Last night, I saw my father again in my sleep. I want to be close, intimate yet far away. When I turned around, my father suddenly disappeared! When I wake up at dawn, the scene in my dream still remains in my mind, and my father's figure is still lingering in my heart! It has be

2024/06/2806:44:33 article 1661

Last night, I saw my father again in my sleep. I want to be close, intimate yet far away. When I turned around, my father suddenly disappeared! When I wake up at dawn, the scene in my dream still remains in my mind, and my father's figure is still lingering in my heart!

It has been more than three years since my father passed away. When I miss my father, I will think of every moment I spent with him!

I feel that my father is not far away from me, as if he is right beside me. As long as I want to see him, my father will appear in my heart and in my dreams!

My father is tall, burly, handsome and easy-going. Smart, capable, enthusiastic and kind! To this day, I will always be secretly proud of my father and happy that I can become his son! How much touch, how much love, how much joy and happiness my father brought me!

When I was a child, my father always loved to lift me up and put me on his shoulders to ride on me. Once I went to my grandma's house on the mountain road back. I couldn't walk anymore. As usual, my father squatted on the ground and bent over, lifted me up and put me on his shoulders. All the way over the mountains and ridges, my father’s clothes showed through. But he insisted on not letting me go down to the ground. Carry me all the way home! I heard from my mother that one time, when I was riding on my father's shoulders, I actually spilled urine on my father's neck. My father didn't beat me or scold me, he just put me down gently with a smile!

When I was a child, whenever my father returned home from a long trip. He always brings me delicious food. I remember one year my father came home from the mining area and bought me a big bag of oranges and apples. I ate a lot. When I went to bed, my father secretly gave me a few apples. I was holding that sweet apple in my bed, feeling so happy! I still remember it clearly, and I still feel so happy when I think about it!

Every year, no matter how difficult the new year is, my father always buys me new clothes. After the New Year's dinner, after taking a shower, I put on brand new clothes with my own hands! One year my father made money outside and bought me a military uniform with a five-pointed star and a pair of shiny leather shoes. I put on my military uniform leather shoes and walked happily, jumping up and down. I don't want to take it off when I go to bed at night.

My father cooks good food every time I come home from school, every time I go out to work, before I go out, and when I come home. My father would cook in person and prepare a table full of dishes for me.

One year, it was a cold winter night. I suddenly had severe abdominal pain. Dad hurriedly called for the village doctor, but to no avail. I was rolling on the floor in pain. My anxious father carried me on his back all night through the severe cold, wind and snow to the health center in the town more than thirty miles away for treatment! When we arrived at the hospital, it was almost dawn. I was lying on the hospital bed, and my father was sitting on the side, watching me finish injecting the syringe. After the abdominal pain disappeared, he carried me on his back and walked more than 30 miles of ice and snow mountain road back home. After returning home, my father fell asleep and slept until the next morning before waking up.

When I grew up, I left home. Wandering outside. Since then, I have been spending less time together and more time away from my father. As time goes by, I feel that my father is getting older. Until that day I was at the construction site in Xi'an. Suddenly I received a call from my elder brother. Only then did I find out that my father was ill and in the hospital. When I received the call, I thought that my father would definitely recover and that I would still have a chance to support him!

A few days later, a thunderbolt came from the sky. Shattered my stupid fantasy again! My father has come to the end of his life! The cold diagnosis from the hospital forced me to give up my fantasy. Face the cruel reality! I don't have the slightest chance to repay my father's kindness in raising me!

I used to always think about waiting for me to have money. I will definitely take my father to see the sea and hike in the mountains. When I have money, I will definitely buy beautiful clothes for my father. When I have money, I will definitely take my father to eat seafood and taste fine wine.

When I have money, I will not let my father work too hard in the fields. When I have money, I must honor my father well and repay him for the hardships I have endured!

Fantasy again and again makes me make mistakes again and again.It was only then that I woke up from a dream! Fulfill your filial piety as soon as possible and rightly. It must be realized in every word and deed, and reflected in every thought. It’s not like you have to wait for your parents to grow old. This is not the time to be complacent and achieve success!

It is just what we say and do when we are with our parents. It manifests itself in every move and every moment of daily life! For example, a smile and a greeting to parents. A pleasant attitude toward parents. When you are away from home, you can make phone calls from time to time, so that your parents can worry less. When I get home, I can accompany my mother to wash vegetables and sweep the floor. I can talk to my father, and I can give him a hot cup and a bowl of hot rice. ...These trivial and easy actions will warm the hearts of many parents around the world. These trivial and easy actions will bring so much happiness to parents! This is filial piety! This is the only little expectation that parents have after giving everything for their children!

It is so simple and easy to do! I didn't give to my father or my mother. I recall my attitude, tone, and expression when I spoke to my parents. Rarely speaks softly, never thinks about the mood of his parents, only follows his own thoughts, yells through gritted teeth or sarcastically. Or say nothing and pretend to be deaf and dumb. In short, it is rare to have a calm tone and respectful attitude! Making tea for my father and cooking with my mother are even rarer.

I understand, I understand, but my father doesn’t need it anymore.

After my father left, my speech, tone and attitude towards my mother completely changed. Every time I make a video, I will try my best to accompany my mother and speak softly. I will listen patiently to my mother, even if she repeats it again and again, even if it is irrelevant, even if she blames and complains for no reason. I will listen patiently, hehe, hehe, laugh. It can take up to forty minutes, not even an hour, and I won’t be in a hurry to hang up.

Whatever my mother needs and wants, I will do it as soon as conditions permit and meet the requirements as soon as possible. Whatever I want to give to my mother, I will give it to her decisively. What I want to say to my mother will be said in a timely manner. Because I'm afraid, I'm afraid, if the unexpected comes, I will lose the opportunity to support my mother. Live in guilt forever!

In short, filial piety should be done as early as possible and in time. Filial piety does not exist when you are successful or famous, nor when you are richest in the world, nor when your parents are old. Filial piety is reflected in your greeting and smile. There are parents in your heart, and there is filial piety in your words and deeds!

Last night, I saw my father again in my sleep. I want to be close, intimate yet far away. When I turned around, my father suddenly disappeared! When I wake up at dawn, the scene in my dream still remains in my mind, and my father's figure is still lingering in my heart! It has be - DayDayNews

Last night, I saw my father again in my sleep. I want to be close, intimate yet far away. When I turned around, my father suddenly disappeared! When I wake up at dawn, the scene in my dream still remains in my mind, and my father's figure is still lingering in my heart! It has be - DayDayNews

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