Sister Meow's 3204th Story Late at night, a roaring explosion sounded. Ji Xu, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up, rubbed his eyes and came to the balcony. He slowly opened the curtains, and a thick wave of hot air hit his face. . Ji Xu stared blankly at the burning building opposi

2024/07/0212:41:34 story 1487

Sister Meow's 3204th Story Late at night, a roaring explosion sounded. Ji Xu, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up, rubbed his eyes and came to the balcony. He slowly opened the curtains, and a thick wave of hot air hit his face. . Ji Xu stared blankly at the burning building opposi - DayDayNews

Sister Meow’s 3204th Story

Late at night, a roaring explosion sounded. Ji Xu, who was sleeping, suddenly sat up, rubbed his eyes and came to the balcony. He slowly opened the curtains, and a thick wave of hot air hit his face. Come.

Ji Xu stared blankly at the burning building opposite. There was a dark figure huddled in front of the door, with traces of flames still rising from it. When he looked closely, he saw that it was the male owner of this room.

Without enough time to think about it, Ji Xu quickly dialed 119 and 120.

By the time the fire stabilized, it was almost eight o'clock in the morning.

There was a buzz of people, and there were many onlookers standing at the scene. Ji Xu was about to be late, so he didn't ask about the specific situation, he simply washed his face and went to work.

It takes about ten minutes to walk from home to work. Ji Xu is used to walking to and from get off work.

As he was almost arriving at the company, Ji Xu felt a pair of eyes behind him staring at him.

Ji Xu turned around and saw a familiar figure, his ex-wife Bu Yaoting.

Ji Xu and Bu Yaoting once had a sweet marriage. Ji Xu, who was at the peak of his career at that time, rarely came back once a month, thus neglecting Bu Yaoting.

However, not long after, Bu Yaoting had an affair and was caught by Ji Xu.

Ji Xu once tried to forgive Bu Yaoting, but Bu Yaoting was stubborn and disappointed Ji Xu again and again, until the two finally parted ways.

After the divorce, Bu Yaoting thought that good times were coming, but she didn't expect that the lover she met was an emotional liar, and she lost both her life and money.

Bu Yaoting then remembered Ji Xu's kindness and tried every means to return to him, but Ji Xu completely lost confidence in her and deleted all Bu Yaoting's contact information in a rage.

Facing Bu Yaoting, Ji Xu didn't make a good face, ignored her gaze, turned around and walked into the company quickly.

Ji Xu's depressed mood did not last long, because as soon as he entered the company, he saw the new accountant, Chen Si.

Ji Xu, who is single again due to divorce, has been secretly in love with Chen Si for a long time.


Chen Si is a girl who has just graduated from college. She has a delicate double tail and is full of energy.

Chen Si looked at Ji Xu, who looked a little unnatural, and said with a smile: "Director Ji, did you not sleep last night?"

Ji Xu nodded, then pretended to be mysterious, and briefly explained the explosion to Chen Si Read it again.

After hearing this, Chen Si held his chin and pouted: "Then you are really unlucky..."

Ji Xu shrugged noncommittally and was about to answer the conversation when several policemen left Entering the company gate: "Hello, we are looking for Ji Xu. Is he here?"

Ji Xu was slightly startled and came to the police in confusion.

"That's me."

The policeman took out his ID: "Hello, are you free to talk?"

Ji Xu nodded and followed the police to a coffee shop. As he expected, the police came to him to investigate the bombing.

The police went directly to the topic: "Mr. Ji, do you know the dead couple?"

Ji Xu thought for a moment, shook his head and said, "We have met several times, but we can't say we are familiar with them."

In Ji In Xu's impression, the couple moved across from his house two months ago, but in the past few days, the couple had been quarreling every day, and from time to time they could hear the sound of things being smashed.

The policeman nodded slightly: "Do you know the reason for their quarrel? Or, what did you hear?"

Ji Xu recalled for a moment and said: "It seems that the man suspected that the woman was cheating, but the woman did not admit it. ."

Hearing this, the policeman frowned: "Is that all?"

Ji Xu nodded: "Comrade policeman, I just said that I am not familiar with his family.

The policeman stared at Ji Xu hesitantly, frowned and took out a small note from his pocket: "Then please explain, what is going on?" "

Ji Xu took a closer look and was stunned: "This..."


"This was found at the explosion site. "

What the police had in hand was an invoice from a restaurant, with the name "Ji Xu" written on it.

Ji Xu took a look at the invoice and found that it was indeed a restaurant he often went to.

However, this Why did he appear at the explosion scene?

