuan said that nine times out of ten, after deducting 80% to 90% of dissatisfaction, at least 10% to 20% of things are satisfactory, happy, and gratifying.

If you always focus on unsatisfactory things and forget the happiness you have, you will become negative and pessimistic.

On the contrary, if you can change your perspective and look at your belongings, you can find surprises and romance in ordinary days.

As the saying goes, "There are no unhappy people, only dissatisfied hearts."

We have a healthy body, a warm family, a good job, and a positive attitude. These are priceless treasures and worthy of our gratitude.

07 Things will pass

Scarlett in the movie "Gone with the Wind" is a particularly tough woman.

In the chaotic years, she experienced setbacks such as the breakdown of her marriage, the death of her family, the death of her mother, and the madness of her father. If it were anyone else, they might destroy their mind and think that the sky is falling.

However, Scarlett is not afraid, but is always optimistic, believing that all difficulties will pass and tomorrow is a new day.

No matter how long the night is, it can't stop the coming of light;

No matter how many difficulties there are, it can't dampen the brave soul.

There are deprivations and gifts in life. As long as you have hope and move forward courageously, you will eventually have a wonderful life of your own.

08 Cherish the present

This year full of surprises makes people lament the fragility and impermanence of life.

Classmates who promised to be together a few years ago lost contact forever after a few years;

Friends who met yesterday may not be alive today

Bi Shumin said:

Everyone believes that the future is long and there is still a lot of time in the future. In the long run, I believe there will be a day when I will return home in fine clothes. It is a pity that people have forgotten the cruelty of time, the shortness of life, and the vulnerability of life itself.

After seeing too many life and death, I suddenly realized that every moment we live is due to luck.

We escaped the plane crash, arrived safely, and enjoyed the scenery with our friends. It was a precious and wonderful time in our lives.

We escaped the bus explosion, returned home smoothly, and had dinner with our family. This was a brilliant day in our lives.

Learn to cherish the present, not to worry about trivial matters, not to worry about right or wrong, and while warming others, it also warms yourself.

09 Let yourself go

Many times, the reason why people suffer is because they are too persistent and the obsession is too deep.

stares at an honor and desperately wants it, making it difficult for him to sleep and eat;

catches a mistake and struggles with himself, making it difficult for him to eat.

finally realized that it was a pity to lose time and lamented why he was so stubborn in the first place.

Franklin said: "Giving up is a choice that must be faced in life. Only by learning to give up can you unload all the burdens of life and travel lightly."

Nan Huaijin said,

Letting go of one thought makes you feel at ease.

Only in this way can we find our original intention and purity, and discover the richness and diversity of the world.

It took me half a lifetime to understand that smooth sailing is just God's will, while ups and downs are the norm.

In the face of setbacks and difficulties, instead of adding fuel to the fire, it is better to be more optimistic and open-minded.

For the rest of my life, I hope that you and I can be at ease, live comfortably, not be angry or resentful, and live a wonderful and relaxed life every day.

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