20 people including Fu Qiaomei and 5 teams including the molecular pharmacognosy research team of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, won the 17th China Young Female Scientist Award and Team Award respectively.

2024/06/3010:36:33 science 1034
20 people including Fu Qiaomei and 5 teams including the molecular pharmacognosy research team of the Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine, China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences, won the 17th China Young Female Scientist Award and Team Award respectively. - DayDayNews

The 17th " China Young Female Scientists Award " award ceremony was held in Beijing on the 15th. Photo by Zhao Jun

China News Service, Beijing, July 15 (Reporter Huang Yuqi) Sponsored by the All-China Women's Federation, China Association for Science and Technology , China The 17th "China Young Female Scientists Award" award ceremony hosted by the National Committee of UNESCO and other units was held in Beijing on the 15th. Fu Qiaomei and other 20 people, and China Academy of Chinese Medical Sciences Institute of Traditional Chinese Medicine Molecular Pharmacognosy Research and other 5 teams won the 17th China Young Female Scientist Award and Team Award respectively.

Shen Yueyue, Vice Chairman of the Standing Committee of the National People's Congress and Chairman of the All-China Women's Federation, attended the event and presented the award. Huang Xiaowei, Party Secretary, Vice Chairman and First Secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, attended the event and presented awards. Zhang Yuzhuo, Secretary of the Party Leadership Group of China Association for Science and Technology, Vice Chairman in charge of daily work, and First Secretary of the Secretariat, delivered a speech on behalf of the organizer. Wu Haiying, Vice Chairman and Secretary of the Secretariat of the All-China Women's Federation, presided over the award ceremony.

award-winning representatives Fu Qiaomei, Hou Jing, and Yuan Yuan shared their scientific research stories and struggling lives at the event. Everyone unanimously stated that they will live up to the responsibilities and missions entrusted to contemporary scientists in the new era, actively participate in the Women in Science and Technology Innovation Action with the attitude of women who strive for progress and bravely climb the peak of science, carry forward the innovative spirit of "dare to be the first", and continue to face the world of science and technology. At the forefront, facing the main economic battlefield, facing the country's major needs, and facing people's lives and health, we strive to achieve more technological breakthroughs and original scientific research results.

According to reports, starting from this year, the China Young Female Scientists Award will be upgraded. The number of individual awards will be increased from 10 to 20, and a team award will be added. So far, the China Young Female Scientists Award has been selected and commended for 17 times, and a total of 164 outstanding female scientific and technological workers have won the award. (End)

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