#真知新ordinate# When I mentioned the pyramids and the Sphinx, I didn’t expect that ancient Egypt must be a common geography and history student. These two buildings are representative buildings of ancient Egypt. However, there are pyramids on Mars. Do you believe? In 1976, the Amer

2024/07/0213:24:32 science 1099

#真知新ordinate# When I mentioned the pyramids and the Sphinx, I didn’t expect that ancient Egypt must be a common geography and history student. These two buildings are representative buildings of ancient Egypt. However, there are pyramids on Mars. Do you believe? In 1976, the Amer - DayDayNews

In 1976, the American spacecraft Viking 1 sent back a photo of the surface of Mars. It clearly shows that on a high mountain stands a huge stone statue with a complete human face. The stone statue is 16 kilometers long from the top of the head to the chin, and the face is 14 kilometers wide. The face of the stone statue is very similar to the Sphinx of Egypt. It looks up at the sky, as if deep in thought. About 9 kilometers away from the Human Face Stone Statue, there are four pyramid-shaped buildings and urban ruins arranged symmetrically. The roads and ruins of the city are faintly visible.

#真知新ordinate# When I mentioned the pyramids and the Sphinx, I didn’t expect that ancient Egypt must be a common geography and history student. These two buildings are representative buildings of ancient Egypt. However, there are pyramids on Mars. Do you believe? In 1976, the Amer - DayDayNews

Is this just the result of natural erosion? Scientists used sophisticated instruments to analyze the photos and further discovered that the stone statues of human faces had very symmetrical eyes and pupils. Eyes, nose, mouth, and even hair can be seen clearly. There are many pyramids, and city-like ruins can also be seen. What’s even more peculiar is that the strange images in Mars photos are concentrated in an area of ​​25 square kilometers.

#真知新ordinate# When I mentioned the pyramids and the Sphinx, I didn’t expect that ancient Egypt must be a common geography and history student. These two buildings are representative buildings of ancient Egypt. However, there are pyramids on Mars. Do you believe? In 1976, the Amer - DayDayNews

So scientists speculate that Mars may have had a glorious period a long time ago, and various creatures lived there. Later, disaster probably struck. Like the dinosaurs on Earth, Martian life was extinct in the blink of an eye. This is likely to be a masterpiece left by Martians or aliens from their activities on Mars. But is this a man-made trace or caused by nature? Then we need to wait until humans land on Mars before we can unravel the mystery.

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