1. What is compatibility testing? What aspects does compatibility testing focus on? Reference answer: Compatibility testing mainly checks whether the software can run normally on different hardware platforms and software platforms, which is commonly referred to as the portability

2024/06/1910:56:33 technology 1530

1. What is compatibility testing? What aspects does compatibility testing focus on?

reference answer:

Compatibility testing is mainly to check whether the software can run normally on different hardware platforms and software platforms.

is commonly referred to as software. portability. The types of

compatibility, if broken down, include platform compatibility, network compatibility, database compatibility, and database

format compatibility. The focus of

compatibility testing is the analysis of the compatibility environment. Usually, compatibility is only needed when the environment in which the software is running is not very sure about

. According to the needs of software operation, or according to the requirements document,

can generally be used to determine the environment in which users will use the software. By organizing these environments into a form, a compatible environment for

testing can be obtained. The difference between

compatibility and configuration testing is that configuration testing is usually not done under Clean OS, while

compatibility testing is mostly done under Clean OS environment.

1. What is compatibility testing? What aspects does compatibility testing focus on? Reference answer: Compatibility testing mainly checks whether the software can run normally on different hardware platforms and software platforms, which is commonly referred to as the portability - DayDayNews

2. I now have a program and found that it runs very slowly on Windows. How can I tell whether there is a problem with the program

or a problem with the software and hardware system?

Reference answer:

1. Check whether the system has the characteristics of poisoning;

2. Check the software/ Whether the hardware configuration meets the recommended standards of the software;

3. Confirm whether the current system is independent, that is, it does not provide any external services that consume CPU resources;

4. If it is a C/S or B/S structured software, you need to check whether it is It is caused by problems with the connection to the server or access problems;

5. When there is no load on the system, check the performance monitor to confirm whether the application is accessing the CPU/memory.

3. What are the testing strategies?

reference answers:

black box/white box, static/dynamic, manual/automatic, smoke testing, regression testing, public testing (Beta testing strategy)

4. Orthogonal table test case design method What are the characteristics of

reference answer:

covers the most operations with the least experiments, has few test case designs, is highly efficient, but very complex;

can generally handle basic verification functions and defects caused by secondary integration. Find out; but deeper

defects and more complex defects are still powerless; under the specific environment of

, orthogonal table is generally difficult to make. Most people only use this method

method when testing the system.

5. Describe the management process of software defect (BUG) tracking using Bugzilla defect management tool?

reference answer:

is the state transition diagram of Bugzilla.

6. Do you think there are any problems when using bugzilla?

reference answer:

interface is unstable;

configures its different parts according to needs, and the process is very cumbersome. In terms of process control of

, the security is not easy to define, and it is easy to mishandle other people's bugs;

does not have a comprehensive scoring indicator, so it is difficult to confirm the priority level of repair.

7. Describe the complete process of test case design?

reference answer:

requirements analysis + maintenance work for requirement changes;

derives test requirements based on requirements;

logic coverage, cycle coverage, peer review, desk inspection, code walkthrough, Code review, Jingtai data flow


user action design;

scene design;

test data analysis;

design test plan, review test plan; after the

plan review is passed, design test cases , and then review the test cases;

8. What are the strategies for unit testing?

reference answers: logic coverage, loop coverage, peer review, desk inspection, code walkthrough, code review, Jingtai data flow

9. What are the three parts of LoadRunner?

reference answers:

users Action design;

scene design;

test data analysis;

1. What is compatibility testing? What aspects does compatibility testing focus on? Reference answer: Compatibility testing mainly checks whether the software can run normally on different hardware platforms and software platforms, which is commonly referred to as the portability - DayDayNews

10, LoadRunner testing process?

reference answers:

1, test test

2, create virtual user script

3, create running scenario

4, run test script

5, monitor scenario

6 , To analyze the test results of

and above, it is best to combine a case and introduce it according to the above process.

11. What is a complication? How to conduct concurrent testing in lordrunner? What happens if the rendezvous point fails?

reference answer:

supports multiple different operations at the same point in time.

LoadRunner provides IP camouflage, rendezvous points, the design of virtual users, and settings on multiple computers

, which can better simulate real concurrency. The

rendezvous point is where multiple users simultaneously perform virtual user operations

in a specific environment at a certain time. If the rendezvous point fails, the rendezvous point operation will be canceled and the test cannot be performed.