Ji Xu stared at the police in disbelief: "This is impossible! I have never treated the couple to dinner, so why did this invoice end up at his door?

The policeman shrugged helplessly: "Yes, that's why I ask you." "

Ji Xu glanced at the invoice again, but still couldn't see any clues: "Comrade police, this invoice is mine, but does it have anything to do with the case?

The policeman slowly spoke: "This invoice is the only physical evidence we have obtained at the scene, and it is also the only clue so far..."

Ji Xu then realized that he had become a suspect, looking innocent. Looking at the policeman: "Comrade policeman, I am really unfamiliar with this couple! "

The policeman nodded slowly, collected the invoice and left. At the same time, he also told Ji Xu not to travel far away recently, so as not to delay the investigation.

Now Ji Xu was puzzled, and he was successfully involved in a murder case. , the invoice suddenly came to mind again, and his eyes lit up.

Ji Xu took out his phone and looked at the calendar. He remembered that the day on the invoice happened to be Friday...

Recently During this period, Ji Xu would invite Chen Si to eat at the restaurant listed on the invoice every Friday. Chen Si also gave Ji Xu face and was invited almost every time.

Maybe Chen Si might know something about this. What...

Thinking of this, Ji Xu returned to the company and found Chen Si, saying that they would have dinner together in the evening.

But Chen Si smiled and declined Ji Xu, saying that he had an appointment with a friend tonight. Xu smiled helplessly and left the company with a bit of disappointment, walking home alone.

Passing by the pedestrian street, Ji Xu was going to watch a movie. When he arrived at the cinema, a familiar figure came from a distance. Ji Xu's eyes were wide. There was a slight movement, and it was Chen Si.

At this time, there was a handsome young man beside Chen Si. The two were talking and laughing, and their attitude was very intimate.

Ji Xu did not expect that Chen Si had a boyfriend. For a moment, he had mixed feelings in his heart and turned around angrily.

Somehow, Ji Xu's heart moved and he turned his head unconsciously. He was surprised to find that the man next to Chen Si looked familiar...


久久Xu's thoughts suddenly changed, and he shouted in a low voice. The young man next to Chen Si was named Mei Youqian. He was the mistress who cheated on Ji Xu's ex-wife Bu Yaoting.

Six months ago, he snatched Bu Yaoting away. , and then abandoned her. It was Mei You who caused Bu Yaoting to end up in this situation.

Now, he was eyeing Chen Si again.

Ji Xu followed Mei Youqian and Chen Si into the mall. , the two hugged each other ambiguously.

Ji Xu suppressed his anger and continued to peek behind.

But at this moment, Ji Xu's cell phone rang.

Ji Xu was startled and hurriedly slipped into a store and pressed the answer button: "Hey, Mr. Ji, please take some time tomorrow night. I have something to ask you."


" By the way, is there anything about that invoice? "

As soon as he said this, looking at Chen Si's back in front of him, Ji Xu hesitated and said to the phone: "It's been too long, I haven't thought of anything yet..."

The phone was there The police officer in charge was anxious: "You must think about it carefully, this case involves two lives. "

" Got it..."

Ji Xu put down his phone and breathed a sigh of relief. Just when he raised his head, he found that Chen Si and Mei Youqian were already standing behind him... ..

Ji Xu forced out a smile: "Chen Si, what a coincidence? Who is this? "

Hearing this, Chen Si rolled his eyes at Ji Xu and said in a contemptuous tone: "I don't think it's as simple as a coincidence, right? "

Mei Youqian didn't seem to recognize Ji Xu, with a sneer on his face: "I have noticed you a long time ago, tell me! What are you trying to do sneakily? "


Looking at Mei Youqian's arrogant expression, Ji Xu suddenly became furious: "Don't you recognize me, you pretty boy? Do you still remember Bu Yaoting? I really regret letting you go! "

Hearing this, Mei Youqian's face also became embarrassed. Chen Si stared at him in surprise: "Youqian, what is going on?

Mei Yougan hesitated and said, "This man is mentally ill. Let's leave quickly." "

Ji Xu watched the two people walking further and further away and yelled: "Chen Si, this person is a liar, you must not be fooled by him! "

Mei Youqian and Chen Si ignored Ji Xu and slowly disappeared into the sea of ​​people.

Although Ji Xu exposed Mei Youqian's true nature in front of Chen Si, Chen Si obviously got Mei Youqian was satisfied with her explanation, but when she saw Ji Xu at work the next day, she didn't give him a good look.

Mei Youqian's appearance seemed to reveal Ji Xu's scars, and the whole day was spent in confusion. , after get off work, Ji Xu deliberately went to drink a few cans of beer to heal his heartache.

