[Introduction] True is also false, false is also true, inaction exists and returns to nothing. The authenticity of the text is determined by nature, and the world does not need to distinguish between authenticity and falsity. Grandma had her feet bound as a child and suffered a l

2024/07/0212:42:32 story 1805

[Introduction] True is also false, false is true, and inaction is everywhere and nothing. The authenticity of the text is determined by nature, and the world does not need to distinguish between authenticity and falsity.

My grandmother had her feet bound as a child and suffered a lot. The tradition of women’s feet being bound has really harmed generations of women. "One curved soft jade Lingbo is small, two red lotuses fall lightly", the deformed aesthetic taste has been inherited for a long time, and my grandmother was also a victim.

In my memory, I have never seen my grandma’s little feet. She was wrapped in a smelly and long foot-binding cloth all day long. She wobbled when she walked. It was really uncomfortable and heartbreaking to see.

Grandma's small feet limited her scope of work. In addition to taking care of the children and doing housework, she did less work in the fields, and her uncle was still young. Therefore, my mother was forced to become my grandfather's right-hand assistant. Whenever my grandfather went out to work, he would call his mother.

In my mother’s memory, the most difficult job was to stop livestock. The so-called holding back animals means that when they are ordered to go to the fields to plow, they must be put in various shackles, and these shackles must be removed after they return from work. When loading and unloading these things, the animals may come into contact with their bodies. The animals may feel uncomfortable and insecure. Out of the instinct of self-protection, they may behave undocilely. Therefore, in addition to direct loading and unloading operators, it is necessary to There is another person to help block and stop the animal from getting angry, so that it will not break away from the reins and run away or put down its hooves in a show of force, making it difficult to successfully complete the action of roping or unhooking.

The animal raised by grandpa is a big mule . It is strong and handsome, with brown fur. It is shiny and shiny after being nourished. It is the labor force of the family and has a high status. Grandpa always holds it in the palm of his hand.

[Introduction] True is also false, false is also true, inaction exists and returns to nothing. The authenticity of the text is determined by nature, and the world does not need to distinguish between authenticity and falsity. Grandma had her feet bound as a child and suffered a l - DayDayNews

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Whenever my mother heard that my grandpa was trying to hitch a mule to the fields, she would get worried. She was less than ten years old at the time, was small and timid, and would be scared when she saw a big mule, let alone go forward to stop it. It’s not just the big mule that bullies the weak, it’s also violent in nature. It was a little better at the beginning, as the animal wasn’t tired or hungry. Maybe it also wanted to wander in the fields, and longed for the vast world outside like humans, so its cooperation was higher. Mother only needs to stand in front and show off, but a beast is a beast. He hisses excitedly, shakes his head, blows his beard and stares. These seemingly cool actions make the mother terrified; when she encounters grandpa at work, When he was in a good mood before, he would patiently guide his mother on what to do, so that the situation would be better.

After the mother finished assisting in roping the animals, she was even more worried about unloading them. When she finished unloading the animals for a long time, the difficulty increased greatly. The big mule was tired and hungry, and so was the grandfather. He had no patience, so he couldn't care about the animals. These animals howled loudly in a long voice, raised their hooves and flicked their tails, and looked uncooperative, which frightened the mother so much that she hesitated to step forward. Her grandfather's loud scoldings made her even more confused and frightened. Sometimes his scoldings had a clear direction, scolding the animals or the mother. Sometimes they were not clear, either the mother, the big mule, or both. .

Faced with the arrogance of the big mule and grandpa's fierce threats, my mother was in a dilemma. She was attacked from both sides and could not resist anyone. She didn't dare to stop the big mule from wriggling and retreated timidly. She also didn't dare to disobey her grandfather's order and mustered up the courage to move forward tentatively. At this time, she was most looking forward to a strong adult in the village who happened to be passing by and could help her solve this problem.

After being frightened by stopping the animals again and again, my mother's courage did not improve. Every time my grandfather unloaded the animals and came home, he was still angry. He could not vent his anger on the animals. If the food cooked by his grandmother happened to be inappropriate for him, Appetite, grandma became the taker.

Grandpa arranges all kinds of chores for the whole family all day long, which makes them very busy and prevents them from having more play time like other children of the same age. But the hardest part is grandpa himself.

His flour mill is enough to keep him busy, and he also uses his free time to walk around the streets repairing bamboo strip tools for people, such as dustpans, commonly known as "looking for dustpans". Sometimes he carries a bag of dried buns on his back and is ready to go. a few days.

The time when he goes out is the most relaxing time for grandma and mother. Although they can't delay the work arranged by grandpa, they don't feel nervous about working under grandpa's nose.

Grandpa’s bad temper was also reflected in his love of smashing things. The noodles, water jars, basins, and grandma in the house all had to be beaten by him when his temper got worse. His mother, uncles, and aunts were frightened. Hiding aside, not daring to say anything.

But after the incident, when he saw the mess, he spent money to re-purchase these household items one by one, except for his grandma, who did nothing to repair it. He regrets his actions and even complains about how no one stopped him. But next time something like this happens again, if someone comes to stop him, it will only increase his anger and smash more things.

When my mother recalled these things to me, I thought she must have a lot of resentment towards my grandpa. Surprisingly, my mother had no resentment. She understood that my grandpa had a hot temper that he could not control. She was grateful that his grandpa lived such a difficult life and still had such a difficult life. I am willing to send her and her aunts to school to learn and read. Let her live her life knowing that she can read clearly, be able to write and draw, and although her eyes are defective, she can see more and further than those with bright eyes.

Under the management of my grandfather, the family's life was stable. Although they had a simple meal, at least they were not hungry.

In those years, there were many voices that the country was about to be liberated. Some progressive young people walked out of their homes and joined the revolutionary stream. Some people later became famous and benefited the people; some people went astray and became bandits and became a disaster.

During that time, my father learned bamboo weaving skills from his uncle's house. He made large and small baskets, large and small baskets, and cattle cages for livestock. In addition to weaving at home, he also went to the market to sell them. It was very difficult to carry these things every time he rushed to the meeting. At the beginning, his uncle asked him to carry less. It was the first time he carried the burden with his uncle. When he was twelve years old, he walked for a while and rested for a while before returning home. The skin on his two shoulders peeled away and bleeds. Later, after experiencing repeated tests of flesh and blood, the burden my father could carry became heavier and heavier.

My father's uncle, who is also my uncle, is a singleton in the family. There are a few cousins ​​around the same age as my father. The only one who can help my uncle go to the market is my father. Although it is hard, he has also learned how to meet people. His courage and ability to recognize people later led his father to serve as brigade secretary for many years, helping many families to mediate conflicts. This experience may have something to do with it.

The starlight does not disappoint the travelers, and there is no such thing as suffering in vain.

Uncle not only works with his uncle, but also helps his aunt take care of his cousins. There is no cousin who has not been carried by his father. The children probably become lazier as they get used to it when they are young. The more they are carried on their backs, the less they want to walk when they go out.

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