No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist

2024/06/2907:40:32 science 1783

What is the scariest urban legend you have ever heard?

America’s mysterious creature? Supernatural events in Japan? No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster is real.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

Picture material comes from the Internet

Sleep deprivation experiment

The story takes place in at this time, during the World War II period. The Soviet Union was slightly passive on the battlefield and began to gradually fall into a disadvantage. In order to improve soldiers' combat capabilities, a group of scientists decided to explore an area that had not been explored for a long time: sleep.

They believe that people spend one-third of their day sleeping. If people no longer need to sleep, they can free up more time for hard work and struggle .

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

picture material comes from the Internet

So, after obtaining the consent of the military, the scientists obtained 5 experimental subjects. Of course, these five people are all serious criminals in prison. The military promised that after participating in the experiment, they would be able to gain personal freedom.

From our current perspective, there seems to be nothing wrong with this experiment by Soviet scientists. At most, it is just an alternative extreme challenge. However, this experiment slowly went wrong with and .

At the beginning of the experiment, the experimental subject was locked in a secret room with sufficient oxygen and food. They can read, exercise, play poker, etc. It seems to be much more comfortable here than the previous prison.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

Picture material comes from the Internet

In order to keep the experimental subjects awake, scientists put a Nikolaev gas into the ventilation duct. This gas keeps people excited and keeps the experimenter awake. Due to the limitations of the technological level at that time, scientists could only know the specific situation in the secret room through microphones, and there was no surveillance footage to view.

At first, these five people were talking and laughing in the secret room, playing poker, reading, and chatting all day long, and lived a very comfortable life. Affected by Nikolayev's gas, these people did not sleep, but kept thinking about how they would live after being released from prison.

However, this situation only lasted three days. Three days later, scientists discovered a strange phenomenon.

Weird phenomena

On the fourth day of the Soviet sleep deprivation experiment, scientists heard from the microphone that something strange seemed to appear in the room.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

Picture material comes from the Internet

In the first three days of the experiment, the experimental subjects were still relatively active and had illusions about a better life. But by this time, even though the chamber was filled with Nikolayev gas, the experimental subject was still depressed. Some people even take the initiative to admit their mistakes.

On the sixth day, someone could be heard murmuring from the microphone, seemingly discussing the unfairness of this experiment. Some people seem to be seeing hallucinations, keeps talking nonsense.

Scientists suspected that the concentration of Nikolayev gas they used was so high that it caused them to hallucinate. Obviously, none of them realized that this was caused by not sleeping for a long time.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

Picture material comes from the Internet

On the ninth day, these experimental subjects seemed to become even crazier. One of the experimental subjects screamed hysterically for more than three hours. The strange thing is that the other companions don't care about it at all.

On the twelfth day, scientists can only judge whether they are still alive by the oxygen consumed in the secret room.There was no sound in the secret room at this time, it was extremely quiet. Even the sound of walking and eating could not be heard.

The scientists couldn't stand it anymore and wanted to know what happened in the secret room. Then he shouted into the secret room through the microphone, telling them to lie down on the ground with their heads in their hands and not gather at the door.

After a long time, a voice came from the microphone. The subject told the scientist that he no longer wanted to be free, and just wanted to be put back in the cell.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

The picture material comes from the Internet

When the scientist heard this answer, he thought everything in the secret room was normal. They do this just to trick themselves into opening the door to the secret room. So I decided not to open the secret room for the time being and continue to observe it for a few days.

As everyone knows, this ignorant decision has led to irreparable and terrible consequences.

Experimental results

In order to successfully complete the experiment, Soviet scientists temporarily ignored the experimental subject's request and chose to continue observing.

On the fourteenth day of the experiment, the scientists could no longer hear any movement in the secret room. So they panicked and hurriedly contacted the military.

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

Picture material comes from the Internet

The next day, when they opened the door to the secret room, they were shocked by the scene in front of them.

saw that an experimental subject had died in the secret room. The remaining four people lay down beside the deceased, forming a fan-shaped semicircle. There were blood stains on the bodies of these four people. It was obviously not their own blood, but the blood of the deceased.

The scientist looked around and found that no other facilities in the secret room had been damaged, and there was plenty of food and water. However, when these four people turned around, everyone present couldn't help but take a breath of cold air.

Is this still a human being? The body was covered with bruises, the skin was torn, exposing the blood-red muscles, and he was still eating the remains of the deceased.

When people saw this, hurried forward to try to pull these people away. Unexpectedly, they encountered fierce resistance, and one of the soldiers' neck was bitten off on the spot. In the end, the Soviet Union terminated this horrific experiment at the tragic cost of five soldiers. This experiment is also known as the "sleep deprivation experiment."

No, no, no, after hearing these stories too many times, I seem to have become immune to them. It feels like they are fake and not scary. However, the Russian urban legend we are going to talk about today can make people involuntarily believe that this kind of monster really exist - DayDayNews

The picture material comes from the Internet

The experimental process of this experiment has been continuously circulated by people, and finally formed the Russian urban legend we hear today.

This story has been discussed by people whether it is true or false. However, we should pay more attention to the truth behind the story of .

Although people have been talking about "Why do you need to sleep for a long time before you are alive? You will definitely sleep forever after death" , but you might as well try it and see what it feels like not to sleep for two days.

What will happen if you don’t sleep?, we won’t explain the reason. But I believe you don't want to become the monster in this story.

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