Coming to the concert hall of the German Philharmonic Orchestra again, Lin Zhixiao was no longer an audience member. After the curtain call, she stood on the stage and looked around, feeling filled with emotion. But no matter how high your achievements are, how many applause and

When she came to the concert hall of the German Philharmonic Orchestra again, Lin Zhixiao was no longer an audience member. After the curtain call, she stood on the stage and looked around, filled with emotion in her heart.

But no matter how high your achievements are, how much applause and flowers you get! She just wants to share it with the one she loves.

Family is the most important thing.

Lin Zhixiao was about to step down when she suddenly felt a discomfort in her stomach. She felt a little nauseous and dizzy. She couldn't help but staggered.

The person next to him saw this and quickly gave him a hand.

"Are you okay?"

"It's okay. Thank you." Lin Zhixiao straightened up, took a deep breath, and felt better again.

thought, maybe he was too nervous.

After changing into his dress, Lin Zhixiao made a phone call to Gu Wei and walked out of the backstage dressing room. Someone ordered takeout outside. The room was filled with the smell of powder, sweat, and food, which made the vomiting sensation that had just subsided return again. emerge.

Gu Wei became nervous when he heard the voice, "Xiaoxiao, what's wrong with you?"

"It's okay, maybe your stomach is a little uncomfortable."

"Did you catch a cold last night? Go to the hospital as soon as possible tomorrow. Don't hold it back."

"Well, okay, it's okay. Maybe I was too nervous before. My flight will go back tomorrow. Just wait for me at home."

"Well, I will pick you up when you get to Shanghai."

After arriving home, Gu Wei touched Lin Zhixiao's face distressedly. It had only been a week and his face had become thinner.

"Why do you look so bad?"

"I don't know, I didn't eat anything randomly, and I have no appetite for airplane food ."

"Then wash up quickly and go to rest."

"Well, take a nap. I Go and tell Teacher Lin and the others that I will take you to the hospital for a check-up in the afternoon."

"No need," Lin Zhixiao thought it was troublesome.

"Be good, go and have a rest first. I will make the arrangements."

"Dr. Gu, why don't you come to the hospital for a break?"

"Well, bring your wife for a physical examination."

"You are so young and beautiful, no wonder everyone says that Dr. Gu loves his wife. "Colleagues teased Gu Wei kindly.

Gu Wei was still not used to discussing these personal topics with his colleagues, so he left without saying anything.

When issuing the bill, the outpatient doctor professionally asked: "Are you pregnant?"

Gu Wei and Lin Zhixiao looked at each other. They were all stunned for a moment. Shake his head.

The clinic doctor was a woman and she was older. She smiled understandingly and said,

"Let's check it out by the way. People who have just been married are like this."

Gu Wei touched his nose and said nothing.

They have been married for a long time, but the two of them work together as if they were newlyweds every time. [laughing and crying]

Lin Zhixiao's heart skipped a beat, as if 's menstrual period hadn't come this month.

She silently took the order.

"Thank you, doctor."

Gu Wei looked at Lin Zhixiao's expression and said, "What's wrong?"

"Doctor Gu, I didn't have my menstrual period this month. I thought it was because I went abroad and caused endocrine disorders..." Lin Zhixiao was annoyed. own carelessness.

"Don't worry, the report will be out soon."

"Dr. Gu, does this positive result indicate pregnancy or not?" Lin Zhixiao looked at Gu Wei.

Gu Wei looked at the report sheet blankly, it was positive.

A huge joy rushed straight into my brain.

He turned to Lin Zhixiao, picked her up, and spun her around.

"Xiaoxiao, I'm going to be a father, and you're going to be a mother!"

"Stop, stop, stop." Lin Zhixiao was a little dizzy when Gu Wei suddenly spun around.

Gu Wei quickly put it down, cautiously like a child who had just done something wrong, "Are you okay?"

Lin Zhixiao grabbed Gu Wei's ears with both hands, "How can I be so fragile? Let's go back and tell my parents, guess what? How would Lao Lin react? "

" Naughty. "

Lao Lin is sitting on the sofa reading the newspaper.

"How about it? Look at you. Your mother used to raise you as strong as a calf. You have only been working for 2 years and you are so weak. You lack exercise too much. Xiao Gu, you have to keep an eye on her. Good health is most important."

"Comrade Lao Lin, you are going to be a grandpa! "

Teacher Lin turned his head so fast that his glasses slid halfway to the bridge of his nose. When he heard the news, he turned his head and glanced at it. He returned to the newspaper, turned the newspaper upside down, and then turned his head again, "What did you say? ? "

That slow-motion replay can make Lin Zhixiao laugh for a year.