Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much. The picture comes from the Inter

2024/07/0212:39:32 story 1827

Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much. The picture comes from the Inter - DayDayNews

The picture comes from the Internet intrusion and deletion

When my son grew up, he lived a very extravagant and wasteful life. Liu Weng’s savings were quickly wiped out by him! Unexpectedly, my son became seriously ill again at this time, and many doctors were called in, but to no avail.

There was only one mule raised by Liu Weng left in the family. His son said: "Kill the mule and feed it to me, and my illness will be cured." Liu Weng had no choice but to kill the mule, but his son only picked up the bowl. After eating a mouthful of mule meat, I threw it away.

Soon after, his son died of illness. Liu Weng was distraught and heartbroken.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much. The picture comes from the Inter - DayDayNews

Pictures from Internet Intrusion and Deletion

After three or four years, several people in the village went out. On the road I met a man riding a mule, who looked very much like Liu Weng's son. As they got closer, it turned out that Liu Weng's son got off his mule and chatted with them. The people in the village were very scared and did not dare to ask him what happened after his death.

only asked him: "Why are you here?" Liu Zi replied: "There are some things that need to be dealt with." He also asked everyone where they live? Everyone said the name of the inn. Liu Zi said: "I don't have time now. I will visit you tomorrow." Then he said goodbye and left.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much. The picture comes from the Inter - DayDayNews

Pictures from Internet Intrusion and Deletion

The next day, Liu Zi really came to the inn. It was very peaceful to share my farewell feelings with everyone. Everyone gradually lost their fear and asked him: "Your father misses you day and night, why don't you go back to see him?"

Unexpectedly, Liu Zi got angry and said, "What are you talking about?" Everyone tried to persuade him: "There is no relationship between father and son. What hatred? What's more, your father loves you very much and misses you very much!" Liu Zi thought for a long time, gritted his teeth and said, "In that case, you go back and tell him that I will be waiting for him here on April 7th." After that, he left. left.

After everyone went back, they told Liu Weng what happened, and Liu Weng was surprised. When the day arrived, he came to the inn early to wait. The owner of the inn advised Liu Weng: "I saw him a few days ago with a cold expression and no good intentions towards you. It's best not to see him."

Liu Weng said with tears, "That's my son!" The owner said: " It’s not that I want to prevent your father and son from meeting, it’s just that the ghosts and gods are unpredictable. Why don’t you hide first and listen to what he says before deciding whether to meet.” Liu Weng agreed, and the shopkeeper arranged for him to hide in the cupboard.

After a while, Liu Zi came to the inn and asked, "Is Mr. Liu here?" The owner said, "No." Liu Zi said, "This old beast actually lied to me."

The owner was surprised and asked, "Why did you scold your father? "Liu Zi said: "What kind of father is he? I just did business with him in my previous life. He defrauded me of my money and came to pay for it!" After that, he left.

Once upon a time, there was a man named Liu in Jiaozhou, Shandong. I have worked hard for half my life and saved a lot of savings. It was not until she was in her forties that her wife gave birth to a son. Therefore, he dotes on his son very much. The picture comes from the Inter - DayDayNews

Pictures from the Internet Intrusion and Deletion

Liu Weng heard clearly in the cabinet and was so frightened that he broke into a cold sweat. He didn't dare to come out until the shop owner called him, and went home dejected.

Everyone says that children are fate from previous lives, and it seems true. Good children are the good karma and blessings we have accumulated. And bad children are the debt we owe. Therefore, as a human being, you still need to do more good deeds and accumulate virtue. Only by accumulating good causes can you produce good results.

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