12. Use QTP to do functional testing. When recording the script, you need to verify the login status of multiple users/query the status of

. How to do it?

reference answer:

analyzes the basic situation of user login and obtains a set of data, which passes the test. / There are all failure tests (design these data based on

TC), then record the login script, parameterize the key data, modify the script,

strengthens the code, and debugs the script.

13. What is the role of Action in QTP? How many are there?

reference answer:

Action's role

n Action can be used to group step sets

n Steps are reorganized, and then called as a whole

n has its own sheet

n combines steps with the same needs, Overall operation

n has an independent object warehouse

Action type

n Reusable Action

n Non-reusable Action

n External Action

14, TestDirector What functions do they have? How to manage the software testing process?

reference answer:

demand management

n Define the test scope

n Define the requirement tree

n Describe the function points of the requirement tree

Test plan

n Define the test goals and test strategy.

n decomposes the application and builds a test plan tree.

n determines the test method for each function point.

n connects each function point to the requirements so that the test plan covers all test requirements.

n describes the test steps of manual testing

n specifies the function points that need to be automatically tested

test execution

n defines the test collection.

n develops testing tasks and testing schedules for each tester.

n runs automated tests.

defect tracking

n Record defects

n View new defects and determine which ones need to be corrected

n Relevant technical personnel modify defects

n Regression testing

n Analyze defect statistical charts and analyze the development quality of applications.

15. What types of software testing are you familiar with? Please try to compare the differences and connections between these different test types (such as functional testing, performance testing...)?

reference answer: Compatibility Testing (compatibility testing) , also known as "Configuration

testing (configuration testing)", tests whether the software is compatible with other elements of the system that interact with it, such as:

browser, operating system, hardware, etc. Verify the operation of the test object in different software and hardware configurations


Functional testing (functional testing), also known as behavioral testing (behavioral testing), tests the features and operable behaviors of a product to determine whether they meet design requirements based on product features, operation descriptions, and user scenarios. Functional testing of localized software to verify that an application or website works correctly for target users. Use the appropriate platform, browser, and test scripts to ensure that the experience for your target users is as good as if the app was developed specifically for that market.

Performance testing (performance testing),

testing to evaluate whether a product or component meets performance requirements. Including load testing, strength testing, database capacity testing, benchmark testing and other types.

16. What are the contents of software defect (or bug) records? How to submit high-quality software defect

(Bug) records?

reference answer: 5C standard

17. What is the difference between Beta testing and Alpha and examination?

reference answer : Beta testing (β test), testing is a test conducted by multiple users of the software in the actual use environment of one or more users. Developers are usually not at the test site.

Alpha testing (alpha testing) is a test conducted by a user in the development environment . It can also be a controlled test conducted by users within the company

in a simulated actual operating environment.

18, software Who generally participates in the review? What is its purpose?

Reference answer:

Submit the results of the software project (including documents at each stage, generated code, etc.) to users, customers or relevant department personnel at a formal meeting Review and approve software products. Its purpose is to identify design flaws that may affect the software's product quality, development process, suitability for maintenance, and environment, and to take remedial measures, as well as to identify possible improvements in performance, security, and economy. .

personnel: users, customers or relevant department developers, testers, and demand analysts can all be used. It can be seen that

is at the review stage.


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1. What is compatibility testing? What aspects does compatibility testing focus on? Reference answer: Compatibility testing mainly checks whether the software can run normally on different hardware platforms and software platforms, which is commonly referred to as the portability - DayDayNews

Thank you to everyone who reads my article carefully! ! ! If the following materials are available, you can take them away directly: 1. Complete project source code and environment necessary for self-study development or testing 2. All templates in testing work (test plans, test cases, test reports, etc.) 3. Software testing classics Interview questions 4, Python/Java automated testing practice.pdf5, Jmeter/postman interface test full set of videos to obtain I have personally compiled some technical materials that I have compiled in my software testing career in the past few years, including: e-books, resume modules, and various jobs. Templates, interview guides, self-study projects, etc. If you need it, you can get it for free from me. Thank you

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