The iPhone 14 has been put into production. It is said that the phone will continue to use the Lightning interface instead of using the type-C interface. This means that Apple has chosen a hard bargain. In this regard, the author believes that it may be imitated by Europe to cond

2024/06/0702:02:33 technology 1401

iPhone14 has been put into production. It is said that the mobile phone will continue to use the Lightning interface instead of using the type-C interface. This means that and Apple have chosen a hard bargain. In this regard, the author believes that perhaps Europe should learn from Europe and conduct an antitrust investigation on it. Only by imposing huge fines can Apple change its attitude.

The iPhone 14 has been put into production. It is said that the phone will continue to use the Lightning interface instead of using the type-C interface. This means that Apple has chosen a hard bargain. In this regard, the author believes that it may be imitated by Europe to cond - DayDayNews

From the iPhone 14 information spread by industry insiders, we can see that iPhone 14 still uses the Lightning interface. Apple insists on doing so because the Lightning interface can bring huge profits to Apple. In this case, without tough measures, Apple will not easily give up.

The results announced by Apple show that the revenue from accessories business including Apple data cable and so on has reached 8.7 billion US dollars, which does not account for a high proportion of its revenue, but the profits are very generous. Apple’s official data cable sells for more than 100 yuan, while USB-C data The cable only costs more than ten yuan, and even the third-party Lightning interface data cable costs tens of yuan because they need to pay Apple a high certification fee.

Apple's hardware has formed its own unique system. Many hardwares have established Apple's certification system. To obtain good compatibility with Apple products, consumers must purchase Apple's Family Bucket. This is called Apple's hardware ecosystem. These hardware are much higher than similar products on the market, and the profits this brings to Apple are even more difficult to estimate.

It is precisely because of the huge profits brought by these hardware that Apple is unwilling to change. Even though the technology of Lightning interface is very backward, Lightning's data transfer rate and charging power are far lower than type-C, but Apple does not care.

The iPhone 14 has been put into production. It is said that the phone will continue to use the Lightning interface instead of using the type-C interface. This means that Apple has chosen a hard bargain. In this regard, the author believes that it may be imitated by Europe to cond - DayDayNews

So will Apple really not change due to external pressure? The answer is of course no. Previously, the European and the Dutch had imposed heavy fines on Apple, fining them 5 million euros per week. In the end, Apple chose to compromise, allowing Dutch consumers to sideload and introduce third-party payments, while taking commissions. The cost has also been reduced by half, significantly reducing the cost of using iPhone for Dutch application developers and Dutch consumers.

This shows that as long as relevant parties take tough enough measures, Apple will still compromise. After all, Europe is Apple's second largest market. Compared with the huge market benefits, the loss of commission is nothing.

Compared with the European market, the Chinese market has greater potential, because the Chinese market has been the world's largest mobile phone market for many consecutive years. In the past two years, the Chinese market has been the fastest growing market among Apple's various regional markets. Under such circumstances, China The market can take measures similar to the Netherlands, forcing Apple to reduce the App Store commission and adopt the type-C interface.

Chinese consumers are very tired of Apple's use of the Lightning interface. Its charging power is too low, causing consumers to always suffer from battery life problems; the commission is too high, causing consumers to pay more than when using Internet services on the iPhone. The 30% higher cost of Android phones allows Apple to earn far more profits than Android phones.

Apple’s insistence on using the Lightning interface has also led to a lot of waste. To buy an iPhone, you have to buy a unique Lightning data cable. This kind of data cable is too expensive and cannot be used universally, causing serious environmental problems. In line with the current global emphasis on green environmental protection Against the tide.

The iPhone 14 has been put into production. It is said that the phone will continue to use the Lightning interface instead of using the type-C interface. This means that Apple has chosen a hard bargain. In this regard, the author believes that it may be imitated by Europe to cond - DayDayNews

For consumers, facing the stubborn Apple, they should also use their own actions to oppose Apple and try their best to buy domestic mobile phones. In fact, today’s domestic mobile phones are similar to Apple in terms of quality and technology, and some technologies have even surpassed Apple’s. , you can get a better experience. If consumers give up the iPhone, it can also put pressure on Apple, forcing Apple to follow the market technology development trend and bring a better experience to consumers.

In this regard, are domestic consumers willing to make their own efforts to promote Apple to follow the trend?

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