Recently, a million-dollar blogger named "Tizi" made delicious food using sharks without posting it on the Internet platform, and then quickly left the circle. The blogger and his team in this video have been claiming that this is a sharp-toothed shark and that the channel is leg

2024/07/0213:32:32 science 1622

Recently, a million-dollar blogger named "Tizi" used shark to cook delicious food without posting it on the Internet platform, and then quickly left the circle. The blogger and his team have been claiming that this video is and , and that the channel is legitimate. Deny " Jaws ".

According to relevant media reports, Zhou Zhuocheng, chairman of the Aquatic Biology and Water Ecology Professional Committee of the China Fisheries Association, said that the shark in the video is the man-eating shark, also known as the great white shark, which is a national second-level protected animal. Since professionals have come forward to explain that the shark is a great white shark, a second-level protected animal in the country, but the blogger's video says "artificially bred for consumption", even artificially bred great white sharks are not edible.

Recently, a million-dollar blogger named


According to Chinese law, great white sharks must be thrown into the sea regardless of whether they are alive or dead after being caught. It is illegal to land, sell, and buy them, and there is no artificial breeding of great white sharks. I checked the relevant information and found that humans have not been able to raise great white sharks in aquariums so far. I would like to ask where the artificial breeding mentioned by the blogger can be purchased through formal channels?

In fact, it is very simple for bloggers to explain clearly. Wouldn’t it be possible to restore the truth by showing netizens the relevant transactions and purchasing channels? There is no need to hide it. The more this happens, the more netizens feel that the blogger has something up his sleeve! #Check-in Challenge Bureau##Bagua Manual##Summer Challenge Bureau#

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