1. Even though we are far apart, we will eventually meet again. 2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say, "Let's be a train for now." There is a long journey and

2024/05/1705:38:32 article 1041

1. The world is far away, but we will eventually meet again.

2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say, "Let's be a train for now." There is a long journey and a long loneliness under my pillow. -- Chen Jinrong

3. I live for the country, I die for the country -- Gu Li "Xin Qiji: Desire on the Blade"

4. The more people are immersed in happiness, the less they can notice it. We are always looking up to the happiness of others. Only when the warmth quietly disappears, will we find that we have been looked up to by others.

5. If you want to know the techniques for taking risks without incurring failure, you only need to remember one sentence: plan boldly and implement carefully. -- Rockefeller "Thirty-Eight Letters from Rockefeller to His Son"

6. Read when your mind is calm, and take a walk when your mind is moving.

1. Even though we are far apart, we will eventually meet again. 2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say,

7. Times are still changing, media are still changing, but what remains unchanged is the connection between people. -- Detective Season 7

8. It turns out that most of our beliefs go around in a circle and return to the simplest starting point. -- "One Moment"

9. Forget all those "impossible" excuses and stick to that one "possible" reason.

10. I think regardless of family, friendship or love, true love is what can fight against time.

11. Ways to avoid embarrassment and make yourself happy: Don’t overestimate your position in others’ hearts every time.

12. Being a child is never a fault. -- Nanami Kento "Spell Return to War"

1. Even though we are far apart, we will eventually meet again. 2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say,

13. Tea has dark and light, cold and warm, and also joy and sorrow. When tasting tea with a worldly mind, you will inevitably be obsessed with color, aroma and taste, which will miss out on the lightness and simplicity. -- Bai Luomei "The years are quiet, is now stable "

14. If you feel like you see your own shadow while reading, it is neither a coincidence nor a coincidence. -- Lori Gottlieb

15. May there be enough clouds in your life to create a beautiful dusk. —— Bing Xin

16. When people are lazy for a long time, they will feel like they are working hard as long as they work hard.

17. People who think the world is a comedy will look for fun, and people who think the world is a tragedy will look for prescriptions. -- Zhu Deyong "Everyone is sick "

18. That day, meteors flashed across the grassland during the day, and the vastness of the universe shone into everyone's heart. -- "My Motherland and Me"

1. Even though we are far apart, we will eventually meet again. 2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say,

19. All appearances in this world are not independent and must have their profound inner meaning. So, the best way to change the appearance is not to work on the appearance, but to work on the appearance. Reform from within.

Unfortunately, people who work hard on appearance often don't understand this truth. -- Lin Qingxuan " The Makeup of Life "

20. Some things are like the thick blood gathered under the scar. Once it is uncovered and the blood is dripping, you can only let it hurt. Maybe after a long time, it will slow down. It will heal slowly, or it may penetrate deep into the bone marrow and grow secretly. -

21. People who care about you don’t care whether you are fat or not, they only care whether you are healthy or not. People who love you don't care about your achievements, they only care about your happiness.

22. The stars have died, but their light is still shining towards us. There are still some stars in the distance. The stars have been shining for a long time, but their light has not yet reached us. That said there is hope. -- Jean Baudrillard's " fragment collection "

23. Live in the present, do everything you want to do, go to every city that is destined to you, see every touching scenery, and cherish every moment. passers-by. Even though I have gone through ups and downs and suffered all the hardships, I have no regrets. -- Bai Luomei "If You Are Well, It Will Be Sunny"

24. Choice is just to give yourself a chance to change. Change is giving yourself a reason to let go of the past.

1. Even though we are far apart, we will eventually meet again. 2. The fire is extinguished in the ashes, whose finger knocks off the cold dream? There was still a peck on the small door. Listen to the watch's voice and say,

25. Don’t give up your simplicity just because the world is complicated.

26. The times have their big trends and big rhythms. We must also have our own small waves and small rhythms. We must run with the times and don’t lose our own rhythm. -- " People's Daily "

27. I envy those who can be healed by family love, because it is never family love that heals me, but myself.

28. Everything and everyone will become a thing of the past. Don’t struggle with it. No matter how difficult it is, we must learn to withdraw.

29. As long as people live, they will inevitably do things they don’t want to do! -- Gulong

30. The so-called secular ethics may not really be able to guide people on the right path. Most of the time, it's just a general idea in society, and there's no profound truth to it. -- Keigo Higashino

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