Social Technology丨The Chairman of Qualcomm China responded that the latest chip naming is related to China, and Lei Jun expressed his surprise

2020/12/0723:30:46 technology 1506

[Editor/Author Kunlun Vision Column INU]

Lead: Qualcomm's new-generation flagship chip is named Snapdragon 888. As soon as the news came out, Chinese netizens raised question marks. Is such a grounded name customized for China? Does the naming of the chip have anything to do with the Chinese market?

Social Technology丨The Chairman of Qualcomm China responded that the latest chip naming is related to China, and Lei Jun expressed his surprise - DayDayNews

Qualcomm's new chip naming is related to China

In an interview on December 2, Qualcomm China Chairman Meng Pu answered questions that netizens are very concerned about. The name of the Snapdragon 888 chip is indeed related to the Chinese team, and the naming of the chip is also adequate Considering the opinions and suggestions of Chinese manufacturers. Meng Pu said: "The chip named after Snapdragon 888 reflects Qualcomm's achievements in China, and it also makes the whole world feel happy in China. As the name suggests, it has been sent out all the way!" After

, Xiaomi Chairman Lei Jun mentioned on Weibo, A month ago, Qualcomm and Xiaomi discussed changing the name of the next-generation SOC to Snapdragon 888. At that time, he was surprised.

Social Technology丨The Chairman of Qualcomm China responded that the latest chip naming is related to China, and Lei Jun expressed his surprise - DayDayNews

Qualcomm's cooperation with Huawei

When asked by reporters about the cooperation between Qualcomm and Huawei, Meng Pu said that the US government currently has product export restrictions on Huawei. Any company selling products to Huawei must obtain relevant export licenses. Qualcomm has A related application was submitted, which covers all products, but now only some products are licensed. When asked about the cooperation between Qualcomm and New Honor, Meng Pu replied that Honor is now a brand new company, but it is still a familiar team. We have no communication problems. The two sides have discussed how to promote cooperation. Matters.

However, Meng Pu later said that Qualcomm will still communicate with the US government to obtain export licenses for products that have not yet been approved. We can currently communicate and cooperate with Huawei on products that have been allowed to be sold. We also hope that Huawei will An important supplier for it.

Social Technology丨The Chairman of Qualcomm China responded that the latest chip naming is related to China, and Lei Jun expressed his surprise - DayDayNews

Qualcomm's future outlook in China

Regarding Qualcomm's future outlook in China, Meng Pu concluded that next year, China’s smartphone market shipments are expected to reach a staggering 350 million units, and the share of 5g mobile phones is also expected to reach 280 million yuan. . In the first half of 2021, Qualcomm plans to launch 4 series 5g chips, which will allow 5G to benefit more people. In the era of

5G, Qualcomm’s "Circle of Friends" in China has been further expanded. It not only includes mobile terminal partners, but also covers almost all automobile manufacturers. Almost all of their products use Qualcomm chips. Continuously empowering partners to innovate, making the ecological environment bigger and stronger.

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