It was already dark, and the property management of the community could not keep up. The roads were full of potholes, and even the street lights were not bright.

Ji Xu had a foot. Walking home with one foot on the other side, when he came to a flower bed, he was so drunk that he started to vomit. At this moment, Ji Xu was drunk and found that a tree in the flower bed was actually moving.

This was! What happened? Before Ji Xu could react, a strong wind suddenly rushed towards him.

Ji Xu hugged his chest instinctively, and his eyes went dark.


When Ji Xu woke up, he found that he was in the middle of the night. Lying in the hospital, the person in front of him was the policeman who looked for him that day.

Ji Xu looked at the policeman in confusion: "What's going on?

The policeman sighed and said, "You were attacked. Fortunately, someone passed by, but the murderer had already run away." However, it was too dark and pedestrians could not see the appearance of the murderer. "

When Ji Xu heard that he had been attacked, he hurriedly groped with his hands. The policeman smiled and said, "You are fine. The doctor said you only had a slight skin injury. "

Ji Xu breathed a sigh of relief.

Seeing that Ji Xu's emotions had calmed down, the police got to the point: "I said I wanted to find you yesterday, just to ask you if you have offended anyone during this time?

The police claimed that they suspected someone was blaming Ji Xu.

Ji Xu quickly shook his head: "I am a good person, but others have offended me. How can I dare to offend others."

The policeman nodded slowly: "Then...could it be related to that invoice?" "

As soon as these words came out, Ji Xu took a breath of cold air. If there was any source of danger on him, it was just that invoice...

Ji Xu rolled his eyes and looked. To the police: "Comrade police, there is a person you can investigate. I think there is something wrong with him, and I particularly suspect that he is the one who attacked me this time!" "

The policeman was startled: "Who? "

Feeling the complexity of the incident, Ji Xu truthfully told the police his views on the invoice, as well as the two relevant personnel, Chen Si and Mei Youqian.

"Mei Youqian..."

heard the name , the policeman frowned and thought for a while, and slowly said that he knew a little about Mei Yougan. He was a professional liar who specially picked out single women who stayed alone in empty houses.

Seeing that he had gained a valuable clue, the police hurried back to the station.

A few days later, Ji Xu was discharged from the hospital. He called a taxi and found that his mobile phone was out of battery. He took out a hundred yuan in cash from his pocket and handed it to the driver.

Unexpectedly, the driver found another hundred yuan. Only then did Ji Xu realize that he had been sleeping hard recently, and his vision and reaction were not very good, so he accidentally gave two hundred.

An idea flashed in Ji Xu's mind, that invoice... would be. Could it be that he was thrown out like this?

After recalling for a moment, Ji Xu remembered everything that happened that day: That night, Ji Xu and Chen Si drank a little wine together, and they were a little tipsy. Ji Xu proposed to send Chen Si away. He wanted to go home, but Chen Siwan refused.

In desperation, Ji Xu stopped a taxi and handed the cash directly to the driver.

The invoice was probably thrown out at this moment. The driver found an invoice in the cash and gave it to Chen Si, who asked her to return it to Ji Xu. Later, Chen Si accidentally got the invoice into Mei Youqian's hands. brainstorming flashed, and Ji Xu thought this was the most reasonable explanation at present. Thinking of this, he hurriedly called the police.


The next day, the police called Chen Si and Ji Xu out of the same coffee shop as last time. .

The policeman looked at Chen Si: "Do you know that Mei Youqian is a liar? "

Chen Si became a little impatient when he heard this: "I know, but you can't control it, right?

Before the police could answer, Chen Si continued: "I can prove that Mei Youqian had an alibi for both the bombing and the attack." "

As soon as he said this, the policeman sneered: "Do you really think Mei Yougan is a good person? We have him in custody! "

Then, the policeman took out a recording pen, and it was Mei Youqian's voice: "I went to see Chen Si because I heard that accountants can embezzle public funds..."

Hearing this, Chen Si was stunned. His face became numb, and he stared at the recorder with a look of hatred.

The policeman pressed the stop button and looked at Chen Si: "However, you are right, neither the attack nor the bombing happened. dry. "

This time it was Ji Xu's turn to be surprised, and asked if the invoice was related to this case?

The policeman nodded: "Of course, after visiting and investigating, we learned that the hostess who died in the explosion had something to do with her life. Over the rails. "

Ji Xu looked at the police in shock: "Comrade police, you mean that the most suspected person now is the mistress' lover, the mistress? "

" That's right! "

"Invoice...male mistress..."

