Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla

2024/07/0212:38:32 story 1727

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What

owes is that parents can't just go to their daughter's house like other people's homes.

Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law.

Even when my nephew wanted to go to his aunt's house to play when he grew up, brother Geng Xin wouldn't let him go.

In the final analysis, the whole family is thinking about Geng Xin. They are afraid that going to her house will make her parents-in-law uncomfortable and her parents' family will be restrictive and put Geng Xin in trouble.

Geng Xin happily thought about buying a house and moving out, but reality shattered her dream into pieces.

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla - DayDayNews

The money saved will never keep up with the rising rate of housing prices.

Geng Xin has two children. After the summer vacation, she went to her uncle's house for a few days and came back reluctantly.

Geng Xin's nephew even burst into tears.

Geng Xin discussed with his nephew: "I will go to my aunt's house in a few days and play with my younger brothers and sisters."

Then she said to her brother: "I will pick up my nephew in two days and come to my house to stay for a few days."

Geng Xin's brother said hesitantly: " It's better not to go. Your nephew is too naughty. He will make your parents-in-law unhappy again."

"No matter how naughty he is, can he be as naughty as the two in my family? It's okay. My nephew is older and more sensible. That's settled." Geng Xin said

My brother neither agreed nor refused, so she said, "Let's talk about it then."

In the evening, Geng Xin told her husband that her nephew was coming to play for a few days, and her husband agreed.

A few days later, Geng Xin went to his brother's house to pick up his nephew.

Brother said worriedly: "If the child is too naughty, please send it back quickly to avoid causing trouble to your family."

Geng Xin said with a smile: "It's okay. My aunt's child often goes there and is very naughty. My mother-in-law It is always said that boys should be naughty."

Just like that, my nephew followed his aunt home happily.

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla - DayDayNews

Geng Xin is also very happy. Children can play many games, which is much more beneficial than watching TV and playing on mobile phones.

My nephew was very excited when he came to live with his aunt for the first time. After putting the toiletries he brought with him in his brother's room, he started playing with the toys.

After the mother-in-law heard the sound, she came out to check. After Geng Xin explained the situation, the mother-in-law smiled and said: "My mother-in-law has come, you have to entertain me well."

Geng Xin smiled: "It's just a child playing here for a few days, what kind of entertainment?" "I won't entertain you"

When the mother-in-law didn't pick up her daughter-in-law, she turned around and went back to the room.

It is almost noon, and my mother-in-law has not left the room to cook. She usually has the meal ready before this time.

Geng Xin didn't know what her mother-in-law meant, so she knocked on the door and asked, "Mom, at noon, do you watch the kids and I cook, or do you cook and I watch the kids?"

The mother-in-law said in a muffled voice, "I'm not feeling well. "I'm not eating anymore."

Geng Xin asked kindly: "Do you want to take your blood pressure or go to the hospital?"

The mother-in-law ignored her and closed the door tightly. Geng Xin was afraid that something would happen, so she hurriedly called her husband. After a few words, the mother-in-law opened the door: "I have nothing to do, I just want to rest."

After speaking, she locked the door again.

There was nothing she could do. Geng Xin asked her nephew to play with her younger siblings at home while she went out to buy some food.

Geng Xin prepared a sumptuous meal for her nephew's first meal, and even called her mother-in-law to eat without coming out. After Geng Xin took the children to finish eating, her mother-in-law went out of the room to find something to eat in the refrigerator.

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla - DayDayNews

My mother-in-law didn’t even take a step out of the room the whole day except for eating and going to the bathroom.

The next morning, when Geng Xin was washing the children's clothes, she saw her mother-in-law's unsmiling face, taking things from the refrigerator to the room.

At this time, Geng Xin saw something about her mother-in-law and was unhappy that she brought her nephew to live with her.

Geng Xin was angry with her mother-in-law for being petty and did not call her to eat after making breakfast.

At noon, her mother-in-law still hid in the room and refused to come out, so Geng Xin ordered takeout.

