China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut

2024/06/3021:00:32 science 1346
China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut - DayDayNews

Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Chairman of the Faculty Presidium, spoke at the certificate awarding ceremony. Photo by China News Service reporter Sun Zifa

China News Service, Beijing, July 15 (Reporter Sun Zifa) The awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences (Chinese Academy of Sciences) in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Executive Chairman of the Presidium of the Faculty, issued academician certificates to the newly elected academicians and delivered a speech. He hoped that the newly elected academicians would further enhance their sense of responsibility and urgency in achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and building a strong scientific and technological country.

China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut - DayDayNews

Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences Piao Shilong , on behalf of the newly elected academicians, read the commitment letter of the elected academicians at the certificate awarding ceremony. Photo by China News Service reporter Sun Zifa

Hou Jianguo said that the newly elected academicians should inherit and carry forward the precious spirit of the older generation of academicians, accurately grasp the new changes in the world pattern and the new stage of national development, and closely focus on the new direction of scientific and technological innovation and the new tasks of scientific and technological research. , take the initiative to assume the new responsibilities of the academician group and the new mission of strategic scientific and technological talents, and further enhance the sense of responsibility and urgency to achieve high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and build a strong scientific and technological country.

China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut - DayDayNews

Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences, issued the academician certificate to Academician Zhu Min (left) of the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology, Chinese Academy of Sciences. Photo by China News Service reporter Sun Zifa

Hou Jianguo put forward a number of specific requirements for the newly elected academicians: First, maintain a deep sense of family and country and a strong sense of social responsibility, and produce more originality around the bottlenecks and major challenges of the country's economic and social development. Results: Focusing on the major concerns of the Party Central Committee and national development strategic issues, carry out more forward-looking and strategic consulting research, and put forward more professional and targeted opinions and suggestions.

The second is to continue to work hard in academic careers, lead the scientific research team to concentrate on research, overcome difficulties, continue to achieve new and greater achievements, and strive to enhance China's influence and voice in the global scientific community. .

Third, we must adhere to the academic and honorary nature of the title of academician, take the lead in cultivating a clean and upright scientific research environment, and take the lead in cultivating a rigorous and truth-seeking scientific culture.

The fourth is to play the role of mentor in identifying, nurturing and utilizing talents in the cultivation of innovative talents, providing more opportunities and a larger stage for young talents to display their talents, and actively contributing to improving the scientific literacy of the whole people and enriching the fertile soil for cultivating scientific and technological talents.

Hou Jianguo also called on all academicians to take the lead in shouldering the responsibility of the times to build a world power in science and technology, achieve self-reliance and self-reliance in high-level science and technology, and make new and greater contributions to the great rejuvenation of the Chinese nation.

China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut - DayDayNews

The venue for the certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021. Photo by China News Service reporter Sun Zifa

Academician Gao Hongjun, Vice President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Secretary-General of the Executive Committee of the Faculty Presidium, hosted the event. The newly elected academicians signed a letter of commitment on site, solemnly promising to correctly exercise the rights of academicians, fulfill the obligations of academicians, cherish the honor of academicians, play a model role of moral integrity, be committed to promoting the development of science and technology, promote the construction of scientific and technological teams, carry forward excellent academic styles, and popularize scientific knowledge , and contribute to the Faculty’s role as a national scientific think tank. At the

certificate awarding ceremony, representatives of the newly elected academicians of the six departments of the Chinese Academy of Sciences made a speech and said that they should use the older generation of academicians as examples and role models, carry forward and practice the spirit of scientists, work hard, work hard, study rigorously, and be willing to serve as a ladder to live up to the expectations of others. The expectations of the party and the people are to play a due role in achieving high-level scientific and technological self-reliance and building a world science and technology power.

China News Service, Beijing, July 15th. The certificate awarding ceremony and symposium for the newly elected academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences in 2021 was held in Beijing on July 14th. Academician Hou Jianguo, President of the Chinese Academy of Sciences and Execut - DayDayNews

group photo before the certificate awarding ceremony. Photo by China News Service reporter Sun Zifa

According to reports, the Chinese Academy of Sciences will elect 65 academicians in 2021. The average age of newly elected academicians is 57.4 years old, the minimum age is 45 years old, the maximum age is 68 years old, and 76.9% are under 60 years old (inclusive). . Through the special recommendation review mechanism, 5 people were elected in the fields of national defense and national security, and 3 people were elected in the emerging and interdisciplinary fields. The structure of the academician team has been further optimized. In addition, 25 new foreign academicians were elected to the Chinese Academy of Sciences, from 11 countries. For the first time, scientists from South Korea and Switzerland were elected as foreign academicians of the Chinese Academy of Sciences. After this co-election, the Chinese Academy of Sciences currently has 850 academicians and 129 foreign academicians.

The Faculty of Chinese Academy of Sciences was established in 1955 and is the country’s highest consulting organization in science and technology.Academician of the Chinese Academy of Sciences is the highest academic title in science and technology established by the country and is a lifelong honor. (End)

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