Summer is hot, you are so sweet. Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of thousands of stores across the country will join forces with Alipay to launch the "Summer Consumption Festival", and the annual Alipay red envelope event is here again. Alipay officials said that when you go

2024/06/3008:33:32 technology 1593

Summer is hot, it’s so sweet to have you.

Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of cities and thousands of stores across the country will join hands with Alipay to launch the "Summer Consumption Festival", and the annual Alipay red envelope event is coming again.

Summer is hot, you are so sweet. Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of thousands of stores across the country will join forces with Alipay to launch the

Alipay official said that when you go shopping, remember to open Alipay and receive Alipay red envelopes first. After receiving the red envelopes, you can pay for the items, which will make things more cost-effective.

Today I saw a friend with Alipay in the circle of friends sharing the red envelope code. I tried it and the red envelope was still quite big.

thought that big data would be a good idea, and a fool like me would have no chance, but the result was more than 5 yuan every time. The method of receiving

Summer is hot, you are so sweet. Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of thousands of stores across the country will join forces with Alipay to launch the

is also very simple. Open Alipay and enter the following string of numbers in the top search box:


Just copy and paste it into the Alipay search box. Then the system will pop up the red envelope receiving interface. After receiving it once, next time Just click on the search box and there will be search records. There is no need to enter the password again, which is very convenient.

Summer is hot, you are so sweet. Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of thousands of stores across the country will join forces with Alipay to launch the

According to the previous gameplay of Alipay red envelopes, they are relatively large at the beginning, and will gradually become smaller in the later stages of the event, so don’t miss the opportunity for large red envelopes.

must win the Alipay password red envelope digital code:


large amount Yu'E Bao consumption red envelope digital code:


Remember to copy and save the above numbers, you can receive a red envelope every day . Forward it to more friends and you can receive a bigger red envelope. If the red envelope received by

is not used in time, it will expire in three days. So after everyone receives the red envelope and uses the red envelope, ... can continue to receive it on the second and third days! So everyone remember to use Alipay more so that you have the opportunity to receive it every day.

In addition, you can also shake Alipay and get red envelopes for completing tasks. Open Alipay and search for "Summer Consumption Festival", choose to shake to complete the task, and you can also get red envelopes. The validity period of the red envelope won by

Summer is hot, you are so sweet. Dear friends, on July 15th, hundreds of thousands of stores across the country will join forces with Alipay to launch the

is also 3 days.

Well, I won’t say any more. Let’s hurry up and grab this wave of benefits and get the big red envelopes.

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