While taking the children to eat, the mother-in-law opened the door with an unhappy look on her face. Geng Xin preemptively said, "Mom, I saw you haven't come out all morning. I thought you were uncomfortable, so I didn't call you. Come and eat quickly."

Mother-in-law looked at Geng Xin took a look at the food and said with a gloomy face: "My stomach can't handle big fish and meat."

Geng Xin pretended not to see it and continued to greet the children to eat.

For two days in a row, my mother-in-law ignored me and refused to leave the room.

Geng Xin asked her husband: "What does your mother mean? In the years since I got married, my mother's family has come here several times. My nephew came to stay for two days, and he looked at me every day, how much food can I eat at your house?"

The husband thinks that his mother It's too much, and there is no room for a child in his eyes. After

communicated with her mother, she and her mother quarreled in the room. Geng Xin could hear the quarrel intermittently. She was afraid that her nephew would think too much after hearing it, so she turned on the TV and turned up the volume before going to her mother-in-law's room.

The mother-in-law looked at Geng Xin with an unhappy face and said: "Whoever has the relatives will entertain them. If you can, just take care of them. If you can't, expect others to do something."

The husband said, "What did you say? Even if a distant relative comes, You can't hide in the room and not come out to entertain."

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla - DayDayNews

The mother-in-law was so angry that she scolded: "This is my house. Your father and I bought the house. I am not free anymore? I can do whatever I want."

The husband remained silent.

Geng Xin sneered and said: "Okay, I understand, thank you, Mom, I learned it."

Her mother-in-law and husband were confused.

The next day, Geng Xin ordered takeout in the morning and noon. She ate and drank when she should. She didn’t ask her mother-in-law to eat or look at her face. In the afternoon, she went to the mall to buy two sets of clothes and toys for her nephew, and gave them to her nephew in the evening. gone back.

Brother asked her if she had no special situation. Geng Xin said with a smile: "You are overthinking. What's the matter? But I am planning to move out. My son will go to school after the summer vacation. Since I can't afford it, I will rent it." It's convenient to live in a house near the school. "Brother

also thinks this is great.

After Geng Xin sent his nephew back, the mother-in-law returned to her previous life, and the daughter-in-law took care of the baby and mother-in-law to do housework.

Geng Xin was furious at her mother-in-law's deliberate targeting, but she did not get angry because she was dependent on others. She was waiting for the opportunity.

The opportunity came soon, and my aunt also sent her children to live with me during the summer vacation.

Geng Xin changed her previous diligent and attentive attitude, and imitated her mother-in-law's behavior of being indifferent and neither happy nor happy.

When the nephew was snatching his son's toys, the two of them fought fiercely. The mother-in-law hurriedly stepped forward and asked, "How do you look at the child? You can still let him start a fight."

Geng Xin smiled: "You didn't say that, who is a relative of whom?" "House, don't care if you are still relying on me now, are you being a little unreasonable?"

The mother-in-law held back her anger.

Geng Xin has been married for five years, and she has always felt indebted to her natal family. What I owe is that parents can't go to their daughter's house at will like other families. Because Geng Xin lives with her parents-in-law. Even when my nephew grew up and wanted to pla - DayDayNews

She was angry that her daughter-in-law had conquered her, and she was angry that her daughter-in-law did not serve her nephew with lavish food and meat.

Even when his nephew was leaving, Geng Xin didn't buy him any clothes or gifts.

The mother-in-law couldn't hold it in any longer: "What do you mean? You used to buy clothes for your grandson every time he came here. Why didn't you buy them this time?"

"Didn't I tell you? I learned from you, how could you I will treat your family the same way I treat my family, let you try this feeling." Geng Xin sneered.

Before her mother-in-law could open her mouth to say something nasty about evicting people, Geng Xin spoke first: "We will move out in two days. You are also clean."

The mother-in-law looked shocked.

Getting along with others is a matter of knowledge. Be polite and respect others, so that others will respect you.

On the contrary, if you treat your daughter-in-law's family with a cold look, how can your daughter-in-law treat your relatives sincerely if she is unhappy.

After all, if you push people hard, you can really do things like tit for tat, eye for eye.

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