Thinking of this, the figure of Mei Youqian once again appeared in Ji Xu's mind.The policeman on the side immediately realized who Ji Xu was muttering about, and quickly handed the invoice to Chen Si, whose eyes were red from crying: "Do you remember this?"

Chen Si said that that night, he and Ji Xu separated. He did meet Mei Youqian later, and then handed it to Mei Youqian when he was looking for something in his bag.

After that, Mei Yougan forgot to give it to her.

Hearing this, the policeman took a deep breath: "It seems that we are not far from the truth..."

After saying that, the three of them left the coffee shop together.

In the next few days, Ji Xu was in a good mood. Firstly, the invoice matter was almost resolved. Secondly, Chen Si's attitude towards him was much better.

However, the police soon brought a piece of news that day, which made him unhappy.

The police said that they had interrogated Mei Youqian, and he admitted that he was in a relationship with the hostess of the bombing case, and that while he was dating the hostess, he was also dating Chen Si.

Ji Xu carefully recalled these details. Before the explosion, Mei Youqian had met with Chen Si and the hostess.

In other words, this invoice was brought to the scene by Mei Youqian.

But the police also said that based on the time of the crime, Mei Youqian did not have time to commit the crime.

When Ji Xu mentioned the time of the crime, he was stunned again.

The policeman noticed that Ji Xu had a strange look on his face and asked, "What? Did you think of something?"

Ji Xu quickly shook his head: ""

The policeman did not ask further questions and sighed again. left.

The next day, Ji Xu came to a small house in the suburbs of the city. He trembled and slowly opened the door of a room. A woman inside was looking at him in confusion: "Ji... Ji Xu?"

The woman in the room is Ji Xu’s ex-wife, Bu Yaoting.

After a long time, Ji Xu spoke: "Why did you kill that couple?"


Bu Yaoting did not deny it: "Yes, I only found out later that I killed the wrong person. The person I really wanted to kill was Mei "Friends!"

Bu Yaoting's eyes turned red as she spoke...

A few months ago, after Bu Yaoting divorced Ji Xu, she wanted to live a happier life with Mei You, but Mei Youqian broke up after defrauding her of all her money.

Bu Yaoting was like Ji Xu, begging Mei Youqian like a scoundrel, but he left without looking back.

Only then did Bu Yaoting realize that she didn’t know Mei Youqian at all.

Bu Yaoting grew from love to hatred and wanted to kill Mei Youqian in revenge.

She discovered that Mei Youqian often went to the neighborhood where she originally lived, and also lived next door to her, but she didn't know that it was actually the hostess's home.

Ji Xu had already guessed what happened next. Bu Yaoting followed Mei Youqian to the hostess's home, and bought gasoline specifically in order to kill the couple.

At that time, Bu Yaoting hid in a dark corner of the community in order to wait until there was no one at night before taking action.

But what Bu Yaoting didn't know was that Mei Youqian left the hostess's house quickly after his tryst with the hostess that night, and then accidentally left the invoice Chen Si gave him at the door of the house. .

Bu Yaoting did not notice all of this.

About three o'clock in the morning, Bu Yaoting smashed open the kitchen window with a stone and ignited the gas in the hostess's house with alcohol.

She originally thought that both Mei Youqian and the hostess died in the explosion, but she received a holiday blessing text message from Mei Youqian the next day...

Only then did Bu Yaoting realize that the explosion The ones she blew to death were the hostess and the hostess of the room.

Ji Xu said in a dry voice: "You are the one who attacked me, right?"

Bu Yaoting nodded, her eyes even redder: "If you are injured, I will have the opportunity to take care of you, so that I can save you. My heart is..."

"Don't move, raise your hands!"

Before he finished speaking, several heavily armed policemen rushed in. The leader was the one who had met Ji Xu many times during this period. That one.

"We have all heard what you two said just now."

The police signaled the two police officers to arrest Bu Yaoting, and looked at Ji Xu: "I'm sorry, I always felt that you were hiding something from me that day, so this I have been following you secretly for a few days..."

was about to get into the police car. Bu Yaoting looked at Ji Xu, as if expecting something.

Ji Xu was in a daze for a while, and dragged his heavy steps to come to Bu Yaoting: "In the next life, don't be so selfish anymore..."

Ji Xu looked at the police car disappearing into the sky, with a blank look on his face. Walking on the road...

Love is a beautiful thing, but once it is stained with greed, it will turn into evil.

There is too much greed in the world, and sometimes people are both pitiful victims and hateful perpetrators.

This statement is true.

-Sister Meow’s 3204th story-


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